Tired about being embarrassed about America:

The 2d Amendment states we can own and bear arms.

It does not state that we can own and bear any kind of arms.

SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled as to the type of arms we can own and bear.

The 4th Circuit is send up a case that rules 'weapons of war' are not legal for Americans to own.
"type of arms" is a silly diversion red herring. The most important issue is getting rid of the idiotic/dangerous gun-free zones that liberals have created, and getting guns into the schools that they can defend themselves with.

Arming teachers, administrators, maintenance people, armed guards, whatever, but it must be NOW. Another shooter could show up Monday morning, (while airhead liberals babble on about gun control).
You argument is a red herring.

Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
My goodness Ed: Perhaps I am certain that history was kind enough not to have you as one of the founding fathers because it seems your writing is far worse than anything you criticize in the Constitution. And this:
" 2) Founders had no idea how important religious values were as the source of social structure and morality so ignored subject altogether, in effect, creating religious anarchy." -They had no idea how important religious values were- ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? iT'S called FREEDOM OF RELIGION and this is one of the cornerstones of the US CONSTITUTION. And you rant on about how the President looks funny? really? Did this ever hinder Eleanor Roosevelt or Barak Obama? lol...
View attachment 178630 63% of Americans are totally embarrassed of this malignant narcissistic incompetent buffoon
as president.

What he and his failed GOP congress doesn’t understand that the 2nd amendment was written when they used single round muskets and shot it from up to a mile away... but for some reason think preventing military style assault weapons is against the 2nd Amendment.
Source that number.
Gladly. It’s actually higher now.
97 percent of Americans want universal background checks for gun buyers. 67 percent want to ban assault weapons.

Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are.
I am talking about the 63% you posted. Reading comprehension is a plus. 63 is the only number in post # 2 with a percent after it and the post I replied to.

Thanks for showing how stupid you are.
67% who want a ban on assault weapons is > and more significant than 63% who favor stricter gun control..
Thanks for showing how stupid YOU are.
Here’s the link in question, dumbass.

QU Poll Release Detail

Both ways you’re on the wrong side of history and expect a solid drubbing in November.


Poll 800 to a 1000 people and declare this represents 323 million people.

We're not falling for it and you're not banning our firearms.

Wrong side of history?

And you voted for Clinton?


Yes. The Democrats have been taking a drubbing and a number of us refuse to support them any longer.

View attachment 178630 63% of Americans are totally embarrassed of this malignant narcissistic incompetent buffoon
as president.

What he and his failed GOP congress doesn’t understand that the 2nd amendment was written when they used single round muskets and shot it from up to a mile away... but for some reason think preventing military style assault weapons is against the 2nd Amendment.
Source that number.
Gladly. It’s actually higher now.
97 percent of Americans want universal background checks for gun buyers. 67 percent want to ban assault weapons.

Thanks for admitting how uninformed you are.
I am talking about the 63% you posted. Reading comprehension is a plus. 63 is the only number in post # 2 with a percent after it and the post I replied to.

Thanks for showing how stupid you are.
67% who want a ban on assault weapons is > and more significant than 63% who favor stricter gun control..
Thanks for showing how stupid YOU are.
Here’s the link in question, dumbass.

QU Poll Release Detail

Both ways you’re on the wrong side of history and expect a solid drubbing in November.


Poll 800 to a 1000 people and declare this represents 323 million people.

We're not falling for it and you're not banning our firearms.

Wrong side of history?

And you voted for Clinton?


Yes. The Democrats have been taking a drubbing and a number of us refuse to support them any longer.


where you poll and who you poll determines the results. So yes polls can be designed to show what the pollster wants.
Tired of being embarrassed about America.

Honestly, even as a conservative I am very embarrassed by Trump and the school shootings and what they says about our country. If our roots are so good why do we have these issues that other civilized countries don't have? Our president is a guy who looks really odd, is 3 times married, cheats on his wife, is dishonest in business, and lies routinely and obliviously as if he has dementia. And now we see the very sad spectacle of terrified school kids begging adults to save them from being massacred in their classrooms by lunatics with military assault rifles. What other civilized nation on earth has these problems, problems which must signal a far broader rot within.


1) Founders' Constitution kept each branch of govt from growing relative to other branches but not govt in general from growing very liberally,

2) Founders had no idea how important religious values were as the source of social structure and morality so ignored subject altogether, in effect, creating religious anarchy.

3) Thinking, grammar, and punctuation in Constitution is so vague and messy as to not make it clear that central govt was to have only a few enumerated powers while states were to retain unlimited remaining powers. Thus, we now virtually have the liberal federal monarchy monopoly our founders thought they were escaping.

4) The right to bear arms to defend ourselves against liberal govt was, again, not clearly detailed by our timid Founders who certainly and blamelessly did not anticipate liberal school shooters. But why don't we have the wherewithal to take obvious measures to prevent or inhibit school shooters while reaffirming our right to bear arms to protect ourselves from liberal govt? Why? Because conservatives know full well liberals want to take away take away all guns, private/local/schools, religion, state/local independence and consolidate all power in a liberal communist central govt.

5) Founders again were too timid to say Democracy is mob rule without intelligent office holders and voters so they sheepishly said you had to be 35 to qualify to be president. If they had said you have to pass a test to be president and to vote we would have an intelligent democracy that would not include Trump and 3/4 of those who mob vote now, not for the commonweal but for money in their pockets.

You're not a conservative or a real American of any kind. Please leave this country that embarrasses you. You know where the international airports are, we won't miss you. You phony, pompous LIAR of another kind. Your paranoid delusions about the Constitution are the most incomprehensible bullshit I've ever read.
The alt right and fake far right analysis of polling is . . . fake news. :)
You argument is a red herring.

Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
FALSE! Almost all schools are gun-free zones (guns prohibited) There are a few exceptions (very few) ALL schools need to be CCW schools + armed guards, to stop the mass slaughter that gun-free zones have allowed to happen.

Gun-free zone idiocy created by dumb liberals has got to go - and it is going, right now.

Repeal gun-free zones
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You argument is a red herring. Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
FALSE! Almost all schools are gun-free zones (guns prohibited) There are a few exceptions (very few) ALL schools need to be CCW schools + armed guards, to stop the mass slaughter that gun-free zones have allowed to happen. Gun-free zone idiocy created by dumb liberals has got to go - and it is going, right now. Repeal gun-free zones
I said guns are in UT schools: that is true.
You argument is a red herring. Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
FALSE! Almost all schools are gun-free zones (guns prohibited) There are a few exceptions (very few) ALL schools need to be CCW schools + armed guards, to stop the mass slaughter that gun-free zones have allowed to happen. Gun-free zone idiocy created by dumb liberals has got to go - and it is going, right now. Repeal gun-free zones
I said guns are in UT schools: that is true.
So you argue that 49 states with gun free zones is not the norm cause ONE state has guns in schools?
From your own conservative citation....

“The latest figures include 34 percent who Strongly Approve of the way the president is performing and 41 percent who Strongly Disapprove,Rasmussen Reports divulged from its recent poll.
"Strongly" is merely a measure of the most excited people. Not really that relevant a stat. The important one is the 50% approval vs. 48% disapproval, and even more relevant that, that is the upswing in approval that Trump is getting. A continuous RISING approval rate (as people see more and more achievements occuring)
Perhaps Ed is a young rookie. Please study hard Ed as it will help you understand the US government more. It is a work in progress built on a Constitution. God bless you Edward.
"Strongly" is merely a measure of the most excited people. Not really that relevant a stat. The important one is the 50% approval vs. 48% disapproval, and even more relevant that, that is the upswing in approval that Trump is getting. A continuous RISING approval rate (as people see more and more achievements occuring)

Checkout the OTHER polls besides the right wing Rasmussen's......have at it and abandon delusions for a bit.
Checkout the OTHER polls besides the right wing Rasmussen's......have at it and abandon delusions for a bit.
Oh yeah, the ones that said Hillary was going to wing by a landslide. Right.
You argument is a red herring. Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
FALSE! Almost all schools are gun-free zones (guns prohibited) There are a few exceptions (very few) ALL schools need to be CCW schools + armed guards, to stop the mass slaughter that gun-free zones have allowed to happen. Gun-free zone idiocy created by dumb liberals has got to go - and it is going, right now. Repeal gun-free zones
I said guns are in UT schools: that is true.
So you argue that 49 states with gun free zones is not the norm cause ONE state has guns in schools?
Only you are arguing such a thing. I said UT has ccw in its schools, which is true.
You argument is a red herring. Guns already are in schools. In UT, teachers can carry conceal in schools.
FALSE! Almost all schools are gun-free zones (guns prohibited) There are a few exceptions (very few) ALL schools need to be CCW schools + armed guards, to stop the mass slaughter that gun-free zones have allowed to happen. Gun-free zone idiocy created by dumb liberals has got to go - and it is going, right now. Repeal gun-free zones
I said guns are in UT schools: that is true.
So you argue that 49 states with gun free zones is not the norm cause ONE state has guns in schools?
Only you are arguing such a thing. I said UT has ccw in its schools, which is true.
RGS, please follow your prophets' counsel on weapons.
ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? iT'S called FREEDOM OF RELIGION and this is one of the cornerstones of the US CONSTITUTION..
you miss the point, our Constitution did not protect religion and religious values and so now we have school shooters. Don't you wish NIck Cruz had religious values? Do you understand now??

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