To crush liberals first root them out

The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Hey Troll.......just impeach Trump! or the 2018 mid terms will be a disaster for the GOP.

And you are concerned about the GOP are you? LOL

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The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

Just heard 35%

He's really nailing this pres stuff.

Note to OP - read his "exec orders" - drumpf has not yet actually DONE much of anything except spend our money to go on vacation every single week.
By the 2018 mid terms, if Trump approval is between 25-30 percent the GOP will loose they're seats!!!

Good riddance.

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The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

actually, if one does away with rightwingnut gerrymandering, the rabid right loses every time. you know, like you got 3 million fewer votes this election.

feel free to move to iran, white trash loon. you'll be happier there.

Hey Jillian ....just you celebrate Christmas?

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The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.

Yep- another contard advocating 'exterminating liberals'

No shock here.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Correct- none of today's liberals own any slaves.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.

Yes, but you and your fellow fascists are not "liberal," as you know. You are leftist thugs with utter hostility to individual liberty and the United States Constitution.

LOL- you and your fellow fascists are not 'conservative' as you know. You are rightwing thugs with utter hostility to individual liberty and the United States Constitution.

Which is why we got Trump.
The American people have been electing Republicans to undo the damage created by Democrats for my entire life. From Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. They have given the House and Senate to the GOP several times and asked for a swamp draining. But it never seems to happen.
And therein lies the problem. This is not a political task. Never was. The political war is only one leg. You can defeat liberals in the House, Senate, White House, state governorships and legislatures (as we have just done again) and still not win. It is demonstrable from recent history.
Liberalism is like a disease and it will remain in what are called, in medical terms, "reservoirs" and from those the infection springs back. I am speaking of their hold on the media, tenured academia, big business (especially the boardrooms), k-12, wall street and civil service. And if you think that is overboard then take a second and watch the Hollywood zillionaires never miss a chance to make a political jab...the fortune 500 companies funding foundations whose only prurpose is to advance liberalism and whose hiring goals are designed to destroy the textbooks your kids are given.
They recognize the battlefield even if you don't. They are defeated in the light of day..that is politically...every time they are exposed. So they cower in their reservoirs.
Keep electing conservatives where you can. And yes Trump is doing a great job. But remember this...defeating and exterminating liberals is not a political battle. it is a moral battle.
Trump is at 37 percent!!!!! How is that working out for him????

Trump is president. It's working out great for him.

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Do the polls really reassure you that much ? As in...."well he is really not president because CNN says we don't like him"
Remember when your polls said he wouldn't be President? :)
Didn't work then did it? And won't work now.

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Another conservative troll, or bot, if human hopefully paid, as right wing money plays the fools and at least monetary help would help them keep up with their trailer fees. As Lincoln said of conservative is, "Is it not adherence to the old and tried, against the new and untried?" I've asked conservatives many times for some accomplishment? Non answer, their only work is pointing fingers.

You do understand that the no accomplishment part was the *entire point*? No? Read it again.

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To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

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Hey Troll.......just impeach Trump! or the 2018 mid terms will be a disaster for the GOP.

I have been here long enough now to see that "troll" simply means righty on this board when lefties are posting.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

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Not only do you not have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're talking about, anus klown, you don't know jack shit about me. Go fuck yourself. But buy a history book first. We don't want blood in the bookstore.
"The purpose of Newspeak make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought....should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.
Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought..."

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Appendix: The principles of Newspeak

Go ahead...pretend you don't know what a liberal is.

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Evmetro is wise in the ways of the Homo Liberalis.
I used to be a lefty. In fact, I was born a lefty, screaming for a bottle or tit for my survival. I was also a lefty for much of my adult life. Used to listen to NPR on my drive home, enjoying the enlightened feeling that I got when I heard news segments blended with Aaron Copland music.
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

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Not only do you not have the vaguest clue what the fuck you're talking about, anus klown, you don't know jack shit about me. Go fuck yourself. But buy a history book first. We don't want blood in the bookstore.

To know that every minute you spend typing here means some guy at the bus station is missing out on fellatio is quite enough to know about you.

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"The purpose of Newspeak make all other modes of thought impossible. It was intended that when Newspeak had been adopted once and for all and Oldspeak forgotten, a heretical thought....should be literally unthinkable, at least so far as thought is dependent on words.
Newspeak was designed not to extend but to diminish the range of thought..."

George Orwell: Nineteen Eighty-Four -- Appendix: The principles of Newspeak

Go ahead...pretend you don't know what a liberal is.

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Ummm.... you already did that Chuckles. Look up at your moronic title.

You know, the one that immediately morphs its subject to "Democrats" in the OP because its writer is too stupid to know the difference.

That's exactly why I pounced on your title and ignored your OP -- because I *do* know the difference. Dumbass.
So teco
Evmetro is wise in the ways of the Homo Liberalis.
I used to be a lefty. In fact, I was born a lefty, screaming for a bottle or tit for my survival. I was also a lefty for much of my adult life. Used to listen to NPR on my drive home, enjoying the enlightened feeling that I got when I heard news segments blended with Aaron Copland music.

congratulations on your recovery.
So teco
Evmetro is wise in the ways of the Homo Liberalis.
I used to be a lefty. In fact, I was born a lefty, screaming for a bottle or tit for my survival. I was also a lefty for much of my adult life. Used to listen to NPR on my drive home, enjoying the enlightened feeling that I got when I heard news segments blended with Aaron Copland music.

congratulations on your recovery.
There is no going back. It is like taking the red pill in that movie "Matrix".
To crush liberals first root them out

Ah, looking for Liberals, are you? Easily done. I have here in my hand a list of names. Here ya go.


Knock yourself out. Do let us know how the "rooting" and "crushing" goes.

Dumb shit.
those "liberals" are much different than the ones of today comparison.....

Liberal is Liberal is Liberal. I'm just quoting the thread title.

Good thing I didn't quote the OP where he suddenly shifted to "Democrats". What are the odds he has no clue what the difference is? He's frickin' lost in space. Apparently thinks the United States Constitution is a "disease".

This is the end (waste) product of partisan hackitude. Eliminationism at work. First thing they do is dehumanize, ergo "disease". Check.

A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag. Such as yourself. Playing with words won't protect you. You can't decide if you want to deny being a liberal or pretend James Madison held your same beliefs.
He didn't.
There is no need to dehumanize you. You've done that yourself.

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A liberal is a particular kind of scumbag
you are right, lots out there,but there are plenty of conservatives out there who are scumbags too....

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