Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

If there was any truth to that all restaurants would serve that stuff. You don't understand business. Business looks at every square foot of their warehouse costs money. When we did inventory, the business would throw away perfectly good things we didn't rent or sell because that space could be used for items we were renting and selling. They see that as a loss.

A kitchen is only so big. The most profitable way to use that space is for every shelf, refrigerator and freezer be used for things they sell. If the item sits there for weeks or months, it's taking space for items that the business could be selling.
So it is your assertion that all restaurants do not serve a variety if vegetables and grain products?
Plants are not sentient
False - plants are hyper-sentient.
And since I must eat to live I choose the option that causes the least suffering to sentient beings.
Corn meal is MURDER!!!!
Justifiers gonna justify...

But please continue to terrorize and murder plants if that's your kink. :)
False - plants are hyper-sentient.

Corn meal is MURDER!!!!

Justifiers gonna justify...

But please continue to terrorize and murder plants if that's your kink. :)
The national institutes of health are a far better source than you.
Because you only sell what your customers want. If the guy gets 3 vegan people a week, it's not worth keeping any inventory of such food. Food doesn't last forever. If you don't use it, you need to throw it away.

As the article points out, these vegan people have (as the owner said) holier than thou attitude. It's understandable since apparently these people feel they must be catered to even if it's a loss to the business. We have the same attitude with leftists in our country. YOU OWE ME!!!! I say good for the owner.
Liberals, not leftists, but some excellent points otherwise.
it literally costs nothing extra to have a meatless option on the menu at virtually all restaurants because they all have quite a large stock of non meat foods already
Do you not understand the difference between vegan and vegetarian?
Bonzi has Celiac disease... it is awesome how in major cities everywhere, not only do restaurants serve GF options, but they even use dedicated prep areas/pans etc. on their Gluten Free items.
This is what vegans want - they want to pretend that vegan is a health affliction, and expect everyone to pretend with them. I have seen vegan people sit there and ask the wait staff a laundry list of questions about how the food is prepared because they are "vegan".
OCDers gotta OCD...
Why do you terrorize and murder plants then?
It certainly is a problem for you it seems

Me? Not at all. I'm just taking the side of the business owner in this topic. If the experienced business owner believes catering to vegans just isn't profitable or worth it, he stops catering to them.

I remember years ago when these people started bitching. They insisted McDonald's serve something they could eat, so they came out with some sort of veggie burger thing. It was off the menu in less than a year. Nobody goes to McDonald's to eat healthy food outside of salads. If it's not selling and taking up valuable space, you get rid of it.
I guess it depends on where the manure is sourced.

it is certainly possible to allow animals to graze on fallow farmland without slaughtering them for meat.

Composting is another very good option and human waste can also be used for fertilizer and we have plenty of that
Composting is criminal!!!!
Me? Not at all. I'm just taking the side of the business owner in this topic. If the experienced business owner believes catering to vegans just isn't profitable or worth it, he stops catering to them.

I remember years ago when these people started bitching. They insisted McDonald's serve something they could eat, so they came out with some sort of veggie burger thing. It was off the menu in less than a year. Nobody goes to McDonald's to eat healthy food outside of salads. If it's not selling and taking up valuable space, you get rid of it.
Not really you are insisting that it would cost more for a restaurant to use what they already have in stock to put together a meatless option.

None of those things are taking up more space because they are already in the kitchens. Or are you telling me that restaurants only stock meat meat and nothing but meat? Spam Spam Spam Spam

And I'm not talking about Mc Donalds

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