Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

I'm very comfortable eating critters. I am also comfortable if you don't. Just realize the plants feel pain too. You just can't hear it, so you don't care.
The Goal of the Vegans Is to Turn Thinkers Into Vegetables

Proof, at least in Liberal Logic, is the weeping willow tree. Ironically, it also cures pain. Aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) comes from that comforter. The salic- part is from salix, the Latin word for willow tree.
bitching. They insisted McDonald's serve something they could eat, so they came out with some sort of veggie burger thing. It was off the menu in less than a year. Nobody goes to McDonald's to eat healthy food outside of salads. If it's not selling and taking up valuable space, you get rid of it.
Veganism Is the Fast-Food Joint of Nutritional Science
And they want everyone else to be in the same lot, either via peer pressure of government action.

I wonder if they consider crickets "meat"
They Demand We Be De-Manned

Of course it's meat; insects have a high protein content. You know, the stuff that builds muscle? That's what the Veganists are after, turning us into skinny weaklings incapable of punching back at them.
the Japanese and some Southeast Asians seem to have the healthiest diet of all. They eat a little meat but they also eat tons of rice and vegetables, So many of those people live to be centenarians.
"Drive!" He Said

So the Veganists want us to be their geezer coolie rickshaw chauffeurs.
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I never said anything about the restaurant owner.

He can do what he wants IDGAF.

I am correcting your incorrect assumptions about vegans
Exactly. If the restaurant owner doesn't want our business I guess he doesn't want our business. One would think that as a business owner they would want to provide options for different audiences. It's just good customer service. And I agree with you, I whole lot of incorrect understanding of vegans and veganism in this thread.
Exactly. If the restaurant owner doesn't want our business I guess he doesn't want our business. One would think that as a business owner they would want to provide options for different audiences. It's just good customer service. And I agree with you, I whole lot of incorrect understanding of vegans and veganism in this thread.
I don't think it was about not wanting their business so much as not wanting to hear their complaints all the time. I don't complain in restaurants. If I didn't like it and they asked how was the food I just said so good that I won't be back.
It’s your right for you to eat what tastes like Bambi. Just as the restaurant owner points out - stop demanding others conform to your personal choice.
Who is demanding that? Most vegans just want some options at all the restaurants available that they would like to frequent. It is simply good at customer service. To try to please the people that walk through your door because it's your means of making a living. That's really all there is to it!
So people aren't allowed to ask a restaurant owner if they have vegetarian or vegan options?

It seems to me that a business person would want to attract as many people as possible to his establishment and if people in his area are asking for something it might be worth considering.
Exactly. And the meat eaters think vegans are demanding! Untrue entirely, we just want choices that suit our palate and our moral values.
I don't think it was about not wanting their business so much as not wanting to hear their complaints all the time. I don't complain in restaurants. If I didn't like it and they asked how was the food I just said so good that I won't be back.
Most vegans simply want something that coincides with their moral values. Eating animals that have been tortured in factory farms is uncompassionate. And what is wrong with speaking up in a restaurant that we would like to see more compassionate choices on the menu? Do we want to live in a compassionate world? One that treats other people and animals compassionately? Would you eat your dog? Your dog that maybe was tortured to get to your plate? Virtually all animals that wind up on our plates in our establishments where we eat come from torture chambers. Vegans simply want to live a more compassionate lifestyle, including what we put on our plate. One would think restaurant owners would understand this. Or get on board and begin to understand it. The world is a very violent place if you have not noticed. If human beings could be more compassionate towards animals, perhaps we would be more compassionate toward one another.
Who is demanding that? Most vegans just want some options at all the restaurants available that they would like to frequent. It is simply good at customer service. To try to please the people that walk through your door because it's your means of making a living. That's really all there is to it!
If you don't like what they serve go somewhere else. No one should be forced to comply with whining vegans or anyone else. They can sell what they want and if it's good they will have plenty of customers.
Most vegans simply want something that coincides with their moral values. Eating animals that have been tortured in factory farms is uncompassionate. And what is wrong with speaking up in a restaurant that we would like to see more compassionate choices on the menu? Do we want to live in a compassionate world? One that treats other people and animals compassionately? Would you eat your dog? Your dog that maybe was tortured to get to your plate? Virtually all animals that wind up on our plates in our establishments where we eat come from torture chambers. Vegans simply want to live a more compassionate lifestyle, including what we put on our plate. One would think restaurant owners would understand this. Or get on board and begin to understand it. The world is a very violent place if you have not noticed. If human beings could be more compassionate towards animals, perhaps we would be more passionate toward one another.
Nothing is wrong with it but apparently they spoke up so much the owner got sick of them and took action. It's called freedom.
I love the Mediterranean diet, including stuff from the Levant and Middle East....but I really don't quite believe that. I think the proof is in the pudding of the groups who tend to live the longest.

Yeah, italians.
Pigs taste better than dogs too. So, riddle me this, why do some things taste better than others?

So you're not denying that pigs are as smart or smarter than dogs... and you must also be aware that they feel pain, they suffer, they have emotions just like dogs do. But because "they taste better" that justifies abusing, torturing and needlessly killing them? That's not a rhetorical question, I genuinely want to know if that's your position on it.

Let me ask you this. If dog meat tasted just as good as pig flesh, would you kill and eat dogs on a regular basis? Or would you just pay someone else at a dog factory farm to cage, torture and slit their throats and dismember them so you can buy dog body parts packaged up at the grocery store?

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