To the Moon, Israel!

Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?
Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either. so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.
In view of our honorable penelope's abysmal understanding of the current economic mess the US are in, we rate his/her comment as funny bullish, of course.
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. ...
I'd rather they stop it, otherwise we'll hear palistanians, claiming the moon's been theirs for centuries, of course.

Last I checked the Palestinians in living Israel as Israeli citizens with the same exact rights as others prefer to live there than any other Muslim shithole in the entire Middle East. Gee, now why is that, Fatima?

Really , I doubt it.

Yes really, you are an ignorant lunatic.

Poll: 77% of Israeli Arabs Prefer Israeli Rule to Palestinian - Breitbart

Really, you think I'd believe two Zionist jews. You must think I'm stupid. Druze, of course they like you, they are in the front lines of your IDF and have citizen rights.

Right. So all the Arabs in Jerusalem are Druze? Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

Of course she is pathetic and stupid to boot. It's a wonder that she even knows how to dress herself. In her demented mind, she will never believe anything if it shows Jews in a good light.
A thousand Arabs could write something complimentary about Israel, and she would claim that they are lying or that these Arabs are actually Jews.

You got jews condemning the Israel politics, those Jews I agree with .
If Israel wants to impress people about going to the moon,
"bring back our fuckin' flag!"
There's no palistanian flag up there, to the extent of my vast knowledge, but that won't stop palistanians from claiming the moon's been theirs for centuries, of course.
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. ...
I'd rather they stop it, otherwise we'll hear palistanians, claiming the moon's been theirs for centuries, of course.

Really, you think I'd believe two Zionist jews. You must think I'm stupid. Druze, of course they like you, they are in the front lines of your IDF and have citizen rights.

Right. So all the Arabs in Jerusalem are Druze? Ha ha ha. You are pathetic.

Of course she is pathetic and stupid to boot. It's a wonder that she even knows how to dress herself. In her demented mind, she will never believe anything if it shows Jews in a good light.
A thousand Arabs could write something complimentary about Israel, and she would claim that they are lying or that these Arabs are actually Jews.

You got jews condemning the Israel politics, those Jews I agree with .

Isn't freedom of speech a wonderful thing in a vibrant democracy like Israel?
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. ...
I'd rather they stop it, otherwise we'll hear palistanians, claiming the moon's been theirs for centuries, of course.

Muslims can't live on mars
Islam is not the only religion that follows the moon for their religious days and prayer times. People have been using the moon since prehistoric times. It would be a challenge for them to determine eid or prayer times from the moon if they are on it.

Ambitions explorers and refugees have always looked for new land.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

You need to get out of that mosque rat hole and keep up with the world.

Israel is cutting edge in many fields including science, medicine, nanotechnology, engineering, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, internet, and of course military. That is why Israel is the R & D capital of the world.

It is not the capital of R & D, also why do they need the US money, tell me please since almost half of the US billionaires are Jews, I guess its more fun to spend Gentile money though hey.

Oh yeah? Why don't you ask apple, IBM, google, yahoo, aol, HP, Intel, Cisco, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft. General Electric, General Motors, Philips, Samsung, Siemens, Motorola, Texas Instruments, Lucent, Amazon, ATT etc. etc. why they're there?

Fucking idiot. Keep hanging on to your hatred because that's all you have. Oh but wait, you also have the BDS - Bowel Discharge Movement! LOL

Ask them what, the largest R & D is in the USA. Nothing much original from Israel. Most of what you have been educated in the US and before that Germany.

is that your excuse Penelope? that you were educated NOWHERE-----just a single catechism whore?
I think the cover story Israel is looking to go to the moon, but what's really important for the Israeli's is survalence from space. They probably looking to beef up their presence in space to keep an eye on their enemies first and foremost.
I think the cover story Israel is looking to go to the moon, but what's really important for the Israeli's is survalence from space. They probably looking to beef up their presence in space to keep an eye on their enemies first and foremost.

Wouldn't satellites do that? Anyhow, even the UAE is into a space program now so I don't think it unusual for a country to attempt to reach the moon. By the way, the first chimp to orbit the Earth was brought into work one day, and so many people were volunteering their bosses to go instead.
I think the cover story Israel is looking to go to the moon, but what's really important for the Israeli's is survalence from space. They probably looking to beef up their presence in space to keep an eye on their enemies first and foremost.

Wouldn't satellites do that? Anyhow, even the UAE is into a space program now so I don't think it unusual for a country to attempt to reach the moon. By the way, the first chimp to orbit the Earth was brought into work one day, and so many people were volunteering their bosses to go instead.

Yeah you're probably right. Just so we're clear I wasn't insinuating any nefarious behavior by Israel. I was just saying that I think they'll be increasing their presence in space for the particular reason of survalence.
I think the cover story Israel is looking to go to the moon, but what's really important for the Israeli's is survalence from space. They probably looking to beef up their presence in space to keep an eye on their enemies first and foremost.

Wouldn't satellites do that? Anyhow, even the UAE is into a space program now so I don't think it unusual for a country to attempt to reach the moon. By the way, the first chimp to orbit the Earth was brought into work one day, and so many people were volunteering their bosses to go instead.

Yeah you're probably right. Just so we're clear I wasn't insinuating any nefarious behavior by Israel. I was just saying that I think they'll be increasing their presence in space for the particular reason of survalence.

Honestly, I didn't think you were, but I believe the moon would be too far away for surveillance.
I think the cover story Israel is looking to go to the moon, but what's really important for the Israeli's is survalence from space. They probably looking to beef up their presence in space to keep an eye on their enemies first and foremost.

Wouldn't satellites do that? Anyhow, even the UAE is into a space program now so I don't think it unusual for a country to attempt to reach the moon. By the way, the first chimp to orbit the Earth was brought into work one day, and so many people were volunteering their bosses to go instead.

sally -----whatevah DA JOOOS DO------it is always done for NEFARIOUS reaons
Yes they want to spy on everyone.

yes---Penelope wants to spread her buttocks and take "everyone" up her stinking ass-----for an interesting discussion on the basis for "paranoid" ideation---see the
writings of the ever brilliant SIGMUND FREUD and his concepts of the origin of
"anal fixation"
Industrialized nations will all need a Moon presence in the decades ahead to mine helium-3 for fusion-based reactors. Moon has helium-3 like the middle east has oil.
Industrialized nations will all need a Moon presence in the decades ahead to mine helium-3 for fusion-based reactors. Moon has helium-3 like the middle east has oil.

gee, delta dawn------I am amazed. Do you think that FUSION ENERGY is the
energy of the future? a kinda little sun-----located----somewhere on a space station? Where could such a facility be----SAFELY placed?
Yes they want to spy on everyone.

So, Ms. Skinhead, do you get brownie points down at the weekly Bund meeting for making such ridiculous statement on forums?

By the way, Ms. Skinhead, being the anti-Semitic dope that you are, you probably are completely unaware of what is going on when it comes to space exploration.

UAE, Belarus to explore Mars together

Emirates space mission hopes to launch new era in Middle East

India takes giant step to manned space mission | UAE now part of panel on outer space?

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