Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.

And the excuse that taxes that he has just filed are under audit? Should we just shrug our shoulders at the latest clear lie that he and his folks are telling?

You accept corruption. I'm pretty sure you'll accept dishonesty if your were to answer the question above. Question; where do you guys draw the line on what type of behavior you're not willing to tolerate?
Hey lefties, Trump posted a full financial disclosure that lists /all/ of his business interests. Go check it out.
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.

And the excuse that taxes that he has just filed are under audit? Should we just shrug our shoulders at the latest clear lie that he and his folks are telling?

You accept corruption. I'm pretty sure you'll accept dishonesty if your were to answer the question above. Question; where do you guys draw the line on what type of behavior you're not willing to tolerate?

It's not about whether or not you and i accept corruption. It's about them doing whatever the hell they wanna do. Pay-Offs and conflict of interest are the very foundation of your current Government. You really are a very naive Snowflake if you think otherwise.
Yeah, listen up, it's bitching because a nontraditional candidate isn't following tradition.

Gee we had a "non traditional candidate" who became president and did not follow "tradition"........You know, the "community organizer" that you fuck heads hated and still hate.....Of course, he was also half black and THAT non tradition was tough for you morons to stomach.......LOL

Yeah, the seditious mulatto messiah was a former State senator and US senator not that nontraditional. I don't hate him, I just have no use for him. He did exactly what I said he would before he was elected. He spent his 8 years undermining everything this country was built on because he personally hates the US. You'll never convince me otherwise.
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.
Where are you from? You said, YOUR ENTIRE govt, not our entire govt....??

Trump's business, because he chose not to divest and chose not to put his businesses in a blind trust, IS OUR BUSINESS and we do have a right to know as with all others in Congress and the Senate, if our leaders, hired by us to represent us and our Nation, are doing so and not just representing themselves for their own personal benefit and gains...

It helps keep our govt clean, or at least cleaner than it would be if they all could keep their own affairs in private....

it may be completely corrupt where you are from and you've just succumbed to the corruption, but Americans expect sunlight from their elected officials....they don't support the swamp and right now, the Donald, is Swamping it big time!
Why don't you provide a list of people who have won the Presidency without winning the electoral college.

You may (probably not....you're too dumb) have noticed that this thread is about the orange hair furor's tax returns......A fellow idiot to you brought up the EC...I did not...so, respectfully. "go fuck yourself."
You're still too fucking stupid to realize that he's not required to show you his taxes. Now go fuck yourself, in traffic, you idiot.
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.
Where are you from? You said, YOUR ENTIRE govt, not our entire govt....??

Trump's business, because he chose not to divest and chose not to put his businesses in a blind trust, IS OUR BUSINESS and we do have a right to know as with all others in Congress and the Senate, if our leaders, hired by us to represent us and our Nation, are doing so and not just representing themselves for their own personal benefit and gains...

It helps keep our govt clean, or at least cleaner than it would be if they all could keep their own affairs in private....

it may be completely corrupt where you are from and you've just succumbed to the corruption, but Americans expect sunlight from their elected officials....they don't support the swamp and right now, the Donald, is Swamping it big time!

We are not legally entitled to see Trump's taxes.

End of story.
Hillary didn't receive a dime from any of them...stop lying about that....
The fuck? Are you kidding me right now?
no, i am not kidding... you all have nothing at all that shows Bill or Hillary or Chelsea took any money at all, from their charity monies donated to the charity. They did not even take any money as salary, the charity is an ''A'' rated charity with 87% of their donations going towards their charity causes and only 1% of the charity's money is used towards their fund raising. Their books are open for all to see.

The Clintons have donated millions of their own money to the foundation's charities.

so yes, it's utter right wing and Russian who began many of these lying stories, propaganda.

no proof was ever given by any right winger to support their claims....none!
Why don't you provide a list of people who have won the Presidency without winning the electoral college.

You may (probably not....you're too dumb) have noticed that this thread is about the orange hair furor's tax returns......A fellow idiot to you brought up the EC...I did not...so, respectfully. "go fuck yourself."
You're still too fucking stupid to realize that he's not required to show you his taxes. Now go fuck yourself, in traffic, you idiot.
he;s required by our constitution to follow the emolument clause, and the only way to see if he is following the clause is for him to divulge his financial arrangements and business doings in Foreign countries....his taxes are one way for his foreign involvements to be known. We've had no other president in the last century that has had foreign nation investments where full tax returns and financial disclosures are necessary, to monitor the emolument clause.
You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.

My God, you Snowflakes really are so naive. Your entire Government operates on conflict of interest. Seriously, y'all need to grow up. Trump's personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. He hasn't done anything illegal. If he had, it would have been made public.
Where are you from? You said, YOUR ENTIRE govt, not our entire govt....??

Trump's business, because he chose not to divest and chose not to put his businesses in a blind trust, IS OUR BUSINESS and we do have a right to know as with all others in Congress and the Senate, if our leaders, hired by us to represent us and our Nation, are doing so and not just representing themselves for their own personal benefit and gains...

It helps keep our govt clean, or at least cleaner than it would be if they all could keep their own affairs in private....

it may be completely corrupt where you are from and you've just succumbed to the corruption, but Americans expect sunlight from their elected officials....they don't support the swamp and right now, the Donald, is Swamping it big time!

We are not legally entitled to see Trump's taxes.

End of story.

Ignorance is bliss.
One would think you'd be happier.
Why don't you provide a list of people who have won the Presidency without winning the electoral college.

You may (probably not....you're too dumb) have noticed that this thread is about the orange hair furor's tax returns......A fellow idiot to you brought up the EC...I did not...so, respectfully. "go fuck yourself."
You're still too fucking stupid to realize that he's not required to show you his taxes. Now go fuck yourself, in traffic, you idiot.
he;s required by our constitution to follow the emolument clause, and the only way to see if he is following the clause is for him to divulge his financial arrangements and business doings in Foreign countries....his taxes are one way for his foreign involvements to be known. We've had no other president in the last century that has had foreign nation investments where full tax returns and financial disclosures are necessary, to monitor the emolument clause.

I guess that as good a excuse as any to keep up the smear campaign. The thing you're forgetting is he hasn't and said he won't start any new ventures outside the US during his time in office. So right now you have nothing but speculation, get back to us when you come up with probable cause.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:
Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Hillary was qualified, capable, and ready. You couldn't vote for her because you're as gullible as a goldfish.
Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Hillary was qualified, capable, and ready. You couldn't vote for her because you're as gullible as a goldfish.

No, I wouldn't vote for because her, unlike her husband, she was an angry, power hungry, blood thirsty, liar and it turns out Trump is more of the same. I am glad I was smart enough to see through both of them and vote for another candidate. This is on you idiots! Polls early on said your worst chance against Trump was with Clinton, yet you didn't listen. You rigged your delegates to vote Clinton, you got what you wanted Clinton, you got her and lost with her and now all you stupid do is whine about how YOUR mistake was everyone else's.

So cupcake you have been had, you got what you deserved, next time pick a better candidate because you picked a loser and it turned out to be true.
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Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Hillary was qualified, capable, and ready. ....

If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

if people didn't vote they didn't vote "against" Trump any more than they didn't vote against Hillary, or against the Easter Bunny. They didn't vote, period, so your inclusion of these non-voters in your "math" is specious, at best.

the margin was ~2%. It is not VAST, even in relative historical terms in terms of presidential election popular vote margins. I already posted the link. Spin all you like, but the actual math and actual historical data proves it.
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