To remove Biden, it's either 25th Amendment or a brokered convention.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
If Biden steps down or can't continue, then per the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have, do you agree?

If Biden steps down or can't continue, then per the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have, do you agree?

Either Biden must do this himself or he must be incapacitated beyond what he is now--like death or completely disabled.

He was very close to the latter on debate night, but he can still read a teleprompter (for now) so it looks like he's not incapacitated.

No one, but no one, but no one deserves this more than the Democrats.
Replacing Joe now is problematic... first problem is who?... Second is a lot of states can't remove a candidate from the ballot unless the candidate dies... so what democrat in their right mind would try it with Joe's name still on the ballot?... especially with a third option of RFK Jr...
If Biden steps down or can't continue, then per the 25th Amendment Kamala becomes President and runs for President in November. If they go brokered convention, then Biden has to release his delegates and then the delegates can vote for whoever they want. Those are the only two options the Democrats have, do you agree?

Would or will Biden release his delegates?
The other thought is is the 25th Amendment is used, that would force Biden from the election. allow Harris to preside for the remainder of Biden's presidency. (Ugly Thought).
I say let it play out let the Democrats figure it out. They created this problem. Let's just stand back, wach their frantic frenzy, back stabbing and chicanary in their moves to aggrandize their own buts of power.
In a way Biden has created a circumstance similar to the collapse of the Soviet Union within the Democratic Party seen in December 1991.
Biden has to step aside and he will not.
If the big money donors abandon him it's over whether he wants it to be or not. There's a story late today that Jill assured the big money donors that Biden was ready for the debate, then that disaster happened. So trust fell to zero. It's not been discussed but no way the Dems spend upwards of a billion dollars trying to get Biden elected after that disaster last night.

I think Biden will be given a week or so to avoid the embarrassment of immediately quitting, then step aside. That let's Dems pick a new candidate and a new VP solving the Harris problem.
Replacing Joe now is problematic... first problem is who?... Second is a lot of states can't remove a candidate from the ballot unless the candidate dies... so what democrat in their right mind would try it with Joe's name still on the ballot?... especially with a third option of RFK Jr...

My theory is they frantically tried to make it work a few hours after the debate and figured out that Biden would have to die--so then, OOPS right back on the bandwagon.

Of course we have the receipts now, all of them calling for his removal.

Reaping and sowing remains unbeaten
My theory is they frantically tried to make it work a few hours after the debate and figured out that Biden would have to die--so then, OOPS right back on the bandwagon.

Of course we have the receipts now, all of them calling for his removal.

Reaping and sowing remains unbeaten
I think the big money donors drew a line in the sand, Joe convince the party you are not too old and feeble or we'll fund a different candidate. Then Joe choked in historic fashion.
No it wouldn't.
Although, if Congress were to meet Monday to propose the Bill to implement the 25th Amendment, voting and passing the Bill would be a problem.
Democrats like Nadler and other Democrat Socialists of CPUSA America would through every barrier against [assge. Then there's Schumer in the Senate that most likely just shelve the Bill.
I believe the best method is let Democrats stew in the juices they've created.
Biden and the Democrat Party have been exposed .
Let the 'PEOPLE' make that decision on November 5th at the voting booth.
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Although if Congress were to meet Monday to propose the Bill to implement the 25th Amendment, voting and passing the Bill would be a problem.
Democrats like Nadler and other Democrat Socialists of CPUSA America would through every barrier against [assge. Then there's Schumer in the Senate that most likely just shelve the Bill.
I believe the best method is let Democrats stew in the juices they've created.
Biden and the Democrat Party were ex[osed .
Let the 'PEOPLE' make that decision on November 5th at the voting booth.
God it would take those incompetent gas bags in congress more than the 6 months Joe has left to oust him even if they all agreed.

Replace Joe Biden on the Democrat Ticket? Be Careful What You Wish For.

28 Jun 2024 ~~ By Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Almost every Democrat and leftist who saw the presidential debate on Thursday night and watched President Joe Biden melt down is "panicked" and plotting. From the legacy media, to mega-donors, to other Democrat electeds, they all want to know when Joe Biden will be replaced on the Democrat ticket.
Our Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar outlined cogently how it could be done, while moving historic VP Kamala Harris to the side in the process. So, as the speculation grows louder (so much for "democracy"), so does the floating of names on who could be potential replacements.


Notice that Chuck Todd said the quiet part out loud: Nancy Pelosi and Barack Obama run the show, and if they make noises about Joe stepping down, then stepping down is what he's gonna do.
Friday afternoon, the first biracial president let his voice be heard, and he proclaimed that he is all in for Joe.

We can all now see that the Democratic Party is NOT about "Democracy". It's about POWER. By any means necessary.
Democrat Neo-Marxists are stuck with Joe Biden unless he decides to refuse the nomination. Guess they thought they would be able to continue injecting that decrepit old pedophile full of drugs and drag him over the finish line. Maybe somebody swapped out the wrong cocktail last night.
From all present appearances Joe will NOT relinquish his presidency or bid for 2025 readily.
It's too late to remove Joe Biden from the ballot, there's five months left to the election. A Brokered Convention in August will only make it more diffcult for the DNC.
Personally, I like seeing Democrats with hair on fire, in a frenzy and caught with their pants down.
I like being a spectactor in the crumbling of the Democrat Party similar to the Soviet collapse.
The 25th amendment has nothing to do with party politics. For example, if the VP becomes the President, they may decide to run or not for election to a full four year term.

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