Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.
People are concerned about his tax returns because he is an international businessman with financial ties all over the globe. The people need to know where those ties are if we are suppose to trust that he is acting in our best interests and not his own. That's why presidents before have revealed their taxes, that's why there is a precedent for such, that is why people wanted him to divest (which he did not).
Trump cares little about cutting your taxes. The wealthiest Americans will get the biggest cuts, like under every other republican leader.

If he does his job and gets tax cuts done for the People, he will have done his job as far as i'm concerned. I'm not concerned with his personal tax situation. That's between him and Uncle Sam. My only concern is that he does the job i expect him to do.
How can his tax filing be audited when he hasn't filed it yet or just filed it recently?

Good point...we ARE talking about the same 2016 tax returns that thee rest of us mere mortals had to file by today....

Apparently, Trump ass lickers "think" that Trump's tax returns go DIRECTLY to the IRS auditing department.
Why are folks so obsessed with the dude's taxes? Is it really that important? Personally, i don't care at all about how much taxes he did or didn't pay. That's his business. I don't obsess over others' personal finances. I'm only concerned about him getting tax cuts done for the People. Hopefully, he'll be successful on that.
People are concerned about his tax returns because he is an international businessman with financial ties all over the globe. The people need to know where those ties are if we are suppose to trust that he is acting in our best interests and not his own. That's why presidents before have revealed their taxes, that's why there is a precedent for such, that is why people wanted him to divest (which he did not).
Trump cares little about cutting your taxes. The wealthiest Americans will get the biggest cuts, like under every other republican leader.

I think the question as to whether he will act in Americas best interest was decided on Nov 8th. You pathetic regressive snowflakes just can't accept the results of the election. Hypocrites much?
How would him receiving a remarkably low amount of votes indicate he will act in American interests?

Oh Gawd, are you seriously still that much in denial over losing? Ya gots to move on kid. It's over. Trump is the man. It is what it is.
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When you can prove he isn't being audited, let us know.

Anyone with a 6th grade education (which excludes you, obviously) would conclude that the above is NOT how it works.....

Just keep placing that middle finger up your baby arse.....LOL
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating is that there may be information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Otherwise....why the fucking secrecy???
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.
As someone else asked in some previous post on this thread, is the "test" of a right winger's hypocrisy....HOW WOULD ANY OF THESE RIGHT WINGERS ON HERE FEEL IF HILLARY CLINTON HAD REFUSED TO SHOW HER TAX RETURNS???
Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

Well obviously you have your head too far up Trump's fat behind to have ANY semblance of objectivity.....So, just keep watching FOX and have another drink. (or go to bed.)


The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Why won’t Donald Trump release his taxes? An investigation into the G.O.P. candidate’s finances—the extensive deductions he could claim, the F.E.C. filings from his Scottish and Irish golf resorts, and his declarations to the British government—reveals a disturbing pattern of mistakes, hype, and contradictions.

The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Everything on his return is perfectly legal. He was just audited, you dim bulb.

A "loophole" is otherwise known by non-political hacks as a "deduction." Trump knows that turds like you will try to spin every deduction he takes as some kind of scandal. He's smart not to feed the trolls. Only Democrats benefit from the tax return scam because the media never goes after them and they are all professional politicians who have never had to run a business.
It gives us peon citizens a chance to see what Tax laws our congress critters have put in place to help themselves and help their donors, and help their masters in some cases.

the only chance us peons get to see what all of those legal tax breaks given to the echelons above us... is with the tax returns of our Presidents and vice presidents...

And just because someone is audited does not in any way mean they have or have NOT done anything illegal.....the IRS can not tell us one way or the other what took place in the audit and if any penalties for breaking the law and any additional taxes were part of it.

But honestly, it's not even the tax code that people are looking for now, from his taxes....we just want to know, what foreign countries he is doing business with and or borrowing money from, so that it is out in the open so we can judge whether he is not breaking the emolument clause and most importantly if he is doing what is best for our Nation first and foremost, or what is best for his personal gain.
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating is that there may be information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Otherwise....why the fucking secrecy???

Yeah, listen up, it's bitching because a nontraditional candidate isn't following tradition. ROFLMFAO Then it's coming up with all sorts of hysterical conspiracy theories to justify it's butt hurt over the queen bitch losing. At this rate it will take decades for it to STFU.
Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

Well obviously you have your head too far up Trump's fat behind to have ANY semblance of objectivity.....So, just keep watching FOX and have another drink. (or go to bed.)

Nunya business Snowflake. His personal tax situation is between him and Uncle Sam. You can continue throwing a Snowflake hissy-fit over it, but it's still nunya business.
When you can prove he isn't being audited, let us know.

Anyone with a 6th grade education (which excludes you, obviously) would conclude that the above is NOT how it works.....

Just keep placing that middle finger up your baby arse.....LOL

Yeah, that is how it works. When you make an accusation, it's your responsibility to prove it, not mine.
As someone else asked in some previous post on this thread, is the "test" of a right winger's hypocrisy....HOW WOULD ANY OF THESE RIGHT WINGERS ON HERE FEEL IF HILLARY CLINTON HAD REFUSED TO SHOW HER TAX RETURNS???

Wouldn't do any good to see them, all her misdeeds are hidden in the books of the foundation.


The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Why won’t Donald Trump release his taxes? An investigation into the G.O.P. candidate’s finances—the extensive deductions he could claim, the F.E.C. filings from his Scottish and Irish golf resorts, and his declarations to the British government—reveals a disturbing pattern of mistakes, hype, and contradictions.

The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Everything on his return is perfectly legal. He was just audited, you dim bulb.

A "loophole" is otherwise known by non-political hacks as a "deduction." Trump knows that turds like you will try to spin every deduction he takes as some kind of scandal. He's smart not to feed the trolls. Only Democrats benefit from the tax return scam because the media never goes after them and they are all professional politicians who have never had to run a business.
It gives us peon citizens a chance to see what Tax laws our congress critters have put in place to help themselves and help their donors, and help their masters in some cases.

the only chance us peons get to see what all of those legal tax breaks given to the echelons above us... is with the tax returns of our Presidents and vice presidents...

And just because someone is audited does not in any way mean they have or have NOT done anything illegal.....the IRS can not tell us one way or the other what took place in the audit and if any penalties for breaking the law and any additional taxes were part of it.

But honestly, it's not even the tax code that people are looking for now, from his taxes....we just want to know, what foreign countries he is doing business with and or borrowing money from, so that it is out in the open so we can judge whether he is not breaking the emolument clause and most importantly if he is doing what is best for our Nation first and foremost, or what is best for his personal gain.

That has to be the lamest most disingenuous excuse ever posted.
How can his tax filing be audited when he hasn't filed it yet or just filed it recently?

Good point...we ARE talking about the same 2016 tax returns that thee rest of us mere mortals had to file by today....

Apparently, Trump ass lickers "think" that Trump's tax returns go DIRECTLY to the IRS auditing department.

I don't particularly care one way or the other...I was just pointing out that you can't be audited for something you haven't filed yet or just filed....
The excuse is invalid.
Yeah, listen up, it's bitching because a nontraditional candidate isn't following tradition.

Gee we had a "non traditional candidate" who became president and did not follow "tradition"........You know, the "community organizer" that you fuck heads hated and still hate.....Of course, he was also half black and THAT non tradition was tough for you morons to stomach.......LOL
Yeah and i'm sure if there was anything in Trump's taxes proving he did something illegal, it would have been made public a long time ago.

You can be "forgiven" for being so stupid since you are obviously a Trump ass licker......

Try to keep up......NO ONE is stating that he did something illegal...What WE ARE stating that there is information on his tax returns which may be both embarrassing to the orange clown and/or that would show that he is beholden to Russian banks and oligarchs.

Yeah, but his personal tax situation really isn't any of your business. I don't care what past Presidents did. Y'all loony Trump-Haters should mind your own business.

If he owns stock in a large coal company and turns around and vetoes bills that would fund other forms of power or shows favoritism toward the coal industry ...yes that is a conflict of interest and is it the business of the public.
Yeah, that is how it works. When you make an accusation, it's your responsibility to prove it, not mine.

Fine, middlefingerbaby........you keep swallowing the piss from Trump....I choose not to....happy drinking..,LOL

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