Tired of being told no,’ President Trump freezes out chief of staff Low Energy John Kelly

Each person should have their own childish, 4th grade nickname. It is just lazy and embarrassing to use the same one for multiple people.
Only voice of reason in the White House
Is there no one in the WH that can tell drumph raising the tariff anti by 100 billion is an AH move Doesn't trump care how many Americans will be hurt as China retaliates ?? His tactics might work when the AH was bullying folks in real estate but now he's swimming with sharks
but that was with the ladies and RE people NOW the AH is swimming with sharks
Trump has gotten rid of so many people, replacing his "best people" with people who agree with him instead. And even that isn't working.
I think bringing Mooch back would be a disaster. Trump will walk to the beat of his own drum regardless, but you at least want someone who is respected.
I think bringing Mooch back would be a disaster. Trump will walk to the beat of his own drum regardless, but you at least want someone who is respected.

This is just like Trump hiring a lawyer. The good one's don't want to work for Trump.
Only voice of reason in the White House
Is there no one in the WH that can tell drumph raising the tariff anti by 100 billion is an AH move Doesn't trump care how many Americans will be hurt as China retaliates ?? His tactics might work when the AH was bullying folks in real estate but now he's swimming with sharks
Trump majored in economics at Wharton but seems totally clueless about basic economic principles
I think bringing Mooch back would be a disaster. Trump will walk to the beat of his own drum regardless, but you at least want someone who is respected.
Yes some one respected Like Kelly? Trump can't tolerate some one more respected than him and soon brings those folks down to his own lows
Yes some one respected Like Kelly? Trump can't tolerate some one more respected than him and soon brings those folks down to his own lows

Has Kelly ever apologized for his lies about the FBI office opening?
Only voice of reason in the White House
Is there no one in the WH that can tell drumph raising the tariff anti by 100 billion is an AH move Doesn't trump care how many Americans will be hurt as China retaliates ?? His tactics might work when the AH was bullying folks in real estate but now he's swimming with sharks
Trump majored in economics at Wharton but seems totally clueless about basic economic principles
He knew how to campaign But knows diddly shit about how to govern
Kelly tells reporters on White House driveway: "I don't want to talk pain. I want to talk progress" on China/tariffs
“Kelly neither lurks around the Oval Office nor listens in on as many of the president’s calls, even with foreign leaders. He has not been fully consulted on several recent key personnel decisions. And he has lost the trust & support of some of the staff.”

Some are saying that Kelly is on the way out...

............... President Trump plans on having the job done by David Dennison.


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