To Impeach, or Not to Impeach, That is the Question


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

To Impeach, or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

18 Sep 2023 ~~ By Brian C. Joondeph

William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To be or not to be: that is the question.” I ask the same about impeaching President Joe Biden – to impeach or not impeach. Speaker Kevin McCarthy answered that question, and the process is moving forward, at least in appearance.
Here is what Hamlet then said,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer​
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,​
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Hamlet is wondering if it is better to end one’s suffering through suicide or to take the slings and arrows of “outrageous fortune” by fighting on. Which is preferable? Will the Republicans, known as “the stupid party,” botch this, committing political suicide in November 2024? Or will they finally grow a spine and push back against the Democrats and administrative state?
President Biden’s transgressions certainly rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” His family sold the former vice president’s influence to foreign players, including countries not friendly to U.S. interests.
What exactly are the Biden family businesses requiring more than 20 shell companies to presumably hide and launder money? Why have banks filed over 150 suspicious activity reports over Biden family financial transactions?
To most honest observers, Biden’s transgressions are obvious. So, impeachment should be a slam dunk, right? Some Republican House members are either cognitively impaired or willfully obtuse and see no evidence of any wrongdoing.
Let the impeachment inquiry begin. Show the evidence of Biden family influence-peddling and bribery and whoever else it leads to. When the heat gets too warm in the Obama and Clinton kitchens, don’t be surprised to see Joe sent permanently to the beach house via the 25th Amendment followed quickly by a President Kamala Harris pardon of the entire Biden family.
When Joe becomes an anchor around 2024 electoral prospects, let the Democrats be the hatchet men, dispatching Joe, Jill, Jim and Hunter, Tony Soprano-style, never to be heard from again, free to live lives of luxury with their ill-gotten money.
So far, the Biden crime family has gotten a pass. Don’t expect the FBI and DOJ to do their jobs. They no longer represent justice, rather they are the private police force of the Democrat party. Republicans are the last hope to right this “injustice system” or else America will further descend into a one-party totalitarian police state.
To impeach or not to impeach? That’s an easy answer. Republicans must take the inevitable slings and arrows as that is what we elected them to do. If they are not willing, then turn out the lights on the Republican Party and the great American experiment.

Another long, but great piece by Brian.
Due to the firewall created by the biased Quisling media, most of the dumbed down Americans know very little about the Biden Crime Family and their activities. Any rational person knows that Joe must be "Pops" and "the Big Guy" and knows that he sold his position and influence for money, big bucks.
Yes, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant", and the hearing will be an eye opener for millions of Americans.
Undoubtedly Democrats will attempt to portray the opposing side and witnesses as Un-American disloyal and agents of Russia.
If the polling was correct back in 2020. 18 percent of those who voted for Biden would not have had they known the contents of Hunter`s lap top, then what impact will this hearing have?
It`s fair to claim that our country is slipping into Marxist/Socialism, and Joe Biden is just as evil and corrupt as any dictator this country has spent its blood and treasure to defeat. Yet, Republicans can't seem to work together long enough to try and save our Republic. We knew what McCarthy was before becoming speaker. He has lived down to our expectations. The Uniparty hates America. There`s little doubt a civil war is brewing.
Expose everything to the American people.... Then do what's right... we all know Biden is a crook and his family has built nest eggs as a result... if dems are okay with that then dems are the enemy of the constitution... and the rule of law....

To Impeach, or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

18 Sep 2023 ~~ By Brian C. Joondeph

William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To be or not to be: that is the question.” I ask the same about impeaching President Joe Biden – to impeach or not impeach. Speaker Kevin McCarthy answered that question, and the process is moving forward, at least in appearance.
Here is what Hamlet then said,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer​
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,​
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Hamlet is wondering if it is better to end one’s suffering through suicide or to take the slings and arrows of “outrageous fortune” by fighting on. Which is preferable? Will the Republicans, known as “the stupid party,” botch this, committing political suicide in November 2024? Or will they finally grow a spine and push back against the Democrats and administrative state?
President Biden’s transgressions certainly rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” His family sold the former vice president’s influence to foreign players, including countries not friendly to U.S. interests.
What exactly are the Biden family businesses requiring more than 20 shell companies to presumably hide and launder money? Why have banks filed over 150 suspicious activity reports over Biden family financial transactions?
To most honest observers, Biden’s transgressions are obvious. So, impeachment should be a slam dunk, right? Some Republican House members are either cognitively impaired or willfully obtuse and see no evidence of any wrongdoing.
Let the impeachment inquiry begin. Show the evidence of Biden family influence-peddling and bribery and whoever else it leads to. When the heat gets too warm in the Obama and Clinton kitchens, don’t be surprised to see Joe sent permanently to the beach house via the 25th Amendment followed quickly by a President Kamala Harris pardon of the entire Biden family.
When Joe becomes an anchor around 2024 electoral prospects, let the Democrats be the hatchet men, dispatching Joe, Jill, Jim and Hunter, Tony Soprano-style, never to be heard from again, free to live lives of luxury with their ill-gotten money.
So far, the Biden crime family has gotten a pass. Don’t expect the FBI and DOJ to do their jobs. They no longer represent justice, rather they are the private police force of the Democrat party. Republicans are the last hope to right this “injustice system” or else America will further descend into a one-party totalitarian police state.
To impeach or not to impeach? That’s an easy answer. Republicans must take the inevitable slings and arrows as that is what we elected them to do. If they are not willing, then turn out the lights on the Republican Party and the great American experiment.

Another long, but great piece by Brian.
Due to the firewall created by the biased Quisling media, most of the dumbed down Americans know very little about the Biden Crime Family and their activities. Any rational person knows that Joe must be "Pops" and "the Big Guy" and knows that he sold his position and influence for money, big bucks.
Yes, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant", and the hearing will be an eye opener for millions of Americans.
Undoubtedly Democrats will attempt to portray the opposing side and witnesses as Un-American disloyal and agents of Russia.
If the polling was correct back in 2020. 18 percent of those who voted for Biden would not have had they known the contents of Hunter`s lap top, then what impact will this hearing have?
It`s fair to claim that our country is slipping into Marxist/Socialism, and Joe Biden is just as evil and corrupt as any dictator this country has spent its blood and treasure to defeat. Yet, Republicans can't seem to work together long enough to try and save our Republic. We knew what McCarthy was before becoming speaker. He has lived down to our expectations. The Uniparty hates America. There`s little doubt a civil war is brewing.
Ok, I’ll bite. If Biden was so corrupt, how come the House Republicans found no evidence of wrongdoing?

Are you saying that the Republicans are also suppressing the truth?
"Everybody knows" Biden is a crook. "Everybody knows" the election was rigged. "Everybody knows" Democrats are communists. "Everybody knows" Trump is an honest genius.

So if you disagree with them, you must be lying, because "everybody knows" they're right, that they "speak the Truth". They don't have to actually prove it, because "everybody knows" it.

This is what happens when a subculture becomes detached and insulated within its own reality.
"Everybody knows" Biden is a crook. "Everybody knows" the election was rigged. "Everybody knows" Democrats are communists. "Everybody knows" Trump is an honest genius.
So if you disagree with them, you must be lying, because "everybody knows" they're right, that they "speak the Truth". They don't have to actually prove it, because "everybody knows" it.

Sounds just like the 2020 election cheating that everyone knew was "baseless and debunked" (10,000X over)
despite the fact that not one person ever presented their evidence for saying so!
Ok, I’ll bite. If Biden was so corrupt, how come the House Republicans found no evidence of wrongdoing?

Are you saying that the Republicans are also suppressing the truth?
Perhaps because they know from experience that 90+ % of all media will come against them and attack them endlessly? I don't care if others vote to impeach but I've already been in touch with my Representative and told him straight up that unless he supports the impeachment, he gets no more votes from me.

I'll be saying the same to my Senators if the articles are sent over for a trial and Chucky is honorable enough to let the evidence be heard. I'd bet nearly everything that that putzhead will refuse to have a trial. If so, no problem. There is enough independent media online that the evidence will get out.

To Impeach, or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

18 Sep 2023 ~~ By Brian C. Joondeph

William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To be or not to be: that is the question.” I ask the same about impeaching President Joe Biden – to impeach or not impeach. Speaker Kevin McCarthy answered that question, and the process is moving forward, at least in appearance.
Here is what Hamlet then said,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer​
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,​
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Hamlet is wondering if it is better to end one’s suffering through suicide or to take the slings and arrows of “outrageous fortune” by fighting on. Which is preferable? Will the Republicans, known as “the stupid party,” botch this, committing political suicide in November 2024? Or will they finally grow a spine and push back against the Democrats and administrative state?
President Biden’s transgressions certainly rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” His family sold the former vice president’s influence to foreign players, including countries not friendly to U.S. interests.
What exactly are the Biden family businesses requiring more than 20 shell companies to presumably hide and launder money? Why have banks filed over 150 suspicious activity reports over Biden family financial transactions?
To most honest observers, Biden’s transgressions are obvious. So, impeachment should be a slam dunk, right? Some Republican House members are either cognitively impaired or willfully obtuse and see no evidence of any wrongdoing.
Let the impeachment inquiry begin. Show the evidence of Biden family influence-peddling and bribery and whoever else it leads to. When the heat gets too warm in the Obama and Clinton kitchens, don’t be surprised to see Joe sent permanently to the beach house via the 25th Amendment followed quickly by a President Kamala Harris pardon of the entire Biden family.
When Joe becomes an anchor around 2024 electoral prospects, let the Democrats be the hatchet men, dispatching Joe, Jill, Jim and Hunter, Tony Soprano-style, never to be heard from again, free to live lives of luxury with their ill-gotten money.
So far, the Biden crime family has gotten a pass. Don’t expect the FBI and DOJ to do their jobs. They no longer represent justice, rather they are the private police force of the Democrat party. Republicans are the last hope to right this “injustice system” or else America will further descend into a one-party totalitarian police state.
To impeach or not to impeach? That’s an easy answer. Republicans must take the inevitable slings and arrows as that is what we elected them to do. If they are not willing, then turn out the lights on the Republican Party and the great American experiment.

Another long, but great piece by Brian.
Due to the firewall created by the biased Quisling media, most of the dumbed down Americans know very little about the Biden Crime Family and their activities. Any rational person knows that Joe must be "Pops" and "the Big Guy" and knows that he sold his position and influence for money, big bucks.
Yes, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant", and the hearing will be an eye opener for millions of Americans.
Undoubtedly Democrats will attempt to portray the opposing side and witnesses as Un-American disloyal and agents of Russia.
If the polling was correct back in 2020. 18 percent of those who voted for Biden would not have had they known the contents of Hunter`s lap top, then what impact will this hearing have?
It`s fair to claim that our country is slipping into Marxist/Socialism, and Joe Biden is just as evil and corrupt as any dictator this country has spent its blood and treasure to defeat. Yet, Republicans can't seem to work together long enough to try and save our Republic. We knew what McCarthy was before becoming speaker. He has lived down to our expectations. The Uniparty hates America. There`s little doubt a civil war is brewing.
Please impeach. Then the voters can see the evidence.

And they can compare it to Trump's impeachments.

All for it.
Perhaps because they know from experience that 90+ % of all media will come against them and attack them endlessly? I don't care if others vote to impeach but I've already been in touch with my Representative and told him straight up that unless he supports the impeachment, he gets no more votes from me.

I'll be saying the same to my Senators if the articles are sent over for a trial and Chucky is honorable enough to let the evidence be heard. I'd bet nearly everything that that putzhead will refuse to have a trial. If so, no problem. There is enough independent media online that the evidence will get out.
Oh, so it's the media holding back the truth. How does that impede a House inquiry or a Senate trial,
Ok, I’ll bite. If Biden was so corrupt, how come the House Republicans found no evidence of wrongdoing?

Are you saying that the Republicans are also suppressing the truth?
Unfortunately you believe every word the NY Slimes prints. Take you blinders.


To Impeach, or Not to Impeach, That is the Question

18 Sep 2023 ~~ By Brian C. Joondeph

William Shakespeare wrote in Hamlet, “To be or not to be: that is the question.” I ask the same about impeaching President Joe Biden – to impeach or not impeach. Speaker Kevin McCarthy answered that question, and the process is moving forward, at least in appearance.
Here is what Hamlet then said,
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer​
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,​
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them?
Hamlet is wondering if it is better to end one’s suffering through suicide or to take the slings and arrows of “outrageous fortune” by fighting on. Which is preferable? Will the Republicans, known as “the stupid party,” botch this, committing political suicide in November 2024? Or will they finally grow a spine and push back against the Democrats and administrative state?
President Biden’s transgressions certainly rise to the level of “high crimes and misdemeanors.” His family sold the former vice president’s influence to foreign players, including countries not friendly to U.S. interests.
What exactly are the Biden family businesses requiring more than 20 shell companies to presumably hide and launder money? Why have banks filed over 150 suspicious activity reports over Biden family financial transactions?
To most honest observers, Biden’s transgressions are obvious. So, impeachment should be a slam dunk, right? Some Republican House members are either cognitively impaired or willfully obtuse and see no evidence of any wrongdoing.
Let the impeachment inquiry begin. Show the evidence of Biden family influence-peddling and bribery and whoever else it leads to. When the heat gets too warm in the Obama and Clinton kitchens, don’t be surprised to see Joe sent permanently to the beach house via the 25th Amendment followed quickly by a President Kamala Harris pardon of the entire Biden family.
When Joe becomes an anchor around 2024 electoral prospects, let the Democrats be the hatchet men, dispatching Joe, Jill, Jim and Hunter, Tony Soprano-style, never to be heard from again, free to live lives of luxury with their ill-gotten money.
So far, the Biden crime family has gotten a pass. Don’t expect the FBI and DOJ to do their jobs. They no longer represent justice, rather they are the private police force of the Democrat party. Republicans are the last hope to right this “injustice system” or else America will further descend into a one-party totalitarian police state.
To impeach or not to impeach? That’s an easy answer. Republicans must take the inevitable slings and arrows as that is what we elected them to do. If they are not willing, then turn out the lights on the Republican Party and the great American experiment.

Another long, but great piece by Brian.
Due to the firewall created by the biased Quisling media, most of the dumbed down Americans know very little about the Biden Crime Family and their activities. Any rational person knows that Joe must be "Pops" and "the Big Guy" and knows that he sold his position and influence for money, big bucks.
Yes, "Sunlight is the best disinfectant", and the hearing will be an eye opener for millions of Americans.
Undoubtedly Democrats will attempt to portray the opposing side and witnesses as Un-American disloyal and agents of Russia.
If the polling was correct back in 2020. 18 percent of those who voted for Biden would not have had they known the contents of Hunter`s lap top, then what impact will this hearing have?
It`s fair to claim that our country is slipping into Marxist/Socialism, and Joe Biden is just as evil and corrupt as any dictator this country has spent its blood and treasure to defeat. Yet, Republicans can't seem to work together long enough to try and save our Republic. We knew what McCarthy was before becoming speaker. He has lived down to our expectations. The Uniparty hates America. There`s little doubt a civil war is brewing.

If Biden gets impeached, then I'd presume they should start the impeachment process for the next president NOW... get in early, the Early Fird fucks the Durm... are they say
"Everybody knows" Biden is a crook. "Everybody knows" the election was rigged. "Everybody knows" Democrats are communists. "Everybody knows" Trump is an honest genius.

So if you disagree with them, you must be lying, because "everybody knows" they're right, that they "speak the Truth". They don't have to actually prove it, because "everybody knows" it.

This is what happens when a subculture becomes detached and insulated within its own reality.
And everybody knows you'll defend a democrat even though you say you aren't a democrat
Other than political grandstanding, this would accomplish absolutely nothing. No one who supports impeaching Biden is ever going to consider voting for him anyway.

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