To fire fighters, can you survive a high rise fire by staying on the balconey?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
There is a story of a man in the Dubai fire that survived by hanging from the balconey. To the firefighters out there...if there is a fire in an apartment building with a balconey, will you be safe from the fire by staying on the balconey? What about suspending yourself over the edge in some sort of safety contraption yet to be invented? Like and extended shelf that you could push out and stand on?
Patent time, 2aGuy!

I thought about something like that. Especially for balconies that would allow you to go to the side of the door, or over the rail to the side. You wouldn't need much room, just enough to get out of the way of the fire and the smoke......I just wonder about the intense heat.
For example these balconies...

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If you could push out a shelf that would put you on the side of the balcony, possibly protected by that part of the wall.....but out of the way of the window...would you be safe?


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