Times Up grifters close down the grift.....John Nolte.

The democrat party grifters of "Time's Up," have closed up shop...the election is over and they don't have to protect Biden anymore....

I'll get all just and righteous about them cleaning house when your side steps up to the plate and admits your culpability in both Kavanaugh...and the guy who nominated him.
Until then, all I see are people owning up for their mistakes and doing the right thing. It was difficult actually trying to get the story out of BrightFart. Another reason you don't quote alt-right media.
They have no interest in the story, just if they can spin it for their side. As far as Tara Reade goes, she sunk her own ship by changing her story multiple times. That's no one's issue but hers.
I'll get all just and righteous about them cleaning house when your side steps up to the plate and admits your culpability in both Kavanaugh...and the guy who nominated him.
Until then, all I see are people owning up for their mistakes and doing the right thing. It was difficult actually trying to get the story out of BrightFart. Another reason you don't quote alt-right media.
They have no interest in the story, just if they can spin it for their side. As far as Tara Reade goes, she sunk her own ship by changing her story multiple times. That's no one's issue but hers.

Shithead....what is your issue with Kavanaugh, you dumb fuck?

No evidence of anything, you shitheads lied about the man and tried to destroy him...

Meanwhile, we have an actual woman who says biden digitally raped her....and the asshats at Times Up protected biden....you moron.
Shithead....what is your issue with Kavanaugh, you dumb fuck?

No evidence of anything, you shitheads lied about the man and tried to destroy him...

Meanwhile, we have an actual woman who says biden digitally raped her....and the asshats at Times Up protected biden....you moron.
He was a scumbag, Captain Cherry Picker! Like his mentor Thomas three decades earlier (yeah I blame Biden for him so save it).
Scumbags shouldn't get to sit on the highest court in the land. The former Grifter-in-Chief could have nominated Barrett or any
other of the three or four conservatives he had on his short list. But he chose the scumbag. Those apples, never drop far from the tree, do they?
Meanwhile, you have an actual woman who's changed her story not once, but three times as I see it. I believe this was the same argument
you used against Christine Blasey Ford and other women who came forth about Kavanaugh. So, by your morally just outrage here, I can
glean that you really the giant raging, cherry picking hypocrite we think you are. :)
The democrat party grifters of "Time's Up," have closed up shop...the election is over and they don't have to protect Biden anymore....

Or they realized it was kind of stupid to keep eating your own when the other side doesn't hold it's own accountable.

Let's review. Franken Resigned. Cuomo Resigned. Spitzer Resigned. Katie Hill resigned. (Even though she was a victim of revenge porn, which is a crime). The Democrats do a pretty good job of policing their own.

On the other side. Trump never had to resign. Kavanagh and Thomas are on the Supreme Court. Matt Gaetz is still in office despite some pretty serious allegations. David Vitter went to whorehouses and put on a diaper, and he wasn't voted out by the "Party of Family Values".

Shithead....what is your issue with Kavanaugh, you dumb fuck?

No evidence of anything, you shitheads lied about the man and tried to destroy him...

People have gone to jail for less evidence than they had on Kavanaugh. Just look up "Gary Dotson". He stayed in jail even after his accuser recanted.

Meanwhile, we have an actual woman who says biden digitally raped her....and the asshats at Times Up protected biden....you moron.

And before you blurt out "What about Tara Raede"... um, okay, they investigated and couldn't find ONE COWORKER who would validate her story. Most didn't even remember her, that's how little of an impression she made. They also found out she has a long history of fraud, committed perjury in numerous court cases presenting herself as an expert witness, and has operated under at least five different names, largely to avoid legal action by her creditors.
The democrat party grifters of "Time's Up," have closed up shop...the election is over and they don't have to protect Biden anymore....

These idiots were a total fraud. All of the pedo’s in Hollywood and they outed zero.
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He was a scumbag, Captain Cherry Picker! Like his mentor Thomas three decades earlier (yeah I blame Biden for him so save it).
Scumbags shouldn't get to sit on the highest court in the land. The former Grifter-in-Chief could have nominated Barrett or any
other of the three or four conservatives he had on his short list. But he chose the scumbag. Those apples, never drop far from the tree, do they?
Meanwhile, you have an actual woman who's changed her story not once, but three times as I see it. I believe this was the same argument
you used against Christine Blasey Ford and other women who came forth about Kavanaugh. So, by your morally just outrage here, I can
glean that you really the giant raging, cherry picking hypocrite we think you are. :)

You had nothing on the guy...so you made it up...you are disgusting.
Or they realized it was kind of stupid to keep eating your own when the other side doesn't hold it's own accountable.

Let's review. Franken Resigned. Cuomo Resigned. Spitzer Resigned. Katie Hill resigned. (Even though she was a victim of revenge porn, which is a crime). The Democrats do a pretty good job of policing their own.

On the other side. Trump never had to resign. Kavanagh and Thomas are on the Supreme Court. Matt Gaetz is still in office despite some pretty serious allegations. David Vitter went to whorehouses and put on a diaper, and he wasn't voted out by the "Party of Family Values".

People have gone to jail for less evidence than they had on Kavanaugh. Just look up "Gary Dotson". He stayed in jail even after his accuser recanted.

And before you blurt out "What about Tara Raede"... um, okay, they investigated and couldn't find ONE COWORKER who would validate her story. Most didn't even remember her, that's how little of an impression she made. They also found out she has a long history of fraud, committed perjury in numerous court cases presenting herself as an expert witness, and has operated under at least five different names, largely to avoid legal action by her creditors.

You guys are funny when you are posting stupid things, less funny when you have power and start filling mass graves.
I'll get all just and righteous about them cleaning house when your side steps up to the plate and admits your culpability in both Kavanaugh...and the guy who nominated him.
Until then, all I see are people owning up for their mistakes and doing the right thing. It was difficult actually trying to get the story out of BrightFart. Another reason you don't quote alt-right media.
They have no interest in the story, just if they can spin it for their side. As far as Tara Reade goes, she sunk her own ship by changing her story multiple times. That's no one's issue but hers.
culpability? for what? dembots making false outrageous claims about a judge?
The democrat party grifters of "Time's Up," have closed up shop...the election is over and they don't have to protect Biden anymore....

Nolte's a fucking idiot. Nothing more than masturbation material for the echo chamber.
You guys are funny when you are posting stupid things, less funny when you have power and start filling mass graves.

Duly noted that you can't refute a single point I've made, Dick Tiny. I guess when you don't have tons of National Rampage Association talking points to spooge a page with, you have nothing.
Then let's have an honest to God investigation and prove it's false.
we've had numerous of them...you all just can't accept the results....you still push the false narrative pushed by the disgraced former golden boy....Avenatti....that's how pathetic you all are
we've had numerous of them...you all just can't accept the results....you still push the false narrative pushed by the disgraced former golden boy....Avenatti....that's how pathetic you all are

Actually, we never had an investigation, and Avenatti didn't represent Blaisey-Ford
Actually, we never had an investigation, and Avenatti didn't represent Blaisey-Ford
hahhaa yeah joe, yeah we did....we have plenty of them

The FBI probe Ms. Ford's claims, and so did the Senate.

She was left with her own best friend "eye witness" debunking her claim.

Ford was a paid DNC troll...the left has no shame
hahhaa yeah joe, yeah we did....we have plenty of them

The FBI probe Ms. Ford's claims, and so did the Senate.

She was left with her own best friend "eye witness" debunking her claim.

Ford was a paid DNC troll...the left has no shame

The FBI did less than a week of investigation.. interviewed no key witnesses.

The senate had over 4000 complaints about Kavanaugh, and didn't follow up on any of them.
The FBI did less than a week of investigation.. interviewed no key witnesses.

The senate had over 4000 complaints about Kavanaugh, and didn't follow up on any of them.
hahaha first off, I believe you are referring to the investigation that the Senate asked for....there had already been numerous background investgations by the FBI of the Justice. Moreover, no key witnesses? They interviewed the witnesses that Ford provided....and her best friend, her key witness, said she didn't even know who the Judge was.


beyond that, all that had was some complaints from the DNC Golden Boy, disgraced attorney Michael Avenatti
hahaha first off, I believe you are referring to the investigation that the Senate asked for....there had already been numerous background investgations by the FBI of the Justice. Moreover, no key witnesses? They interviewed the witnesses that Ford provided....and her best friend, her key witness, said she didn't even know who the Judge was.

A week's investigation isn't an investigation, guy.
haha there was more then a week investigation…wait are you really Avenitti? still pushing your scams from prison?

I'd be more impressed with your argument if you knew the difference between "then" and "than".

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