Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

Because it doesn't cost them anything extra and they use more of the food stuffs they have on hand which leads to less food waste AND they make more money.

What's the big deal? A vegan tags along with some friends, eats a meal that literally costs the restaurant nothing extra to make, he has a few drinks and the restaurant makes more money
^ Doesn't understand what veganism entails.
All business owners should have this kind of backbone.

“Please, vegans, It is not a given that we should adapt our menu to suit your preference,” the owners wrote. “If you want vegan food, go to a vegan restaurant…which incidentally if I went to one and asked for a steak I wouldn’t get one, nor would I expect to.

“You have chosen your lifestyle, it’s not a medical condition that you’ve been forced to endure through no fault of your own. Your choice does not fit with our style of cooking. We respect your choice, and expect that you respect ours.”

Reminds me of a local restaurant several years ago that put a bunch of super healthy choices on their menu. He got many compliments from his customers for having those choices but they also said, "I'm glad to see that on your menu but today I'll order the cheeseburger and fries". So few people ordered the super healthy choices he was forced to take them off the menu.
Plants are SUPER-sentient.

But I get it - justification for the unthinkable. :(
Plants are SUPER-sentient.

But I get it - justification for the unthinkable. :(

Like I said the NIH is a far better source than you
^ Spamming* the thread; not a vegan.

*Ironic, no? :)

Those sample sizes are so small as to be meaningless. 21 people in one study. 89 in another is not a large enough sample size.

For a study to be mesningful you have to have at least 3000 participants to get away from statistical aberrations.
Where did she say that?

You are making the very same DEMANDS of others you criticize her for
I don't like virtue signaling. I don't like people trying to twist everything around to get attention for being peculiar. I don't care if people ARE peculiar: I don't want to be forced to pay attention to it.

Everything is clickbait, these days.
Those sample sizes are so small as to be meaningless. 21 people in one study. 89 in another is not a large enough sample size.

For a study to be mesningful you have to have at least 3000 participants to get away from statistical aberrations.
Not really you are insisting that it would cost more for a restaurant to use what they already have in stock to put together a meatless option.

None of those things are taking up more space because they are already in the kitchens. Or are you telling me that restaurants only stock meat meat and nothing but meat? Spam Spam Spam Spam

And I'm not talking about Mc Donalds

The reason I told you about the McDonald's thing is because that's how businesses work. If it's not selling, don't carry it. If you claim that restaurants already have the stuff and it's selling anyway, why do you suppose they don't have vegan menus?

Anyway speaking or McDonald's, I'm starting to get hungry for breakfast. I think I'm going to get a sausage McMuffin combo in about an hour.
Plants are not sentient

And since I must eat to live I choose the option that causes the least suffering to sentient beings.

How do you know? They move towards classical music, and away from punk rock.

If they have musical preferances I would say they are sentient.

Like I said the NIH is a far better source than you
Wow - you just can't stop spamming.

That's the 4th time you've posted that.

Or maybe the 5th...

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