To crush liberals first root them out

The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

And hilary won the Presidency by double digits....
Odd, where did you hear that?

From virtually EVERY leftist news source, all the way into November 7th evening. Shit, Can't Call it News (CNN) was reporting the massive Hillary win at 6:00 PM Pacific while I was going to the polls. The faces of the fascist newscasters sure dropped around 10, "how could they let THOSE PEOPLE VOTE" wondered Chrissy Matthews and Anderson Cooper?

You were too drunk and strung out on meth to notice, but the rest of us did.

Nnnnnope. That's the fantasy hallucination in your Doublethink head, where the same word means the opposite of itself. And you're apparently too dense to see it while you sit on your worm-infested ass hanging labels on other people as if you're some sort of self-appointed Secretary of Labeling Other People (affectionately known as SLOP). :rofl:

The actual history is what I just posted. That's why I posted the signatories to the Constitution --- a list of laudable Liberals, like it or lump it.

That's nice, but what does it have to do with a Stalinist thug like you? :dunno:
and when you oppose the liberal of today you get riots or get a fancy label put on you.....they are nothing like the ones of that time,.....

Look, it's very simple. If they -- whoever "they" means --- are "nothing like the ones of that time" ---- then they ain't Liberals in the first place.. Not rocket surgery. So stop calling them what they ain't. It's as bad as pretending "Hitler was a leftist" --- which is another tool of the same crowd for the same purpose. Historical revisionism.

You know those various videos, "Hitler finds out the Patriots won" etc ---- somebody should make one called Hitler finds out he's a "leftist". :lmao:
if you cant figure out who the "they" is that im talking about pogo let me know and i will explain it to you so you can understand it...and YOU are the one who called them liberals....all i was saying is that their mindsets are somewhat different......

I didn't use a "them" at all. You did. So whoever "them" might be ----- in any context at all ---- if they don't walk, talk and act Liberal ---- then just simply don't call them that. Exactly the same as if Hitler doesn't walk, talk and act like a leftist.... don't try to get away with calling Hitler a leftist.

Cannot possibly be simpler.

You're gonna sit there and say you've never noticed how I've called out a gazilliion threads proclaiming "Liberal did this" and "Liberal dd that" on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? Really?
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did.
yea you did....." So stop calling them what they ain't".....and you have called the people of that time who rebelled and wrote the Constitution "liberals" of the day.....all i was saying is they aint nothing like the liberals of today....

You're not listening Harry.

YOUR TERM there is "they". All I did was put it in the objective case. Whoever "they/them" is --- in ANY post --- if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place. I really can't reduce this to any simpler terms.

If I looked at a pizza and called it a "chocolate bar" --- then I would have no basis on which to declare "this chocolate doesn't taste anything like it should". Because it isn't chocolate. Get it? I can't make a pizza into a chocolate bar simply by calling it the wrong thing.. Saying so does not make it so.

Whelp --- that's exactly what's going on with the OP and his second banana Ellipsis Boi. Hanging a label that doesn't fit, and the pretending "oh, look at what (label) is". It AIN'T. It's a fake strawman. So again --- let's not enable them.
you are the one who is not listening Pogo....
you called the guys back in those days "liberals"...i didnt you all i said was they aint nothing like the "liberals" of today...and let me ask you....what does a liberal act like?...

LOL- you and your fellow fascists are not 'conservative' as you know. You are rightwing thugs with utter hostility to individual liberty and the United States Constitution.

Which is why we got Trump.

Ah, lying - well you are a fascist so lying is what you do.

Indeed- you lie because you are a fascist- and that is what you fascists do.

All in your effort to stifle public discussion. You can't stand the idea of a political philosophy other than your conservative brand of fascism.

You are mistaken, I am not a democrat, i.e. a fascist.

Of course you aren't a democrat- because you are a fascist.

A conservative fascist who applauds those who propose the extermination of those who dare think differently than you do.

A classic fascist.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....
Nor really. But for sure the 'Conservatives' are the same. Oppose them, and the first thing they start talking about is guns.

Really....because the left wing ends up using mass graves........100 million innocent men, women and children murdered and buried in mass graves...because the left wing didn't like the way they thought about things.......
Really, cocksuck? You are the one always talking guns. You are the one that posts with delight every time you see an article about people being gunned down. Extreme right and extreme left both have blood on their hands. It's just that you try to justify the blood on the hands of the extreme right.

Boy...your reading comprehension is low...I post about the right to keep and bear arms...a Right that is constantly under attack and which is the bedrock of our freedom....

The left...of which you are a part....murdered 100 million, women and children...since 1917.......all because they didn't think the way you asswipes wanted them to think......had they had the Right to bear arms...they likely would not have ended up in mass graves...which is why you oppose the 2nd Amendment....
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....
Nor really. But for sure the 'Conservatives' are the same. Oppose them, and the first thing they start talking about is guns.

Really....because the left wing ends up using mass graves........100 million innocent men, women and children murdered and buried in mass graves...because the left wing didn't like the way they thought about things.......
Really, cocksuck? You are the one always talking guns. You are the one that posts with delight every time you see an article about people being gunned down. Extreme right and extreme left both have blood on their hands. It's just that you try to justify the blood on the hands of the extreme right.

Boy...your reading comprehension is low...I post about the right to keep and bear arms...a Right that is constantly under attack and which is the bedrock of our freedom....

The left...of which you are a part....murdered 100 million, women and children...since 1917.......all because they didn't think the way you asswipes wanted them to think......had they had the Right to bear arms...they likely would not have ended up in mass graves...which is why you oppose the 2nd Amendment....
Look, it's very simple. If they -- whoever "they" means --- are "nothing like the ones of that time" ---- then they ain't Liberals in the first place.. Not rocket surgery. So stop calling them what they ain't. It's as bad as pretending "Hitler was a leftist" --- which is another tool of the same crowd for the same purpose. Historical revisionism.

You know those various videos, "Hitler finds out the Patriots won" etc ---- somebody should make one called Hitler finds out he's a "leftist". :lmao:
if you cant figure out who the "they" is that im talking about pogo let me know and i will explain it to you so you can understand it...and YOU are the one who called them liberals....all i was saying is that their mindsets are somewhat different......

I didn't use a "them" at all. You did. So whoever "them" might be ----- in any context at all ---- if they don't walk, talk and act Liberal ---- then just simply don't call them that. Exactly the same as if Hitler doesn't walk, talk and act like a leftist.... don't try to get away with calling Hitler a leftist.

Cannot possibly be simpler.

You're gonna sit there and say you've never noticed how I've called out a gazilliion threads proclaiming "Liberal did this" and "Liberal dd that" on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? Really?
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did.
yea you did....." So stop calling them what they ain't".....and you have called the people of that time who rebelled and wrote the Constitution "liberals" of the day.....all i was saying is they aint nothing like the liberals of today....

You're not listening Harry.

YOUR TERM there is "they". All I did was put it in the objective case. Whoever "they/them" is --- in ANY post --- if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place. I really can't reduce this to any simpler terms.

If I looked at a pizza and called it a "chocolate bar" --- then I would have no basis on which to declare "this chocolate doesn't taste anything like it should". Because it isn't chocolate. Get it? I can't make a pizza into a chocolate bar simply by calling it the wrong thing.. Saying so does not make it so.

Whelp --- that's exactly what's going on with the OP and his second banana Ellipsis Boi. Hanging a label that doesn't fit, and the pretending "oh, look at what (label) is". It AIN'T. It's a fake strawman. So again --- let's not enable them.
you are the one who is not listening Pogo....
you called the guys back in those days "liberals"...i didnt you all i said was they aint nothing like the "liberals" of today...and let me ask you....what does a liberal act like?...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
if you cant figure out who the "they" is that im talking about pogo let me know and i will explain it to you so you can understand it...and YOU are the one who called them liberals....all i was saying is that their mindsets are somewhat different......

I didn't use a "them" at all. You did. So whoever "them" might be ----- in any context at all ---- if they don't walk, talk and act Liberal ---- then just simply don't call them that. Exactly the same as if Hitler doesn't walk, talk and act like a leftist.... don't try to get away with calling Hitler a leftist.

Cannot possibly be simpler.

You're gonna sit there and say you've never noticed how I've called out a gazilliion threads proclaiming "Liberal did this" and "Liberal dd that" on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? Really?
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did.
yea you did....." So stop calling them what they ain't".....and you have called the people of that time who rebelled and wrote the Constitution "liberals" of the day.....all i was saying is they aint nothing like the liberals of today....

You're not listening Harry.

YOUR TERM there is "they". All I did was put it in the objective case. Whoever "they/them" is --- in ANY post --- if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place. I really can't reduce this to any simpler terms.

If I looked at a pizza and called it a "chocolate bar" --- then I would have no basis on which to declare "this chocolate doesn't taste anything like it should". Because it isn't chocolate. Get it? I can't make a pizza into a chocolate bar simply by calling it the wrong thing.. Saying so does not make it so.

Whelp --- that's exactly what's going on with the OP and his second banana Ellipsis Boi. Hanging a label that doesn't fit, and the pretending "oh, look at what (label) is". It AIN'T. It's a fake strawman. So again --- let's not enable them.
you are the one who is not listening Pogo....
you called the guys back in those days "liberals"...i didnt you all i said was they aint nothing like the "liberals" of today...and let me ask you....what does a liberal act like?...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
so you tell me .....if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place....but yet you cant tell me what does a "liberal" act like?.....
From virtually EVERY leftist news source, all the way into November 7th evening. Shit, Can't Call it News (CNN) was reporting the massive Hillary win at 6:00 PM Pacific while I was going to the polls. The faces of the fascist newscasters sure dropped around 10, "how could they let THOSE PEOPLE VOTE" wondered Chrissy Matthews and Anderson Cooper?

You were too drunk and strung out on meth to notice, but the rest of us did.

This is exactly what I was speaking of. Polls are weapons liberals lob from their entrenched media and academia positions. It fits with their psyche, ie herd following and authoratarianism, but it needn't have any influence on us. As hard as it is for them to imagine I never check how the crowd is voting before I make up my mind.
Did they know the polls were lies? The ones propagating them certainly did though they thought it would be a closer call. They didnt mind predicting 85% when in their hearts they knew it was a squeaker because in the end they assumed Hillary would win and a win is a win. Their job was to demoralize and depress the Trump vote.
And yes I enjoyed their faces that that night as well. Still do. Youtube videos of media liberal's shocked faces are still getting hits so apparently it isn't just me.

The prediction below was still up well past 8:00 PM on election's one job to depress the Trump vote.

new york times poll.jpg
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

Another conservative voice calling for 'exterminating' other human beings.

You certainly are a drumpf supporter.

Next you'll claim to be 'pro-life'.

To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".
Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".
Excellent point! Because the people -- the liberals -- listed on that document have absolutely nothing in common with the left, today's democrat, pseudo-liberals.

Thank you. I've been making that distinction literally for years. "Liberal" never has never meant "left". And "Democrats" didn't even exist yet when that doc went down.

Now see if you can convey to the OP --- and to Harry --- that if said people are not acting like Liberals.............. then they should stop calling them that. I tried, but it's like talking to the wall.
if you cant figure out who the "they" is that im talking about pogo let me know and i will explain it to you so you can understand it...and YOU are the one who called them liberals....all i was saying is that their mindsets are somewhat different......

I didn't use a "them" at all. You did. So whoever "them" might be ----- in any context at all ---- if they don't walk, talk and act Liberal ---- then just simply don't call them that. Exactly the same as if Hitler doesn't walk, talk and act like a leftist.... don't try to get away with calling Hitler a leftist.

Cannot possibly be simpler.

You're gonna sit there and say you've never noticed how I've called out a gazilliion threads proclaiming "Liberal did this" and "Liberal dd that" on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? Really?
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did.
yea you did....." So stop calling them what they ain't".....and you have called the people of that time who rebelled and wrote the Constitution "liberals" of the day.....all i was saying is they aint nothing like the liberals of today....

You're not listening Harry.

YOUR TERM there is "they". All I did was put it in the objective case. Whoever "they/them" is --- in ANY post --- if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place. I really can't reduce this to any simpler terms.

If I looked at a pizza and called it a "chocolate bar" --- then I would have no basis on which to declare "this chocolate doesn't taste anything like it should". Because it isn't chocolate. Get it? I can't make a pizza into a chocolate bar simply by calling it the wrong thing.. Saying so does not make it so.

Whelp --- that's exactly what's going on with the OP and his second banana Ellipsis Boi. Hanging a label that doesn't fit, and the pretending "oh, look at what (label) is". It AIN'T. It's a fake strawman. So again --- let's not enable them.
you are the one who is not listening Pogo....
you called the guys back in those days "liberals"...i didnt you all i said was they aint nothing like the "liberals" of today...and let me ask you....what does a liberal act like?...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead:

I doubt that will help you to think better but do carry on.
Media echo chamber anyone?
"Surrogates" and fake news anyone?
Mind numbing "repetition" from "different sources" organized by a "central apparatus" anyone?
Racial politics whites-need-not-apply anyone?

From a John Podesta email...

"We will CREATE A ROBUST ECHO CHAMBER with messaging that spans from independent groups, to progressive partisans, to grassroots organizers, to the netroots. We will align messaging across broadcast and cable TV, radio, print, Internet, single-issue and advocacy organizations, progressive media, surrogates and new media. message requires repetition of common themes from different sources organized by a central apparatus--that is the organizing task of Progressive Media.

I would reach out to Obama supporters. Let me nominate Jamal Simmons. He's young (to me) Af-Am and way smart. He worked in the Clinton White House and now does commentary with me on CNN. Other prominent African-Americans should be courted, like Donna Brazile. How 'bout Dee Dee Myers? Not African-American, but rumored to be a woman. Knows the media as well as anyone. Hispanics, anyone?"

Re: DRAFT launch statement for progressive media - WikiLeaks

Sent from my iPhone using
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did. So whoever "them" might be ----- in any context at all ---- if they don't walk, talk and act Liberal ---- then just simply don't call them that. Exactly the same as if Hitler doesn't walk, talk and act like a leftist.... don't try to get away with calling Hitler a leftist.

Cannot possibly be simpler.

You're gonna sit there and say you've never noticed how I've called out a gazilliion threads proclaiming "Liberal did this" and "Liberal dd that" on the basis of no evidence whatsoever? Really?
I didn't use a "them" at all. You did.
yea you did....." So stop calling them what they ain't".....and you have called the people of that time who rebelled and wrote the Constitution "liberals" of the day.....all i was saying is they aint nothing like the liberals of today....

You're not listening Harry.

YOUR TERM there is "they". All I did was put it in the objective case. Whoever "they/them" is --- in ANY post --- if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place. I really can't reduce this to any simpler terms.

If I looked at a pizza and called it a "chocolate bar" --- then I would have no basis on which to declare "this chocolate doesn't taste anything like it should". Because it isn't chocolate. Get it? I can't make a pizza into a chocolate bar simply by calling it the wrong thing.. Saying so does not make it so.

Whelp --- that's exactly what's going on with the OP and his second banana Ellipsis Boi. Hanging a label that doesn't fit, and the pretending "oh, look at what (label) is". It AIN'T. It's a fake strawman. So again --- let's not enable them.
you are the one who is not listening Pogo....
you called the guys back in those days "liberals"...i didnt you all i said was they aint nothing like the "liberals" of today...and let me ask you....what does a liberal act like?...

:banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead::banghead: :banghead: :banghead:
so you tell me .....if they're not acting Liberal, then they're not Liberal, therefore don't call them Liberal in the first place....but yet you cant tell me what does a "liberal" act like?.....
It's Russia.....Russia......Russia!!!!!
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

I like to call them " FAKE " liberals. Real true blue liberals have more compassion and fairness than these fake ass liberals.

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