Tired of hearing about Trump's tax returns?...Just wait...

You got 8 more years. Spread out your moaning and crying.

For morons....like you....I'll repeat what I wrote in post #131

......the Trump 2020 campaign would have to include the following statement:

"Although ALL presidential candidates since Nixon have shared their tax returns with the electorate.....I, Donald J. Trump REFUSE to show them to you because.....well, because I AM a Trump and you're not...."

And you'll just be spinning your wheels going nowhere as only loons like you really care about what somebody else makes.

That's the entire reason for the existence of the Dim Party, isn't it?
illicit collusion with foreign states just doesn't matter to our resident trumpswabs
Maybe one of these centuries you snowflakes will produce some evidence of your accusations, but no one is holding their breath for it.
Several Republican lawmakers have declared their support for calls for Trump to release his returns. Republicans Mark Sanford, Ted Yoho and Justin Amash of the House Freedom Caucus are all backing a Democratic measure to compel Trump to make the documents public, reported CNN.

Trump made tax reform a key election pledge, and in a speech to Congress in February pledged “massive tax relief for the middle class.” He said at one point that his plan would lower tax rates by reducing the number of tax brackets, which independent analyses have concluded would grow the federal budget deficit and largely benefit the nation’s wealthiest earners.

On Saturday, protesters took to the streets of cities across the U.S to demand that Trump release his tax documents. And Republican Senator Tom Cotton was booed at a town hall meeting Monday in Arkansas for defending Trump’s refusal to release the statements.
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

Rich people benefit when the top marginal rate is reduced.
Rich people benefit when the corporate rate is reduced.

Why is that an issue?
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history.

Is that why Hillary drinks herself to sleep each night, because Trump lost?
weird, they use to be so obsessed with THE CONSTITUTION for the past 8 years

now, it just doesn't matter

There is nothing in the Constitution about publishing your tax returns, moron.

no shit, dimwit. the concern is the emoluments clause and the VAST conflicts of interest.

The concern is that Hillary lost the election and a lot of petulant snowflakes can't stop crying about it.
If people didn't give enough of a shit about this to the point he got elected they likely give less of a shit now.

How the left fails to grasp this simple point I have no idea.

If hillary had won and the pubs were still whining about her emails the logic would be the same.

The people already spoke on this issue and they don't give enough of a shit for this issue to get meaningful traction.....
the republicans fail to grasp the fact that donnie didn't actually "win." He suffered and outstanding blow, one of the worsts in history. Donnie is in office because it was handed to him by the electoral college. Kind of like the biggest "participation trophy" that ever existed. You lost by 3 million votes, but here's the white house.
People do care about his taxes, which is why there were more protests on tax weekend.

You're right, the people did speak.. the people chose hillary, overwhelmingly.

That's hysterical considering he won the race they were running. It was Hillary running a popularity contest rather than running for POTUS. She's the one who participated. He's the one who won. That's why he's our President.
I'm so worried about PDT's tax returns I'm going to!!!!!!

Actually just go to sleep. I don't give a shit.


The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Why won’t Donald Trump release his taxes? An investigation into the G.O.P. candidate’s finances—the extensive deductions he could claim, the F.E.C. filings from his Scottish and Irish golf resorts, and his declarations to the British government—reveals a disturbing pattern of mistakes, hype, and contradictions.

The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?
will produce some evidence of your accusations

fuck head......."some evidence" COULD BE FOUND in those damn tax returns....you idiot........Why do you think the orange hair furor is keeping those returns secret?............LOL
This obsession with viewing others' personal financial data is disturbing.

Was it disturbing to you for all the other presidential elections?

If none of Hillary's taxes were available for review and all of the Clinton Foundation Taxes were also hidden,

would it be disturbing to you that the citizens wanted to see them like they had seen for every presidential candidate in their lifetimes?

I find it impossible to believe you and ALL other Republicans fervently defending Pres Trump's reneging on showing his tax returns, would defend Hillary not showing hers or Obama refusing to show his.... not even those liberal Obama voters would let Obama get away with that....

It just honestly seems like yall's heads are so far up Trump's... 'you know what' :eek:, that you simply can't see that Sunlight is good, in these type of matters, even with your own guy...


The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Why won’t Donald Trump release his taxes? An investigation into the G.O.P. candidate’s finances—the extensive deductions he could claim, the F.E.C. filings from his Scottish and Irish golf resorts, and his declarations to the British government—reveals a disturbing pattern of mistakes, hype, and contradictions.

The Great Trump Tax Mysteries: Is He Hiding Loopholes, Errors, or Something More Serious?

Everything on his return is perfectly legal. He was just audited, you dim bulb.

A "loophole" is otherwise known by non-political hacks as a "deduction." Trump knows that turds like you will try to spin every deduction he takes as some kind of scandal. He's smart not to feed the trolls. Only Democrats benefit from the tax return scam because the media never goes after them and they are all professional politicians who have never had to run a business.
This obsession with viewing others' personal financial data is disturbing.

Was it disturbing to you for all the other presidential elections?

If none of Hillary's taxes were available for review and all of the Clinton Foundation Taxes were also hidden,

would it be disturbing to you that the citizens wanted to see them like they had seen for every presidential candidate in their lifetimes?

I find it impossible to believe you and ALL other Republicans fervently defending Pres Trump's reneging on showing his tax returns, would defend Hillary not showing hers or Obama refusing to show his.... not even those liberal Obama voters would let Obama get away with that....

It just honestly seems like yall's heads are so far up Trump's... 'you know what' :eek:, that you simply can't see that Sunlight is good, in these type of matters, even with your own guy...

The law requires the Clinton Foundation to make its books public.
Yes, it is highly unlikely that the Trumpster will ever release his tax returns and, ultimately, that will be a "good" thing....but not for the Trump acolytes.

Never mind that those "loyal" advisers in the WH like to bullshit us in stating over and over again, "promises made, promises kept" by the orange clown...somewhere along the memory trail, even Trump backers remember what he said about releasing those damning tax returns.

However, Trump's stubborn stance on those returns tell us TWO important facts:

First, the charlatan may well know that he will NOT run in 2020, given his record of lies and false promises, and

Second, that his proposed tax "reform" plan stands little chance of ever becoming a reality backed by even his own right-leaning congress since all indications of such tax reform policies seem to back the reality that these reforms will benefit the very rich.....like him.

How can his tax filing be audited when he hasn't filed it yet or just filed it recently?

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