to our friends in israel....

Nice song and vid.,Hoss but when I contemplate the tens of thousands of Palestinian children and youth SLAUGHTERED by the Jews.........I find it inappropriate,insensitive and appauling.

Such is the mentality of Zionist-Lovers like you.....You need and your Scum Possee need a Fcuking Good Kick Up the ASS.......and I'm the Man to do IT
That's not true and you know it, Steve. Tens of thousands of flies and cockroaches are more like it.
Hoss my man,I made you think at least..........when you posted this ditty you thought that you would get a positive vibe,but to some of us,we don't forget....ever,your anology of flies and roaches I hope was not an assertion that Palestinians are thus.If so you need remedation and I'm the Man for you..steve

Yet you forget that Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of unarmed Palestinians locked inside a barbed wire cage in one month. They slaughtered more in that month than Israel has killed in defence over 67 years
I think you are confused Pheo...substitute the word ISRAEL for Jordan and you'd be nearer the truth...................Poor Pheo.......can he never learn,sitting isolated in Finchley,UK........fcuk to think he was going to apply for migration to Paradise in the 1960's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how lucky we were,mind you he'd never have gotten in.................I think he spends most of his hol's in downtown Tel-Aviv these days.

Nope black September is when Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians in one month. And Israel has not killed that many in 67 years of war, terrorism and violence.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanian Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, the Palestinians, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, and the native Jordanians, represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein.[5] At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy.[6] The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[3] Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
???????Try over 300,000 Palestinian deaths by Jews
Nice song and vid.,Hoss but when I contemplate the tens of thousands of Palestinian children and youth SLAUGHTERED by the Jews.........I find it inappropriate,insensitive and appauling.

Such is the mentality of Zionist-Lovers like you.....You need and your Scum Possee need a Fcuking Good Kick Up the ASS.......and I'm the Man to do IT

Still waiting for the link showing that they were slaughtered. You know like the many links to the Jordanian slaughter of Palestinians that black September. Or the slaughter of Palestinians by Lebanese freedom fighters
Common knowledge Pheo, if you would just put down that Zionist Mantra Blue Book and participate in the real world for a change...May help you,then again may not,knowing how indoctorinated you myopically are

If it was common knowledge then I would not be asking for a link to prove your racist false claims. Failure or a refusal to produce a link from an unbiased source will show that you are Lying and will be laughed at by all the other members.
And none of your lunatic fringe source's either it must be main stream and unbiased
Come on Pheo,I know you Love Me....................just feel the Love Mon and relax

I detest islamonazi liars like you who cant stand to be wrong all the time.

Now provide the link to your claims or it will be an admission of you LYING
That's not true and you know it, Steve. Tens of thousands of flies and cockroaches are more like it.
Hoss my man,I made you think at least..........when you posted this ditty you thought that you would get a positive vibe,but to some of us,we don't forget....ever,your anology of flies and roaches I hope was not an assertion that Palestinians are thus.If so you need remedation and I'm the Man for you..steve

Yet you forget that Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of unarmed Palestinians locked inside a barbed wire cage in one month. They slaughtered more in that month than Israel has killed in defence over 67 years
I think you are confused Pheo...substitute the word ISRAEL for Jordan and you'd be nearer the truth...................Poor Pheo.......can he never learn,sitting isolated in Finchley,UK........fcuk to think he was going to apply for migration to Paradise in the 1960's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how lucky we were,mind you he'd never have gotten in.................I think he spends most of his hol's in downtown Tel-Aviv these days.

Nope black September is when Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians in one month. And Israel has not killed that many in 67 years of war, terrorism and violence.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanian Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, the Palestinians, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, and the native Jordanians, represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein.[5] At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy.[6] The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[3] Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
???????Try over 300,000 Palestinian deaths by Jews

LINK or admit you are LYING by refusing to provide one.

Here is one showing the total number killed on both sides

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library

91,105 arab muslims killed since 1920

24,969 Jews killed since 1920
Hoss my man,I made you think at least..........when you posted this ditty you thought that you would get a positive vibe,but to some of us,we don't forget....ever,your anology of flies and roaches I hope was not an assertion that Palestinians are thus.If so you need remedation and I'm the Man for you..steve

Yet you forget that Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of unarmed Palestinians locked inside a barbed wire cage in one month. They slaughtered more in that month than Israel has killed in defence over 67 years
I think you are confused Pheo...substitute the word ISRAEL for Jordan and you'd be nearer the truth...................Poor Pheo.......can he never learn,sitting isolated in Finchley,UK........fcuk to think he was going to apply for migration to Paradise in the 1960's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!how lucky we were,mind you he'd never have gotten in.................I think he spends most of his hol's in downtown Tel-Aviv these days.

Nope black September is when Jordan slaughtered tens of thousands of Palestinians in one month. And Israel has not killed that many in 67 years of war, terrorism and violence.

Black September in Jordan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The term Black September (Arabic: أيلول الأسود‎; aylūl al-aswad) refers to the Jordanian Civil War that began in September 1970 and ended in July of 1971. The conflict was fought between the two major components of the Jordanian population, the Palestinians, represented by the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) under the leadership of Yasser Arafat, and the native Jordanians, represented by the Jordanian Armed Forces under the leadership of King Hussein.[5] At its core the civil war sought to determine if Jordan would be ruled by the Palestine Liberation Organisation or the Hashemite Monarchy.[6] The war resulted in the deaths of thousands of people, the vast majority Palestinian.[3] Armed conflict ended with the expulsion of the PLO leadership and thousands of Palestinian fighters to Lebanon.
???????Try over 300,000 Palestinian deaths by Jews

LINK or admit you are LYING by refusing to provide one.

Here is one showing the total number killed on both sides

Total Casualties, Arab-Israeli Conflict | Jewish Virtual Library

91,105 arab muslims killed since 1920

24,969 Jews killed since 1920
You know, It would be nice to not have one of these threads degenerate into nasty matches. Just saying. Every last one is ruined by bastards who have nothing better to do than spew hatred.
I should have known when a thread about owls suffered this fate.

That is why I have been pretty absent here.

p.s. thanks for the thread. But this is really making it hard to find Israeli honey on line right now . . .

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