Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

Meat substitutes are not like animals because they do not contain dead animal flesh.

Most vegans were meat eaters at some point so what do you care if a person wants something that tastes like a sausage without having to kill animals to eat it ?
You do know that plants have complex nervous & communication systems, and shriek (in their own fashion) when under attack, yes?

If you're alive, you're killing other living things daily to continue to be alive.

Cope with it.
You do know that plants have complex nervous & communication systems, and shriek (in their own fashion) when under attack, yes?

If you're alive, you're killing other living things daily to continue to be alive.

Cope with it.
This "argument" is pathetic on any level.
And it is simply a LIE.

PLANTS ARENT AWARE. Plants aren't sentient. Plants do NOT feel pain.

Your silly justification for the abuse of a sentient being is "well, you're eatating a PLANT." The ridiculousness of this "argument" only shows you're trying to defend the indefensible.

You're using the abortionist tactic, "that's not a BABY, it's no different that a TUMOR"
Vegan options are a big drag. The cooks need to be trained to prepare them, the wait staff need to be trained to handle them and different items need to be ordered. More time spent, more items ordered, and more money spent on a low-volume item.
There is no special training needed to cook a dish without animal products and any chef worth a nickel can do it.

And most restaurants already have a very large assortment of nonmeat items on hand so they really don't have to order anything extra
Quite the contrary. My cardiologist is Mayo Clinic, and is quite advanced in his research. There is precious little evidence of any vegies helping to lower anything. Garlic though, garlic has some pretty amazing properties. I eat a LOT of garlic because of that.
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Asking for Vegan dishes in a regular restaurant is like asking for gluten free anything in a bakery. (People still try though)
It's really not happening.

Vegetarian is possible....vegan is not.

Butter, cheese, milk, eggs, and etcetera are all over a menu.

Besides some of those with Celiac disease are actually allergic to the dough conditioners and other additives used with common commercial bread/dough production and not actually the wheat itself.
That's just wrong because virtually ALL restaurants already stock a large supply of nonmeat food items.

And Celiac really only affects less than 1% of the population
There is no special training needed to cook a dish without animal products and any chef worth a nickel can do it.

And most restaurants already have a very large assortment of nonmeat items on hand so they really don't have to order anything extra
Vegan is different than vegetarian....big difference.
Vegan is without any animal products whatsoever....no butter, eggs, gelatin, and etc. And you can't use organic either because manure is used to fertilize organic vegetables. Lots of things go into vegan.

Vegetarian is easy enough....Vegan is tricky. I am a trained Chef....and I'd have a very difficult time pulling off vegan in my bakery.
You do know that plants have complex nervous & communication systems, and shriek (in their own fashion) when under attack, yes?

If you're alive, you're killing other living things daily to continue to be alive.

Cope with it.
Plants are not sentient

And since I must eat to live I choose the option that causes the least suffering to sentient beings.

Vegan is different than vegetarian....big difference.
Vegan is without any animal products whatsoever....no butter, eggs, gelatin, and etc. And you can't use organic either because manure is used to fertilize organic vegetables. Lots of things go into vegan.

Vegetarian is easy enough....Vegan is tricky. I am a trained Chef....and I'd have a very difficult time pulling off vegan in my bakery.
Not that big of a difference when it comes to apps and entrees
it is quite easy to make a variety of vegan entrees with what any restaurant has on hand for non meat items
What is wrong with offering a vegan menu as well as a regular menu? That restaurant owner is a major asshole.

Because you only sell what your customers want. If the guy gets 3 vegan people a week, it's not worth keeping any inventory of such food. Food doesn't last forever. If you don't use it, you need to throw it away.

As the article points out, these vegan people have (as the owner said) holier than thou attitude. It's understandable since apparently these people feel they must be catered to even if it's a loss to the business. We have the same attitude with leftists in our country. YOU OWE ME!!!! I say good for the owner.
Because you only sell what your customers want. If the guy gets 3 vegan people a week, it's not worth keeping any inventory of such food. Food doesn't last forever. If you don't use it, you need to throw it away.

As the article points out, these vegan people have (as the owner said) holier than thou attitude. It's understandable since apparently these people feel they must be catered to even if it's a loss to the business. We have the same attitude with leftists in our country. YOU OWE ME!!!! I say good for the owner.
it literally costs nothing extra to have a meatless option on the menu at virtually all restaurants because they all have quite a large stock of non meat foods already
Vegans tend to dine with people who are not vegans.
A restaurant having some vegan options can be good for business as a mixed group of diners will choose a restaurant they all can eat at.
That said, vegans should not whine about the meal
Bonzi has Celiac disease... it is awesome how in major cities everywhere, not only do restaurants serve GF options, but they even use dedicated prep areas/pans etc. on their Gluten Free items.
This is what vegans want - they want to pretend that vegan is a health affliction, and expect everyone to pretend with them. I have seen vegan people sit there and ask the wait staff a laundry list of questions about how the food is prepared because they are "vegan".
There's nothing courageous about bullying and killing an innocent, defenseless being. In fact, the opposite is true. It's a cowardly thing to pick on someone not your own size. What is courageous is to go against 99% of the world and protect and defend the innocent, defenseless and vulnerable... who have just as much right to be here on this earth as you do.

How do you think these animals survive? They kill and eat each other.
Vegan is different than vegetarian....big difference.
Vegan is without any animal products whatsoever....no butter, eggs, gelatin, and etc. And you can't use organic either because manure is used to fertilize organic vegetables. Lots of things go into vegan.

Vegetarian is easy enough....Vegan is tricky. I am a trained Chef....and I'd have a very difficult time pulling off vegan in my bakery.
I guess it depends on where the manure is sourced.

it is certainly possible to allow animals to graze on fallow farmland without slaughtering them for meat.

Composting is another very good option and human waste can also be used for fertilizer and we have plenty of that
Bonzi has Celiac disease... it is awesome how in major cities everywhere, not only do restaurants serve GF options, but they even use dedicated prep areas/pans etc. on their Gluten Free items.
This is what vegans want - they want to pretend that vegan is a health affliction, and expect everyone to pretend with them. I have seen vegan people sit there and ask the wait staff a laundry list of questions about how the food is prepared because they are "vegan".
Actually most vegan say they decided to stop eating meat for ethical reasons health and environmental reasons are second and third
it literally costs nothing extra to have a meatless option on the menu at virtually all restaurants because they all have quite a large stock of non meat foods already

Yes, they are called salads and most people like a salad with their meal. Does vegan food last forever in the fridge?

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