To crush liberals first root them out

To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using
A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag
you are right, lots out there,but there are plenty of conservatives out there who are scumbags too....

No, he's not right. Liberalism isn't a fricking personality type; it's a philosophy of government, one which favors the rule of Law and the idea that the power to make such law rests with the People, as opposed to a hierarchical dictator, king or cleric. There's nothing "personality" about it. And it's instructive that that's the idea he calls a "disease" that he's out to "root out" and "crush", which is why I pounced on it immediately.

Leave us not humor these pig-ignorant Eliminationist cocksuckers a single inch. Their goal is to bring everybody else down to their own level of pig-ignorance.
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
You watch too much TV.

LOL- you and your fellow fascists are not 'conservative' as you know. You are rightwing thugs with utter hostility to individual liberty and the United States Constitution.

Which is why we got Trump.

Ah, lying - well you are a fascist so lying is what you do.

Tell me fascist, do you support reporters having the right to run "sting operations" on party members? Do you support the right of individuals to determine who they will engage in business dealings with? Do people have a right to follow their own religious beliefs provided they do not cause physical harm to others? Do indviduals have the right to arm themselves for their own protection and the protection of their families? Does the Government have the right to force a person to divulge the details of their personal finances, their marital status, the number of children they have, and the intimate details of their business dealings?

Care to answer any of these, Brown Shirt?

Didn't think so.

Not only do you not have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're talking about, anus klown, you don't know jack shit about me. Go fuck yourself. But buy a history book first. We don't want blood in the bookstore.

You are pompous, tenured little turd. You spend your days dealing with impressionable kids who will never question the bullshit you peddle. What you "know" is complete bullshit, fabricated idiocy formulated to push your radical political agenda. I didn't earn a Ph.D. without encountering plenty of blowhards like you. What you can't stand is for anyone to challenge you.

I assume that you are hiding from me. I've proven myself your intellectual superior innumerable times, which is something your ego could never stand, hence it is assured that you will hide from me.

No matter, the rest of the board sees the thrubbing you are taking.
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To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

And hilary won the Presidency by double digits....
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using
A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag
you are right, lots out there,but there are plenty of conservatives out there who are scumbags too....

No, he's not right. Liberalism isn't a fricking personality type; it's a philosophy of government, one which favors the rule of Law and the idea that the power to make such law rests with the People, as opposed to a hierarchical dictator, king or cleric. There's nothing "personality" about it. And it's instructive that that's the idea he calls a "disease" that he's out to "root out" and "crush", which is why I pounced on it immediately.

Leave us not humor these pig-ignorant Eliminationist cocksuckers a single inch. Their goal is to bring everybody else down to their own level of pig-ignorance.
sure he is right.....if you are a liberal and a fucked person,you might be considered a scumbag...
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

Sent from my iPhone using
A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag
you are right, lots out there,but there are plenty of conservatives out there who are scumbags too....

No, he's not right. Liberalism isn't a fricking personality type; it's a philosophy of government, one which favors the rule of Law and the idea that the power to make such law rests with the People, as opposed to a hierarchical dictator, king or cleric. There's nothing "personality" about it. And it's instructive that that's the idea he calls a "disease" that he's out to "root out" and "crush", which is why I pounced on it immediately.

Leave us not humor these pig-ignorant Eliminationist cocksuckers a single inch. Their goal is to bring everybody else down to their own level of pig-ignorance.
sure he is right.....if you are a liberal and a fucked person,you might be considered a scumbag...

Sure, you might. But that's not what he posted. He posted a blanket statement of equivalence: "liberal equals scumbag". And that, like any blanket statement of equivalence, is an unmitigated crock of shit
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

And hilary won the Presidency by double digits....
Odd, where did you hear that?
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

And hilary won the Presidency by double digits....
Odd, where did you hear that?

You mean she didn't win? Odd....considering the same polls put her at a double digit lead before the election.....
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....

Nnnnnope. That's the fantasy hallucination in your Doublethink head, where the same word means the opposite of itself. And you're apparently too dense to see it while you sit on your worm-infested ass hanging labels on other people as if you're some sort of self-appointed Secretary of Labeling Other People (affectionately known as SLOP). :rofl:

The actual history is what I just posted. That's why I posted the signatories to the Constitution --- a list of laudable Liberals, like it or lump it.
Last edited:
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....

Nnnnnope. That's the fantasy hallucination in your Doublethink head, where the same word means the opposite of itself. And you're apparently too dense to see it while you sit on your worm-infested ass hanging labels on other people as if you're in charge of them. :rofl:

The actual history is what I just posted. That's why I posted the signatories to the Constitution --- a list of laudable Liberals, like it or lump it.

Modern Liberals.....the left wing stole the term "Liberal" because it meant limited government and personal freedom from government......and hid behind it as they pushed the exact opposite.....they lie about who they are so that morons like you will vote for them....
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....

Exactly...without big government, who the heck will support them.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

DOTR must stand for "Dumbshit Of The Realm".

the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....

Nnnnnope. That's the fantasy hallucination in your Doublethink head, where the same word means the opposite of itself. And you're apparently too dense to see it while you sit on your worm-infested ass hanging labels on other people as if you're in charge of them. :rofl:

The actual history is what I just posted. That's why I posted the signatories to the Constitution --- a list of laudable Liberals, like it or lump it.

Modern Liberals.....the left wing stole the term "Liberal" because it meant limited government and personal freedom from government......and hid behind it as they pushed the exact opposite.....they lie about who they are so that morons like you will vote for them....

All you're doing is hanging your own inaccurate labels and then pointing at them like a fucking six year old.

And then when you're corrected you just go :lalala: like a fucking five year old.

Good job Captain Wrongway.
the left wing today has stolen the word "liberal" and used it to hide who they are...the Founders were actual "liberals" who believed in personal freedom and limited government....

"Liberals" today....are nothing more than left wingers trying to hide who they are and what they want....modern "liberals" are big government statists...the exact opposite of what the Founders believed.......

Nice lie though.....

Again, the fact that you and the OP intentionally misuse a term as if it means its own opposite, is not our problem. It's yours.

The intended corruption of the term "Liberal" has a history. It began in the Red Scare/McCarthy daze when the more wingnutty Republicans, out of power for two decades, were attempting to equate "Democrats", their rivals, with "communism". That required two stretches -- one, equating "Democrat" to "Liberal", and two, then conflating "Democrat" with "soft on communism". Ergo "Liberal" was supposed to be some kind of bad thing ----- even though it's what founded this country.

Kind of treasonous actually but hey --- that's Joe McCarthy for ya.

Also required a certain amount of Doublethink, since Democrats in the South like Wallace and Thurmond, were always railing against "Liberals". They at least were using the term correctly.

George H.W. Bush (and his driver Lee Atwater) used the same tactic in his 1988 presidential run, describing his rival Dukakis as an admitted "Liberal", as if that were a bad thing. It never has been, that's a bullshit self-serving tactic to paint an honorable part of our history as a negative. It's never been a negative and never will be, so go buy a fucking history book and clean up your own act.

Modern Liberals are the opposite of who the Founders were and what they believed...modern liberals believe in big government, tax and spend and the government intruding on individual freedom at every can bitch and moan about it all you want...but that is the truth.....

Nnnnnope. That's the fantasy hallucination in your Doublethink head, where the same word means the opposite of itself. And you're apparently too dense to see it while you sit on your worm-infested ass hanging labels on other people as if you're in charge of them. :rofl:

The actual history is what I just posted. That's why I posted the signatories to the Constitution --- a list of laudable Liberals, like it or lump it.

Modern Liberals.....the left wing stole the term "Liberal" because it meant limited government and personal freedom from government......and hid behind it as they pushed the exact opposite.....they lie about who they are so that morons like you will vote for them....

All you're doing is hanging your own inaccurate labels and then pointing at them like a fucking six year old.

And then when you're corrected you just go :lalala: like a fucking five year old.

Good job Captain Wrongway.

Nope....liberal today stands for someone who believes in big now defines someone from the left wing of politics.....words change meanings no matter what they used to liberal means a left winger.....that is why they are now calling themselves order to once again hide who they really are....and progressive is another word they ran away from once it came to represent who they really, they are going back to it...

They have to keep changing their hide what they really want...bigger, more controlling government...
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....
Nor really. But for sure the 'Conservatives' are the same. Oppose them, and the first thing they start talking about is guns.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....
Nor really. But for sure the 'Conservatives' are the same. Oppose them, and the first thing they start talking about is guns.

Really....because the left wing ends up using mass graves........100 million innocent men, women and children murdered and buried in mass graves...because the left wing didn't like the way they thought about things.......
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

actually, if one does away with rightwingnut gerrymandering, the rabid right loses every time. you know, like you got 3 million fewer votes this election.

feel free to move to iran, white trash loon. you'll be happier there.

Hey Jillian ....just you celebrate Christmas?

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DOTR, what the fuck does that have to do with anything? Other than the fact that you are a brainless flap yapping 'Conservative'.

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