Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Hillary was qualified, capable, and ready. You couldn't vote for her because you're as gullible as a goldfish.

She's as qualified as Al Capone. She's a criminal. Anyone who voted for her is probably as ethically impaired as she is.
h wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.

So, let me get this straight.....This thread is about rump's repeated BROKEN PROMISES, and you "interpret" any reminder that the sack of shit is breaking promises as "victimization"???

Do you morons EVER realize just how utterly dumb you come off as?
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h wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.

So, let meget this straight.....This thread is about rump's repeated BROKEN PROMISES, and you "interpret" any reminder that the sack of shit is breaking promises as "victimization"???

Do you morons EVER realize just how utterly dumb you come off as?

Not as dumb as people that bitch and moan over and over about something that is not going to change no matter how much they bitch and moan. You bitch because people voted for Trump, who the hell cares? The Democratic Party pushed Hillary Clinton on the American people and the American people, early on let the Democratic Party know that she was polarizing, she had a high unapproval rating, most Americans did not trust her and yet the Democratic Party pushed her into the Presidential election. Polls early on said Sanders had a better chance against Trump, however the Democratic Party ignored the voters and sent the worst candidate of all time, Hillary Clinton into a general election because they thought she would be a shoe in, well she wasn't, she lost. Now talk about being dumb, after all the information the Democratic Party had, they backed the wrong candidate and you morons claim it was the Republican fault.

Good grief, give the crying a rest, you had nothing months ago and you have nothing now, nothing has changed. The Democrats whine, cry and are poor losers. They need to get over it and move on.
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If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

Hillary will drink to that. Early and often!!!
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against Donnie.

And about 74% voting against the corrupt drunk. Huge margin.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

You are saying that 100% of the people who didn't vote would have voted for HIllary ?

I think your math is in need of some serious help.
Yeah, it pretty much lost him the election in 2016

Nah.....trump's 'victory" in the EC was more a result of your ilk's hatred and misogyny toward Hillary......and, of course, your abject STUPIDITY.

Nah, it was ignorant dumb shits like you that put forth two really bad nominees. I could never have voted for either yet you stupid people put them out there. Both parties failed miserably. Blame yourself and be responsible, oh wait liberals can't be responsible for anything, you are always the victim, just like in this thread.
Hillary was qualified, capable, and ready. You couldn't vote for her because you're as gullible as a goldfish.

She is also establishment, a liar, and tainted.

She is no more qualified or capable (it is so funny to hear that claim when all you lefties did was say it didn't matter when it was pointed out that Obammy wasn't qualified either....of course, in his case you might be able to make a point that history proved the right to be correct).
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

Only in your tiny little underdeveloped mind.
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

You are saying that 100% of the people who didn't vote would have voted for HIllary ?

I think your math is in need of some serious help.
That was never implied. My math is clearly better than your reading comprehension. No one discussed hypothetical votes.
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against Donnie.

And about 74% voting against the corrupt drunk. Huge margin.

I guarantee alcohol was behind her constantly looking like she was going to collapse.
But the majority of people in a majority of states (total EV's) voted for him.

That's all that matters.

It was designed so a loser state like CA could not run the country.

You lost.

Suck on it.
No. EV do not equal votes. The VAST majority of americans voted against trump.

And 2% margin is VAST? Nonsense. A person with multiple history degrees should certainly know that, historically speaking, 2% is not a wide margin in presidential elections.

If it was VAST majority she'd be sitting in the White House. It wasn't.

List of United States presidential elections by popular vote margin - Wikipedia
half of america didn't vote. More than half of the half that did vote, voted against donnie. That puts about 75% (+) of America voting against donnie. Huge margin. History degrees are nice, but you've got to appreciate basic mathematics as well :biggrin::beer:

You are saying that 100% of the people who didn't vote would have voted for HIllary ?

I think your math is in need of some serious help.
That was never implied. My math is clearly better than your reading comprehension. No one discussed hypothetical votes.

No one need to.

You made the claim that "about 75% (+) of American voting against donnie". That is your statement.

How you arrived at that can only be a matter of speculation.

And you can't possibly hope to back that claim up.

But, I figured I'd give you a chance.

Instead of explaining yourself, you offer up some lame deflection.

You are truly a leftwinger.
Still. Fucking. Waiting.

Godot should be there any minute....LOL

Any word on those tax returns yet?
Yup, breaking news, they just found them. They are now available for all to see, just like a few other documents that should have been available all along.

Getting to them? That might be a bit trickier though. :lmao:


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