Zone1 TN Pastor under attack for preaching that "You vote Democrat you are not welcome to the church"

I am writing to tell you that you must not associate with those who call themselves believers in Christ but who sin sexually, or are greedy, or worship idols, or abuse others with words, or get drunk, or cheat people. Do not even eat with people like that.

1 Corinthians 5:9-13 Share -

Cutting and pasting God's word to justify the sin of murder of unborn children is something no Christian would ever do.
Literally under attack. Dozens of rounds were fired at his home by an unknown person or persons. It probably stems from this sermon where he preached "You can not be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation. They are God-denying demons that butcher babies and hate this nation."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house​

"Dozens of gunshots were fired at Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke's home, garage and vehicle late Tuesday, according to the Wilson County Sheriff's Office.

There were no injuries, according to Wilson County Sheriff's Office Capt. Scott Moore. The shooting is being investigated, but no arrests were reported in connection with the case as of Wednesday.

Deputies responded to the pastor's home around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, and found 30-40 shell casings around the house, garage and vehicle, Moore said."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house

I love this guy.

At point 4.16 he says God will feed us when the communists are starving

Well, I love his trust in God but God does allow an awful lot of evil in this world. There are no guarantees.

I do believe God will feed his people, though.. he just may not deliver them from EVERYTHING the godless do---


/----/ Catholics don't study the Bible the way Protestants do. So, why don't you tell me what He said.
I've read the entire Bible and am, as a friend told me years ago, Catholic and a half

The thing is, once I did that, I could see how true it is that most Protestants have NOT read it. They focus on this or that psg and totally disregard any psg that does not comport w/ their chosen beliefs, esp anything that sounds a little too Catholic. Exmple: Mt 18:23 speaks of how you can lose your salvation through sin
I prefer a more forgiving brand of Christianity. I'm anti abortion and pro faith. I think the 10 commandments are a good foundation for society, even though I have broken many of them many times. But I don't believe, like this guy seems to, that Christ doesn't accept certain party members. Christ accepts anyone who has faith and accepts Him as their savior, good or bad. MAGA

Yeah. I've known some Democrats who are not evil, horrible people, just very misguided and naive.

I don't know much about this pastor, but I'm wondering if he just likes saying controversial things to stir the pot and get attention.

I was actually going to share this scripture on another thread for someone who needs it (no names mentioned, lol) but since I happen to have it handy, I think this pastor needs to read it too:

Get rid of your bitterness, hot temper, anger, loud quarreling, cursing, and hatred. Be kind to each other, sympathetic, forgiving each other as God has forgiven you through Christ.

Ephesians 4:31-32
Literally under attack. Dozens of rounds were fired at his home by an unknown person or persons. It probably stems from this sermon where he preached "You can not be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation. They are God-denying demons that butcher babies and hate this nation."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house​

"Dozens of gunshots were fired at Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke's home, garage and vehicle late Tuesday, according to the Wilson County Sheriff's Office.

There were no injuries, according to Wilson County Sheriff's Office Capt. Scott Moore. The shooting is being investigated, but no arrests were reported in connection with the case as of Wednesday.

Deputies responded to the pastor's home around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, and found 30-40 shell casings around the house, garage and vehicle, Moore said."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house

False flag. All staged.
God is not righteous only his subjects are expected to be as such.
Would a Christian vote for a Nazi?

If both advocate genocide, what is the difference?

I am in no way surprised that the Brown shirts tried to kill him after saying those things.

Going against the DNC is like going against the most powerful and successful crime organization in human history.

And no, I don't expect any arrests.

The only one that might get arrested is the preacher for speaking his mind.
Literally under attack. Dozens of rounds were fired at his home by an unknown person or persons. It probably stems from this sermon where he preached "You can not be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation. They are God-denying demons that butcher babies and hate this nation."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house​

"Dozens of gunshots were fired at Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke's home, garage and vehicle late Tuesday, according to the Wilson County Sheriff's Office.

There were no injuries, according to Wilson County Sheriff's Office Capt. Scott Moore. The shooting is being investigated, but no arrests were reported in connection with the case as of Wednesday.

Deputies responded to the pastor's home around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, and found 30-40 shell casings around the house, garage and vehicle, Moore said."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house

Probably a MAGA gun nut's doing
Literally under attack. Dozens of rounds were fired at his home by an unknown person or persons. It probably stems from this sermon where he preached "You can not be a Christian and vote Democrat in this nation. They are God-denying demons that butcher babies and hate this nation."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house​

"Dozens of gunshots were fired at Global Vision Bible Church Pastor Greg Locke's home, garage and vehicle late Tuesday, according to the Wilson County Sheriff's Office.

There were no injuries, according to Wilson County Sheriff's Office Capt. Scott Moore. The shooting is being investigated, but no arrests were reported in connection with the case as of Wednesday.

Deputies responded to the pastor's home around 10:30 p.m. Tuesday, and found 30-40 shell casings around the house, garage and vehicle, Moore said."

Police: 30-40 gunshots fired at Tennessee Pastor Greg Locke's Wilson County house

I certainly don't condone such a message in a sermon--I personally think the Church should stay clear of politics even if it must morally address specific issues.

But the First Amendment to the United States Constitution protects the right of a person to speak his mind even when he/she is wrong.

And anybody who would shoot up a person's home because of an expressed opinion should be locked up and the key thrown away.
Two wrongs don't make a right. I always hope that things end with justice for all those involved.

A first for me is seeing such a note at the bottom of the linked article stating that:
The Key Points at the top of this article were created with the assistance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and reviewed by a journalist before publication. No other parts of the article were generated using AI.

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