Time's Journalist Wants Assange Droned

R.C. Christian

Gold Member
Jun 30, 2010
Assassination TIME: Sr. journalist ?can?t wait? to justify drone strike that will kill Assange ? RT News

Assassination TIME: Sr. journalist ‘can’t wait’ to justify drone strike that will kill Assange

The unethical and legally questionable statement made by TIME magazine’s senior national correspondent has been met with a barrage of criticism. Although Michael Grunwald deleted the comment and apologized, WikiLeaks is still pushing for his resignation.

The scandal was sparked by a Twitter post on Grunwald’s account which stated that he is eager to write an article on Julian Assange’s execution by a drone.

WikiLeaks tweeted that they have sent a letter to the publication demanding Grunwald’s resignation. They have said that the magazine must show that journalists calling for the murder of other journalists is “never acceptable.”

The tweet, which has been deleted by the author, said, “I can't wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange.”

Following the post, Twitter exploded with harsh criticism of both Grunwald and TIME magazine.

Grunwald responded to the criticism by saying that the original post was a “dumb tweet” and deleting it.

Meanwhile, TIME has released a statement saying that Grunwald's views do not represent those of the publication.

“Michael Grunwald posted an offensive tweet from his personal Twitter account that is in no way representative of TIME's views,” the statement read. “He regrets having tweeted it, and he removed it from his feed.”
The door is open thanks to the most corrupt administration in history. The president gets to sign the death warrant for any person deemed "enemy of the state" and it seems that the left wing media thinks it's fine.
I am reserving judgement since Grunwald is obviously establishment MSM and might be trying to create hate toward the wikileaks individual to imply the leaks were not part of a larger scheme.
This idiot is calling for murder of suspects without trial.
Given that states that do that sort of shit tend to have a record of murdering journalists, it would seem rather silly of him.
They really think the US would send a drone over Russia's air space?

You are confusing Julian Assange, who is in Ecuador with Edward Snowden who is in Russia. It would be undeniably amusing if, in response to this idiocy, Ecuador just denied us access to their airspace.

Correction. Assange is in the Ecuadorian embassy in London.

By all means obama, send a drone to kill a foreign citizen in London. The Brits will love you for it.
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Just call MOSAD, they'll kill anywhere for the right price.

Nah; I'm pretty sure Mossad only targets people they've decided are threats to Israel. Of course, in the bad old days, CIA could have simply called the Mafia....oh well. Better get that new "stealth drone" ready, I guess...:eusa_shhh:
I find it hard to take his apology seriously considering his original explanation for deleting the tweet was not that he was sorry, but that it gave too much ammunition to supporters of Assange.

It's good to see how the "serious" non-agenda driven media operates, however. :rolleyes:
30 years ago they could just as easily wanted a AIRPLANE to kill him. You assholes are really weird.

The issue is not the tool used to hypothetically assassinate Assange; the issue is the fact that a journalist called for the assassination of Julian Assange.
Assassination TIME: Sr. journalist ?can?t wait? to justify drone strike that will kill Assange ? RT News

Assassination TIME: Sr. journalist ‘can’t wait’ to justify drone strike that will kill Assange

The unethical and legally questionable statement made by TIME magazine’s senior national correspondent has been met with a barrage of criticism. Although Michael Grunwald deleted the comment and apologized, WikiLeaks is still pushing for his resignation.

The scandal was sparked by a Twitter post on Grunwald’s account which stated that he is eager to write an article on Julian Assange’s execution by a drone.

WikiLeaks tweeted that they have sent a letter to the publication demanding Grunwald’s resignation. They have said that the magazine must show that journalists calling for the murder of other journalists is “never acceptable.”

The tweet, which has been deleted by the author, said, “I can't wait to write a defense of the drone strike that takes out Julian Assange.”

Following the post, Twitter exploded with harsh criticism of both Grunwald and TIME magazine.

Grunwald responded to the criticism by saying that the original post was a “dumb tweet” and deleting it.

Meanwhile, TIME has released a statement saying that Grunwald's views do not represent those of the publication.

“Michael Grunwald posted an offensive tweet from his personal Twitter account that is in no way representative of TIME's views,” the statement read. “He regrets having tweeted it, and he removed it from his feed.”

Well of course it's offensive! Obama's toy planes are busy and everybody knows that Snowden will must come first. Assange will just have to wait his turn like the rest of the drone hit list. NO LINE CUTTING ALLOWED! THE FUHRER MUST HAVE ORDER! HEIL OBAMA!
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