Tired of Whining Vegans, Restaurant Owner Drops All Vegan Items from Menu

You're right that it's not being an animal.... it's being worse than an animal. Because animals that are obligate carnivores have no choice. Humans DO have a choice. The overwhelming majority of the world doesn't eat flesh for survival, but simply because they want to, to satisfy their tastebuds. At least be honest about it. :dunno:

I haven't seen anyone put animals on the same level as human beings. But as I said in my previous post, us being above the animals is all the more reason to not be violent, cruel or self-serving. There's a lot more to be said about this, but I don't want to write an essay here.

There's nothing odd about not eating corpses, in fact the opposite is true. I used to be an enthusiastic meat-eater like you, but now that I'm vegan I see how deeply conditioned people have been to accept something as normal that was never meant to be. You know what actually is odd? To eat dead bodies... or the secretions of another species... and many more things that people accept as normal, without really even thinking about it.


Look at the crap you post up! You think that this is going to bother us? I see a nice tasty bird. The fact that you insist on making it look like someone is having sex with it says more about you, than it does about us.
Not true.

I have been vegan for 3 years now and I still go to places with people who eat meat.

What I find happens most often is that people who eat meat will usually try to get me to eat meat for some reason.
LMAO, so you advocate using the POTUS for your next meal? After all he IS a vegetable.
Look at the crap you post up! You think that this is going to bother us? I see a nice tasty bird. The fact that you insist on making it look like someone is having sex with it says more about you, than it does about us.
It is the fall turkey hatch here and it is a bumper year. Dinner strolls across my yard daily.
Your flaw is that what they sell has to be profitable for the restaurant. If it's not, they fail.

True, but I'm pretty sure that the story took place in the UK. And veganism is huge there, and growing fast. That's why I said that I think the owner made a foolish business decision. (see the article below) But whuhev, it's his choice and those potential customers will just give their money to someone else. :)

Look at the crap you post up! You think that this is going to bother us? I see a nice tasty bird. The fact that you insist on making it look like someone is having sex with it says more about you, than it does about us.

You missed the point entirely. Good job.
So people aren't allowed to ask a restaurant owner if they have vegetarian or vegan options?

It seems to me that a business person would want to attract as many people as possible to his establishment and if people in his area are asking for something it might be worth considering.
Depends on if the ROI pencils out. Some people enjoy falafel, some don't. Why would a restaurant offer falafel if only one in one hundred patrons wanted it. If the majority of his patrons were vegan, I am sure he would cater to them. Obviously, the majority of his patrons are carnivores and he figures it is not worth the time and expense to cater to one or two vegans.
Depends on if the ROI pencils out. Some people enjoy falafel, some don't. Why would a restaurant offer falafel if only one in one hundred patrons wanted it. If the majority of his patrons were vegan, I am sure he would cater to them. Obviously, the majority of his patrons are carnivores and he figures it is not worth the time and expense to cater to one or two vegans.

Haha, not exactly one or two. The story took place in the UK, and that's one of the most vegan countries in the world, per capita.

The United Kingdom was the world's most popular country for veganism in 2020, according to a study based on Google Trends.

Haha, not exactly one or two. The story took place in the UK, and that's one of the most vegan countries in the world, per capita.

The United Kingdom was the world's most popular country for veganism in 2020, according to a study based on Google Trends.

Apparently there wasn't enough profit in their chosen diet for the owner to care. Meh. I don't go to vegan restaurants because I like meat. I also don't go to sushi restaurants because I don't want intestinal worms. To each his own said the old lady to the cow as she chewed her cud.
True, but I'm pretty sure that the story took place in the UK. And veganism is huge there, and growing fast. That's why I said that I think the owner made a foolish business decision. (see the article below) But whuhev, it's his choice and those potential customers will just give their money to someone else. :)

It's easy to jump 360% when you started with 8 people!
All-Day Sucker

You poor suffering martyr for the cause. Want a lollipop to cheer you up?

So what's wrong with going to a restaurant that serves what you want and everybody is happy?

So what's wrong with going to a restaurant that serves what you want and everybody is happy?
It's perpetually meat eaters that argue in this fashion. What's wrong with a restaurant being willing to offer cuisine that reaches the largest number people, who eat different things? One would think that it's just simply good business. Of course as a vegan I would like to see an end to the suffering that animals go through so people can eat them. I'd like to see human hearts changed from indifferent to kind and compassionate for the life of others. It's about respect for life. It's about kindness and mercy and not wanting to do harm. What's really interesting is that if someone else wasn't doing the killing for meat eaters who simply walk in a restaurant or a grocers and buy the meat already presented in nice neat packages, or on a plate where one doesn't know what that meat went through to get to that plate, if these same people had to kill the meat themselves and hack it up to eat it, look in the eyes of the animal you're about to kill, or work on a kill line in a factory farm, most meat eaters would become vegans. At least most with a heart and eyes that see the pain and suffering caused for a tasty treat.
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Let's put it this way....

Ham vs Turkey.
Turkey is a much healthier meat than ham....but ham outsells Turkey 3 to 1.
And if you have vegetarian ham (not vegan) Turkey will still outsell vegetarian ham 20 to one. Making even the space on the menu to be a loser....menu space is also precious and costly. Every letter costs money as well as lost revenue from not promoting another product that will sell.

Menu mix is what success or failure is built on. If a menu item has too few sales it's dropped and another item is introduced.
What you seem to be missing is that what they sell has to be profitable for the restaurant. If it's not, they fail.
I do get that. At the same time there is nothing wrong with being open to finding resolutions for vegans when they walk through the doors. I will say that most restaurants that I frequent will be open to changing their dishes to veganize them. It's just good business.
I do get that. At the same time there is nothing wrong with being open to finding resolutions for vegans when they walk through the doors. I will say that most restaurants that I frequent will be open to changing their dishes to veganize them. It's just good business.
Difference between vegetarian vs vegan.

Vegetarian is relatively easy and simple to pull off as a request item.

Vegan is impossible to pull off.
I am not religious as you are. I am a simple scientist and I follow nature. Nature made us omnivorous. YOU choose to anthropomorphize animals. I posted up videos of plants moving towards the sound of music. Music is a universal language. You say that they have no nervous system, and that is true, but why then do they move towards the sound of music that they like?

It is an inconvenient truth that you are killing something to eat that feels, and reacts to music. If I kill a critter it has no fear because I kill it so quick it doesn't even know it has died. I am not cruel, and I don't want to cause suffering. But your argument is not based on science, it is based on religious principles.

So, once again, what do you call a person who wants to impose their will on others?
Oh but it is based on science. Living plants do not have a nervous system. This is a scientific fact. And without a nervous system, that life form does not feel pain or suffer, that is a scientific fact. In fact, plants were designed to be eaten by humans. We were made to each plants. We were not made to eat dead fleshly things. We were made to eat the living plants, ultimate nutrition for good health.
Difference between vegetarian vs vegan.

Vegetarian is relatively easy and simple to pull off as a request item.

Vegan is impossible to pull off.
Simply not true. In fact, the restaurants I frequent, most of them have a plant-based milk on hand and could use it instead of cow's milk in certain dishes, many people with lactose intolerance and other disorders, cannot drink the milk of a cow for health reasons and restaurants cater to them. It's quite easy to veganize dishes, and very simple when there is a will to do it. Restaurants could subsidize beans for meat in many of their dishes. Just two very simple examples.
It's perpetually meat eaters that argue in this fashion. What's wrong with a restaurant being willing to offer cuisine that reaches the largest number people, who eat different things? One would think that it's just simply good business. Of course as a vegan I would like to see an end to the suffering that animals go through so people can eat them. I'd like to see human hearts changed from indifferent to kind and compassionate for the life of others. It's about respect for life. It's about kindness and mercy and not wanting to do harm. What's really interesting is that if someone else wasn't doing the killing for meat eaters who simply walk in a restaurant or a grocers and buy the meat already presented in nice neat packages, or on a plate where one doesn't know what that meat went through to get to that plate, if these same people had to kill the meat themselves and hack it up to eat it, look in the eyes of the animal you're about to kill, or work on a kill line in a factory farm, most meat eaters would become vegans. At least most with a heart and eyes that see the pain and suffering caused for a tasty treat.
When you pull a vegetable out of the ground, do you eat it alive or is it dead. You killed a living organism. Save it.

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