Tina Turner dead at 83

My brother worked in Switzerland for 4 years. Same town she lived in. I'm sure she lived in a mansion. My brothers place was pretty fucking amazing too. Right on Lake Zurich. It always fascinated me that she moved there. No blacks live there. It is an amazingly beautiful place but why did she decide to live out her life there? Did she have a lover who lived there? Why did she leave the USA? I would love to know the answer to these questions.
Her husband, Elwin Bach is a German national, music producer and multi millionaire who had a home in Switzerland. He was younger than Tina by a goodly number of years. After they married, Tina Turner only sporadically came back to the US and never to live. They decided to live permanently in Switzernand after Tina was diagnosed with Kidney cancer. Her husband donated the kidney that saved her life. I forget what year it was but Tina Turner realized she was never coming back to the US to live. She renounced her American citizenship and became a Swiss citizen.

A year ago knowing her time was short, Tina produced a movie of clips from her life and performances. She traveled the world saying good bye to her fans and reminding everyone of the good times. It was on TV. I'm sorry you missed it.
An enormous talent. Poor choice in some men. She will be missed.

I just heard on TV Robin Roberts said she was glad Tina found the love of her life later in life. So she found true love. I told you guys yesterday my brother and his family lived in the same city she did. That's not exactly true. When I texted them that she died my brother texted back She got Swiss citizenship and lived in a $80 million mansion right on Lake Zurich's Gold Coast. Most beautiful place.

My brother lived in Zurich and right on Lake Zurich but apparently where she lived was THE MOST beautiful.

I'm so happy for her. Now I see why she left America. She married a German

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Tina Turner was never IN What's Love Got To Do With It. It was about her but starred Angela Bassett as Tina Turner.
I was joking! LOL

What is it about her? We all love her. There is nothing bad to say about her.

One thing I like seeing. A black woman with a white guy. That's rare. It's usually the other way around. I dated a particular black girl who said we treat them better than black guys do. We dote over them. Show affection. We are sweeter. Black guys are tough and hard. You know what I mean. Or, I know what she meant.

She also told me that it's frowned upon in the black community. Might be why she moved to Switzerland. I'm probably making more out of it than it is. Or maybe Ike drove her to white men. That I could see.

She was so special that they made a movie about her before she died. That's pretty cool. She was honored while still alive.

Crazy when you think about her life and how she ended up in a $80 million dollar mansion in Switzerland. Only in America. LOL
I was joking! LOL

What is it about her? We all love her. There is nothing bad to say about her.

One thing I like seeing. A black woman with a white guy. That's rare. It's usually the other way around. I dated a particular black girl who said we treat them better than black guys do. We dote over them. Show affection. We are sweeter. Black guys are tough and hard. You know what I mean. Or, I know what she meant.

She also told me that it's frowned upon in the black community. Might be why she moved to Switzerland. I'm probably making more out of it than it is. Or maybe Ike drove her to white men. That I could see.

She was so special that they made a movie about her before she died. That's pretty cool. She was honored while still alive.

Crazy when you think about her life and how she ended up in a $80 million dollar mansion in Switzerland. Only in America. LOL
She moved to Switzerland because her massively rich husband owned the mansion and liked Switzerland.
I can't know what you are going through because every Alzheimers patient is different. Regardless, poor guy.

15 years! I thank God she only lasted 5 years. No one wants to live like that and no one wants to take care of someone like that.

When it got too much it was because she was falling and hitting her head. I said if she can't walk to the bathroom and bedroom with you helping her, she has to go to a home. So we took her to the hospital. They could only keep her for a week or two. We had to find someplace to put her. But it was super expensive and who knew how long she would live. So a lawyer told us he could protect their money and get her in a place where medicaid pays. Only problem is, the place where she MIGHT get medicaid, was $22,000 a month if you don't have medicaid. So my dad put down $22,000 and thank god she died in a couple weeks. Could you imagine if the lawyer was full of shit and we had to keep in in that place for 2-5 months? $100K gone in 5 months??? FUCK!

The hospitals almost took my mom away from my dad. Told him he had to get more help and safety proof the home and do everything they told him or else. So he did what he had to do but they could see it was killing him. He wouldn't listen to any of us.

I'll say it again, thank GOD he took her sooner rather than later. What a horrible disease. I don't know who's worse them or Alex P Keaton. Or Michael J Fox. That's a bad one too.

Hey, I love arguing politics with you. Nothing personal. I'm just a liberal douche and always will. I think the GOP is the dark side and they would have to COMPLETELY change for me to ever join the dark side. But we are all Americans and I believe a little lib and a little con is what makes us great. I wouldn't want to live in a all lib country. Socialism, lazy mother fuckers, anyone who doesn't want to work gets welfare, no accountability. I believe the GOP is the dad and Dems are mommy.
Yeah, Dad was smart. He was a doctor, and for most of his career provided free medical services to the local church-run nursing home, things like death certificates in the middle of the night, basic checkups, that sort of thing. In return, he and Mom are guaranteed a room in the Home should they need it. Right now, they live in one of the houses the Home built on the property and are 100 yards from the front door so they can get help fast if they need it. Thankfully, Mom still recognizes people, but is getting more frail as time goes on and has started using a walker to get around. She does, though, get odd ideas in her head and goes off to carry them out.

Anyway, I agree that the two parties do represent Mom and Dad. That's a good analogy, and we need both to keep the country going.

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