Well, the intelligence committee has done it's last meaningful work for the foreseeable future.

You’re a Trump supporter, you should be used to dealing with idiots! What’s the problem? Emperor got no clothes, so you got to scramble to divert attention?

She isn't the one that still believes Russian collusion. You're the idiot that still believe it. You have no room to call others an idiot.
You couldn't be any more wrong. "Frictionless surface"? In reality the separation of powers cause the friction which limits each branch. "Unitary executive"? That sounds more like what we're dealing with now. How to question acts of an "independent state legislature"? That would be the constitution or federal law. And lastly, good government makes it more important for a guy to love his country, the constitution, our laws and the working man, than it is to take his immunity away. A man with those qualities, like Trump, is far more likely to be able to handle the responsibilities of immunity than Biden, who is a morally bankrupt person. It basically comes down to "Trump is a leader and Biden is a senile, self-serving conman. MAGA
those are all conservative ideas entertained by this court. the unitary executive and independent state legislature are not what you are fighting against. , it is what you are fighting FOR.
an intelligence committee that can not discuss classified information , during a war, because "dr" jasc,kson will run to the southern kremlin at mar a lago with any info the enemy wants
this is worse than sad. "none dare call kt treason?' why? it is treason. ,
You have the grammar skills of a toddler.
an intelligence committee that can not discuss classified information , during a war, because "dr" jasc,kson will run to the southern kremlin at mar a lago with any info the enemy wants

this is worse than sad. "none dare call kt treason?' why? it is treason. ,
Mike Johnson put two shills on it in the form of Ronny Jackson and Scott Perry.

But he promises to make them behave if they act out.

Anybody buying that?

Yeah, me neither.

LOL pining for the good old Schiff/Swallwell days? LOL
those are all conservative ideas entertained by this court. the unitary executive and independent state legislature are not what you are fighting against. , it is what you are fighting FOR.
If Trump were actually a unitary President, his first term wouldn't have been sabotaged so severely by Commie Democrats and the Commie media. Trump's first term was perfect except for the Commies that undermined him. He knows better who they are now so he can ignore-avoid them in his next term. So, what is the Commies plan this time? They're going back to the same old bogus shit they have fucked up for years, abortion, education and healthcare. Democrats aren't leadership material. They're unqualified jive turkeys. MAGA
Mike Johnson put two shills on it in the form of Ronny Jackson and Scott Perry.

But he promises to make them behave if they act out.

Anybody buying that?

Yeah, me neither.

Cry harder.
If you believe Trump collided with Russia, you're in a cult.
And there's the "C" word.

You guys know what that means:


If Trump were actually a unitary President, his first term wouldn't have been sabotaged so severely by Commie Democrats and the Commie media. Trump's first term was perfect except for the Commies that undermined him. He knows better who they are now so he can ignore-avoid them in his next term. So, what is the Commies plan this time? They're going back to the same old bogus shit they have fucked up for years, abortion, education and healthcare. Democrats aren't leadership material. They're unqualified jive turkeys. MAGA

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