Tlaib wins Conyers seat congress to get 1st Muslim woman

DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.
Bring it on bitch , we will send Mike Tyson he is a Muslim and tell him in his face lol
Watch the GOP bigots fuming.
Why? It is progressives that bring the religious test to people in office.

Just ask anyone who is Christian and how they will be attacked for using their religion to do away with abortion on demand.

I wonder what this new Muslum woman's views on gay rights are and if they're just lip service?
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.

Such ignorant bullshit.

Terrorism is one of those words which is subjective.

Like execution/murder.
Like heroin/diamorphine.

Terrorist/freedom fighter is just another.

The US goes around the world killing people. The estimates of how many people died as a result of the invasion of Iraq and the post war period are up to about 1 million people.

Now, Muslim terrorists have killed quite a lot of people, but in the west they haven't killed anywhere near 1 million people. Not even close.

The US isn't a terrorist organization simply because the US sees what the US doing as good. Therefore it's not terrorism.

The problem is, other people see it the other way around and see the US as the biggest threat to global security.

Muslim terrorist acts have increased MASSIVELY since 2003. Mostly because of the US's actions in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Without that, many of these "terrorists" would not have bothered. But the US couldn't leave weaker oil rich Muslim countries along, could it?

So, the US has started fighting, and then gets shocked when people fight back. Why?

More stupid babbling; 'Oil rich countries' begged for Americans to come in and make them rich. J.Paul Getty was among the first Americans to do so on a large scale, but the Brits led the way, as did Samuels and smaller players.

Terrorist acts have increased because of the support your ilk gives them along with the weak responses from the targeted countries. You idiot phony scum are more responsible than anyone else for the increase. Your stupid meme blaming the U.S. for the rest of the world's degenerate atavism is as lame as it was when the Soviets dreamed up that 'talking point' in the frigging 1950's, dumbass.
Huuuummmm muslims dropped 2 nuclear bombs?
Muslims killed millions of natives ?
Muslims invaded Iraq? Afghanistan? Vietnam? Panama ? Nicaragua ? Hawaii? Korea? Lybia......and ruined dozens of other countries.
Muslims do back dictators ?
Muslims sells billions of dollars worth of weapons?
Muslims trained al Qaeda?
Muslims enslaved African americans?
Mislims are responsible of 10s of thousands death in the US from gun violence ?
Muslims separate kids from their parents ?
Muslims commit most of the mass shootings in the US?
mislims have hundreds of bases around the world ?

Yeah let's blame the muslims.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.

I think that maybe 30% of those living in Islamic shitholes would abandon the cult in a heartbeat if allowed to do so, but the regime changes necessary would be fairly bloody and not worth it to those capable of actually bringing that about. We can only work to destroy the stranglehold via internal revolts and hope for the best. Long shot, though.
No. While this sounds good, muslims who escape the violence in their home countries invariably institute the same violence where ever they go.

Yup they beg for asylum and once they get into the country they bring their sharia law bullshit with them.
Sharia law ? Looooooooooool dumbest comment ever. Allah akbar and mashallah god can give you a brain and you might not know how to use it lol


I told you that most conservatives and pro trump supporters are bigoted assholes.
Watch the GOP bigots fuming.

Actually some of us are hoping you Dem scum indeed get a Muslim run state and local government; we look forward to your living under Shariah law and a far more 'conservative' govt. And your own stupidity will be the cause. lol

Yeah, she looks like the epitome of Shariah law. :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Yeah they said the same fkg thing in Europe until the invasion and they became the TOP POPULATION and the natural born were told go fk yourself yeah riiiight. DO YOU KNOW WHAT INFILTRATE FROM WTIHIN MEANS................


Becase the LEFTIST IDIOTS OF EUROPE thought the same gawd dam thing until their daughters, mothers, sisters began getting raped by GANGS oh but that's fale huh. lol

BRITISH SOLDIERS who dare to criticize the Army’s ‘diversity’ ad campaign will face disciplinary action

View attachment 209183
You mean like what Europeans did to natives? :)
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.

I think that maybe 30% of those living in Islamic shitholes would abandon the cult in a heartbeat if allowed to do so, but the regime changes necessary would be fairly bloody and not worth it to those capable of actually bringing that about. We can only work to destroy the stranglehold via internal revolts and hope for the best. Long shot, though.
No. While this sounds good, muslims who escape the violence in their home countries invariably institute the same violence where ever they go.

I didn't endorse taking them in; the only refugees we should take in should be Christians or other fairly decent sects. Islam is a political ideology, not a religion.
Hummmmm natives weren't Christian's now were they ?
Watch the GOP bigots fuming.
Why? It is progressives that bring the religious test to people in office.

Just ask anyone who is Christian and how they will be attacked for using their religion to do away with abortion on demand.

I wonder what this new Muslum woman's views on gay rights are and if they're just lip service?
Conservatives in general are anti gay...why u so consider with 1 single Muslim woman , while millions of homophobics are Christian's? Bigotry?
I say it because it's true; over 80% of it is about political matters, not theology. The Koran is simply some ripped off and rewritten rubbish from the book of Moses, and some Zoroastrianism, and local asteroid worshiping mythology. There isn't any theology in the book, it's just a collection of rambling babbling from a crazy bandit chief.

Which is different than the Bible how?

I know of no Zoroastrianism in the Koran------but the MAGI FOLLOWING YONDER STAR -------were, clearly, zoroastrians
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.
Bring it on bitch , we will send Mike Tyson he is a Muslim and tell him in his face lol

not a good example---Mike Tyson was convicted of rape (LOL?)
Issa-----you just did a muslim thing-----THREATEN VIOLENCE IN
THE NAME of ----the crap of jannah
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!

You are the idiot and bigot. How about innocent until proven guilty.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
How can you be possibly be this hateful ?
You know that some of the top doctors, surgeons, scientists , etc....are american muslims ?
How the hell did you come up with all that hate ? Have you ever seen or interacted with a Muslim?
Btw they 2 legs and 2 arms.

Get over yourself. Nearly all terrorist violence is perpetrated by muslims. Remember 9-11? That was not a Mormon attack. I will never acknowledge that there is any such thing as an American muslim. Can't be both. The only good muslim is a dead muslim.

Why don't you get your hateful ass out of here. ISIS was able to reach out to whites and Europeans as well. Yes a American can be a Muslim and a Muslim can be a American.
DETROIT (AP) — Former Michigan state Rep. Rashida Tlaib has won the Democratic nomination to run unopposed for the House seat long held by former Rep. John Conyers, setting her up to become the first Muslim woman elected to Congress.
Tlaib wins Conyers' seat; Congress to get 1st Muslim woman

Oh no they don't infilitrate from with in the leftist liberals are beyond gawd dam retarded fkn morons. THI SIS EXACLTY HOW IT UNFOLDED IN EUROPE YAH DUMBED DOWN JERKS!!

You just voted in the biggest mistake of your lives you deserve what's coming idiots!!
Infiltrate? We know she's muslim and her constituents don't seem to have a problem with it.
Watch the GOP bigots fuming.

Actually some of us are hoping you Dem scum indeed get a Muslim run state and local government; we look forward to your living under Shariah law and a far more 'conservative' govt. And your own stupidity will be the cause. lol
Can't be any worse than those bible belt states and how they were run for the longest time with being dry, blue laws, segregation, women as second class citizens...etc....child brides....
I am VERY uncomfortable and reject any practicing Muslim from holding positions of power and influence in the fabric of our local, state and national governance. Our Nation was founded on the tenets of Judaeo Christian doctrine. The tenets of Islam, while superficially congruous in many regards, does in no uncertain terms compel / require that there is no tolerance for the 'infidel'; they are to be either converted or eradicated (PERIOD). Our Nation welcomes all faiths, creeds & and religions, however, this does not mean that they should be elevated to higher office by the constituency. The check, absence of a 'religion test' lies solely in the people. (I btw am all for allowing a 'religious test' when it comes to those openly subscribing to a faith (whose rigid, ideological orthodoxy) espouses death to others who differ.

For example, lets speculate, based on the evidence, that Barack O is a Muslim, or at the very least, deeply sympathetic toward them. He unilaterally, unconstitutionally used his 'pen and phone' to the overt & specific detriment of Christians and Jews abroad. The deleterious effect on our Nation is even now being realized, long after the fact, as we deal with a cash infused, sanguinary Iran, just one example of many. We must not have more Muslims or Islamic sympathizers wielding power and tugging diametrically on the reins of US governance.

There is no religious test for holding office nor should they. You talk about Islam's lack of intolerance and your solution is intolerance towards Muslims. You are a disgusting bigot.

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