Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

We are making the same points here. If it's a growing trend but restaurants still don't offer vegan dishes, there has to be a reason for it. I'm just asking why since you said you eat the stuff. Are there good vegan foods and bad vegan foods like pizzas, burger and chicken places? I'm asking because I really don't know.
I don't know why some restaurants don't. It could be they are unaware of the trends, it could be like a lot of people here they think vegans area pain in the ass.

And vegan foods can be just as unhealthy as any other food. French fries made with canola or vegetable oil are vegan and gluten free. Some of the meat substitute burgers and sausages have just as much saturated fat as the meat versions do.

Pizza can be tough because of the cheese but in general pizza dough is vegan so it's easy to put together a pizza with no meat or cheese. The vegan cheese substitutes are expensive and I don't blame anyone for not buying them. I don't.

I don't usually go for the vegan meat substitute ( think Impossible or Beyond Burgers etc) so much because they are expensive in reality are not very good for you.
Because that is the best analogy to a vegan restaurant serving meat.

A purely carnivore restaurant cannot serve anything but meat by definition would you tell them they have to serve vegans?

No one wants a pure Carnivore restaurant, the closest you get are those Argentinian Steakhouses that bring the meat on the skewers to you in waves.

I'm sure a Vegan would bitch to a Carnivore Restaurant about it.
But an omnivore can certainly eat a vegan meal because he will by definition eat anything.

Where a vegan doesn't eat meat at all.

Which goes to show just how picky an annoying vegans can be.

The joys of the "problems" a person can have in a first world society.
it certainly isn't an economic reason
Well, yes it is.

But they have a customer base they cater to. They can offer what they want, but IF enough potential customers exist, they'll likely change their menu.

As far as I'm concerned, they have thr right to ask/demand, and the business owner has the right to operate his business any way he sees fit
Many Americans are trying to twist freedom into entitlement. It's part of what is dragging our country straight to the bottom.
And yet most of the whining in this thread comes from vegans.
That's how you see it.
.I see idiots looking to start something for no reason.

Eat where you want. Eat WHAT you want. If people make demands of a restaurant as potential customers, what's it to you? If a restaurant wants to accommodate potential customers, or not, WHATS IT TO YOU?
That's how you see it.
.I see idiots looking to start something for no reason.

Eat where you want. Eat WHAT you want. If people make demands of a restaurant as potential customers, what's it to you? If a restaurant wants to accommodate potential customers, or not, WHATS IT TO YOU?

It's called debating on a message board designed for debating.

Why are you even here if you don't want to see it or do it?
That's how you see it.
.I see idiots looking to start something for no reason.

Eat where you want. Eat WHAT you want. If people make demands of a restaurant as potential customers, what's it to you? If a restaurant wants to accommodate potential customers, or not, WHATS IT TO YOU?

No, he is correct. It is vegans who are denigrating the decision, and then heaping derision on the restaurant for not catering to their kind.
That's how you see it.
.I see idiots looking to start something for no reason.

Eat where you want. Eat WHAT you want. If people make demands of a restaurant as potential customers, what's it to you? If a restaurant wants to accommodate potential customers, or not, WHATS IT TO YOU?

EXACTLY! Take a look at the thread. Vegans whining about a restaurant making the decision to EXCLUDE them.
Wise choice by the owner.

Too small a minority to cater to and they are some of the most self righteous jerks around
also unhealthy jerks

Veganism is healthy for maybe a couple weeks. Then the body needs complete protein and the kind only found in animal products. Jesus ate meat (the Passover lamb, etc).

Vegans are nuts, not even eating fish... (because "it has a face")


they don't live long. But that doesn't faze them, I guess... They disbelieve the science on that one just as they disbelieve the science on everything else..
also unhealthy jerks

Veganism is healthy for maybe a couple weeks. Then the body needs complete protein and the kind only found in animal products. Jesus ate meat (the Passover lamb, etc).

Vegans are nuts, not even eating fish... (because "it has a face")


they don't live long. But that doesn't faze them, I guess... They disbelieve the science on that one just as they disbelieve the science on everything else..

Look at the "studies" they post up. 110 people in a semi controlled situation, there was no detail of the metrics they used, nor was there a detailed breakdown of thr medical condition of tbe subjects.

In other words, the "study" wasn't valid.

But this is the kind of crap they post up.
From what I've seen, apart from possible food contamination and stuff like that, the Japanese and some Southeast Asians seem to have the healthiest diet of all. They eat a little meat but they also eat tons of rice and vegetables, much of it which is very exotic and some from the ocean absolutely full of healthy things. So many of those people live to be centenarians.
From what I've seen, apart from possible food contamination and stuff like that, the Japanese and some Southeast Asians seem to have the healthiest diet of all. They eat a little meat but they also eat tons of rice and vegetables, much of it which is very exotic and some from the ocean absolutely full of healthy things. So many of those people live to be centenarians.

The Mediterranean diet is considered by medical practitionets, and nutritionists, to be the best diet.
The Mediterranean diet is considered by medical practitionets, and nutritionists, to be the best diet.
I love the Mediterranean diet, including stuff from the Levant and Middle East....but I really don't quite believe that. I think the proof is in the pudding of the groups who tend to live the longest.

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