To the Moon, Israel!

Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
The military industrial complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is a net loss for our country.

you got some figures to support that theory mr. tinman?
To the Moon? The aliens are letting us return? ;)

Penelope tried----but she could not get the moonies to render the moon "restricted"--------muhummad cut the moon in half with his beheading scimitar----but DA JOOOS
shoved it back together again---------then the cow jumped over it ---the little dog laughed ----the dish ran away with the spoon. ------what's da big deal with Israel
and a kosher probe?
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

ROFLMAO-----the jerk calls itself a health care worker------I wonder what "work" it does---------lots of the medications used today in USA hospitals were invented
in Israel-----some of the technology........
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
The military industrial complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is a net loss for our country.

you got some figures to support that theory mr. tinman?
How does the system work? They say that the MIC provides jobs. That is somewhat true.

The government takes $1,000 out of the economy, for example. That money goes to defense contractors. They keep $200 and circulate $800 through the economy with jobs.

With MIC $800.
Without MIC $1000
Net loss $200
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?
<<< islamo naziette penelope

ROFLMAO-----the jerk calls itself a health care worker------I wonder what "work" it does---------lots of the medications used today in USA hospitals were invented
in Israel-----some of the technology........

I wonder if the islamo naziette slut has EVER succeeded in anything
in her entire life in the gutter
Israel is planning to send a spacecraft to the moon. Attitude, this is not sending two guys to the luar surface, but for a tiny country, it is impressive. Where is Iran's lunar probe?

Iran has been under sanctions since 1990 and then before that in a 8 year war, while Israel has been getting over 3 Billion from US hard working tax payers, not to mention money from the WWII museums all over world , and the people who loose money at Adelson's casinos, and all the other rich Jews who send money Israel , not spend it in the US, (not all , but many), they make it off the gentiles. I won't even start on the evangelicals who love to send their money to Israel either.

so not impressed. I am impressed enough that it means we can quit sending billions to them yearly.

Could you survive when millions of American workers are laid of because of the billions no longer flowing into the US. Will you blame Israel for the collapse of the American economy after you have stopped those billions yourself. Imagine Greece but on a much bigger scale as the US goes broke and cant keep up with payments, it nearly went broke two days ago until it was bailed out again by the Jews lending them the money to pay federal and state workers wages.

So you should be impressed with all that the Jews do for your country
The military industrial complex, that Eisenhower warned us about, is a net loss for our country.

you got some figures to support that theory mr. tinman?
How does the system work? They say that the MIC provides jobs. That is somewhat true.

The government takes $1,000 out of the economy, for example. That money goes to defense contractors. They keep $200 and circulate $800 through the economy with jobs.

With MIC $800.
Without MIC $1000
Net loss $200

very impressive Mr. Tiin--------I have a ten cents ------I buy a penny bubble gum----
net loss one penny ------I have nine cents left
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

I'm not the one who is going lunar here.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?
<<< islamo naziette penelope

ROFLMAO-----the jerk calls itself a health care worker------I wonder what "work" it does---------lots of the medications used today in USA hospitals were invented
in Israel-----some of the technology........

I wonder if the islamo naziette slut has EVER succeeded in anything
in her entire life in the gutter

Everything I have set out to do, with no help from the taxpayers. I am not dependent like Israel, and I do not like them using my tax dollars.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

I'm not the one who is going lunar here.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?
<<< islamo naziette penelope

ROFLMAO-----the jerk calls itself a health care worker------I wonder what "work" it does---------lots of the medications used today in USA hospitals were invented
in Israel-----some of the technology........

I wonder if the islamo naziette slut has EVER succeeded in anything
in her entire life in the gutter

Everything I have set out to do, with no help from the taxpayers. I am not dependent like Israel, and I do not like them using my tax dollars.

You're as independent as a potato in the field.

No taxpayers help:lmao: I guess You don't pay taxes for police salaries and social stuff...
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

I'm not the one who is going lunar here.
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?
<<< islamo naziette penelope

ROFLMAO-----the jerk calls itself a health care worker------I wonder what "work" it does---------lots of the medications used today in USA hospitals were invented
in Israel-----some of the technology........

I wonder if the islamo naziette slut has EVER succeeded in anything
in her entire life in the gutter

Everything I have set out to do, with no help from the taxpayers. I am not dependent like Israel, and I do not like them using my tax dollars.

"everything" a Nazi slut "sets out to do" is not considered a "success" -----any
more than the feats of your pimp, adolf hitler, would be considered a "success"
by any non-sociopathic person. On paying taxes-----(assuming you ever have)----
the dollars involved are no longer YOURS and no one cares how you think they
should be used. I do not like the idea that tax money I paid has been used
to build sidewalks for Nazi sluts to walk upon-----but I live with it without comment---
It amazes me how much irrational hate gets spit out on these threads. OK, I was a little wrong here myself. But people need to chill.

Israel is doing something marvelous and scientifically exciting. Can we leave it at that?

Apparently they aren't ready yet. Getting there!
It amazes me how much irrational hate gets spit out on these threads. OK, I was a little wrong here myself. But people need to chill.

Israel is doing something marvelous and scientifically exciting. Can we leave it at that?

Apparently they aren't ready yet. Getting there!

be not amazed. Penny is a very typical islamo Nazi slut. I grew up in
a town in the north-east USA--------newly made "non-restricted"------my father
was unaware and succeeded in buying a little house (five kids-----the landlord
of the apartment in which we lived whilst my mom was pregnant with the twins---
was DELIGHTED to let him break the lease)-----we were among the first
jewish settlers in that Nazi town-------the place was littered with Nazi propaganda---
and I was an avid somewhat precocious reader--------few books in the house----
the POEMS of SHELLEY got boring-------would you like to discuss
"PROMETHEUS UNBOUND" ?? Regarding the content of Penelope's post----
they are typical islamo Nazi crap---------the tax theme was big when I was a little
kid-------way back in the fifties-------when the US provided virtually no aid
to Israel-----then the issue was that a donation by a jew in the USA to a hospital
in Israel was "tax deductible" -----just like a donation to a catholic hospital by a catholic.
The Nazis were INDIGNANT ------whole printed pamphlets on this HOT
TOPIC. Penelope does not 'think up'---her stuff------it has been written for her
for more than the past 100 years-----some of it in the USA-----and some of the
stuff I read as a kid ----even by escaped Nazi war criminals in Syria and Egypt.
Islamo Nazi propagadaists know the obsessions of USA white trash
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

You need to get out of that mosque rat hole and keep up with the world.

Israel is cutting edge in many fields including science, medicine, nanotechnology, engineering, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, internet, and of course military. That is why Israel is the R & D capital of the world.
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The izzies once boasted they were sending a spaceship to the Sun, "thats crazy" they were told, "It will burn up" to which Shlomo replied, Oy vey, ve haft thout off dat end vill send it up at night
List of Moooslem acheivements circa 20 and 21st century, Achmed? Oh wait, let me guess, suicide vests, 72 virgins, slamming jets into buildings, youtube public decapitations and torture. What a great civilization! :lmao:
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

You need to get out of that mosque rat hole and keep up with the world. Israel is cutting edge in many fields including science, medicine, nanotechnology, engineering, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, internet, and of course military. That is why Israel is the R & D capital of the world.

depends on what one calls "success"-------roudy. For an islamo Nazi----
it the size of the pile of dead babies P B A (per bomb on ass)
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

You need to get out of that mosque rat hole and keep up with the world. Israel is cutting edge in many fields including science, medicine, nanotechnology, engineering, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, internet, and of course military. That is why Israel is the R & D capital of the world.

depends on what one calls "success"-------roudy. For an islamo Nazi----
it the size of the pile of dead babies P B A (per bomb on ass)
Yes, that is correct. Mohammad was a great "success" he was a thief, a mass murderer,a terrorist, a rapist, and a pedophile. His greatest achievement was to negotiate a deal with Allah for his fellow Jihadists to receive 72 virgin virginians in case they die while being like him.
The izzies once boasted they were sending a spaceship to the Sun, "thats crazy" they were told, "It will burn up" to which Shlomo replied, Oy vey, ve haft thout off dat end vill send it up at night
List of Moooslem acheivements circa 20 and 21st century, Achmed? Oh wait, let me guess, suicide vests, 72 virgins, slamming jets into buildings, youtube public decapitations and torture. What a great civilization! :lmao:

the islamo Nazi sense of humor is so charming. -------roudy------an Iranian once told me a joke---------YOU LIVED THERE and managed to survive?------islamo-iran
humor is actually even dimmer than pakistani
...said the moon god worshiper.

Another Jew hater that can't handle it when Israel succeeds.

Oh has Israel succeeded in anything?

You need to get out of that mosque rat hole and keep up with the world.

Israel is cutting edge in many fields including science, medicine, nanotechnology, engineering, computers, pharmaceuticals, electronics, internet, and of course military. That is why Israel is the R & D capital of the world.

It is not the capital of R & D, also why do they need the US money, tell me please since almost half of the US billionaires are Jews, I guess its more fun to spend Gentile money though hey.

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