To crush liberals first root them out

The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

I like to call them " FAKE " liberals. Real true blue liberals have more compassion and fairness than these fake ass liberals.

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

I like to call them " FAKE " liberals. Real true blue liberals have more compassion and fairness than these fake ass liberals.
Conservatives elected a con man into the WH.

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.

If Trump is "not your president," then you are "not an American."
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.

He had better learn to ignore liberals. We didnt elect him to please them or "reach across the aisle". Enough of that for the last 40 years. We elected him for pest control and to govern for us.

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.

If Trump is "not your president," then you are "not an American."[/QUOTe

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.
Something your boy Obama never did master, not in eight years

Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.


Today's democrats are no different than yesterdays Stalinist Soviets or the Khmer Rouge.

Let us know when Trump and the GOP decide to goven!!!!! Republi-CAN'Ts own all 3 branches and won't shit to show for it!!!

Trump has already done more than Obama did in his first term. That's what has you fascists in such a melt down.
Trump has yet to learn how to govern for All Americans.
Something your boy Obama never did master, not in eight years
Your good ole boys in the GOP fillibustered, obstruced President Obama for 8 long years. The Dems will Obstruct, sabotaged and filibuster Trump for 4 long years!!!

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