To Those On The Left: Why Are You Voting For Biden?

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Really? Biden was the guy in office (with Obama) the last time the Republicans rammed an economic iceberg, and we did just fine.

Again, it's hard for the GOP to argue they know what they are doing when the last FOUR recessions broke out when they were in charge.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

He should have instituted social distancing. That is what Japan and South Korea did, and they got their first cases at the same time. Oh, yeah, and his travel ban was not only racist, but counterproductive. It meant that a lot of American Business people who were in China and SHOULD have sheltered in place made a mad rush to get back here.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

1) Instituted quarantines for anyone coming into the country.
2) Enforced social distancing
3) Order the immediate production of PPE
4) Not call it a "Hoax"
5) Be more concerned with isolating the virus than scaring the stock market.

The fact is, the Governors had to pick up the slack - yet he attacked Cuomo, Priztker, Whitmer and Newsome for doing the job he didn't do.

Damn it, stop making me praise Pritzker... Just stop.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

I think you are a little confused, as usual. There were all sorts of peaceful protests. Hey, remember when the NFL Players took a knee? Trump didn't day, "let's have a national discussion", he said, 'How dare you guys refuse to stand for a song!"

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

And when Trump is gone, we will tear it down..

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Okay, here's the thing. the VA should only be there for guys who suffered service related conditions, not the "go to" for Vets who can't get health care from other means. It would be nice if we had Single Payer, and not have to rely on being employed to get health care.

Of course, when the system goes bankrupt, they'll start asking if you really qualify.

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

He's not going to cure cancer tomorrow. 130,000 people are DEAD NOW because he failed so badly on Covid.

But I do find it funny you guys compare him to Jesus... it shows you've become a cult.
Really? Biden was the guy in office (with Obama) the last time the Republicans rammed an economic iceberg, and we did just fine.

Yes, and Obama was given the credit for it by everyone on the left. Now you want to give it to Biden?

Nope, sorry. You don't get to relocate the credit...

He should have instituted social distancing.

How does a President do that? You guys would've been wetting yourselves had he done that, accusing him of trying to control us and determine how we live our lives...

Oh, yeah, and his travel ban was not only racist, but counterproductive. It meant that a lot of American Business people who were in China and SHOULD have sheltered in place made a mad rush to get back here.

So you believe a President should be able to order American citizens abroad to stay where they are?


1) Instituted quarantines for anyone coming into the country.
2) Enforced social distancing
3) Order the immediate production of PPE
4) Not call it a "Hoax"
5) Be more concerned with isolating the virus than scaring the stock market.

The "hoax" was with regards to how it was being played out in the media. As much as the idiot left would wish it true, Covid-19 didn't come here because of Donald Trump. The idiocy of such a suggestion is monumental. And, once here, the spread couldn't be stopped by him.

You think he should've enforced "social distancing"? How, exactly, would he have done that? Since all of this started, not a day has gone by when I haven't seen countless people not wearing masks and not social distancing. Even here in St. Augustine, Florida, where I live, masks have been mandated by the city, yet not everyone pays attention to them, and nothing is done to those who ignore the mandate. If it can't be enforced locally, how do you propose it would've been enforced nationally?

he fact is, the Governors had to pick up the slack - yet he attacked Cuomo, Priztker, Whitmer and Newsome for doing the job he didn't do.

Yeah, Cuomo did a bang-up job. The first case of Covid-19 in New York was reported on March 1. Yet, by April, one third of all cases in the United States were in New York. New York had more cases than any country, other than the United States.

Yeah, geez, how can we not praise Cuomo for that...

I think you are a little confused, as usual. There were all sorts of peaceful protests. Hey, remember when the NFL Players took a knee? Trump didn't day, "let's have a national discussion", he said, 'How dare you guys refuse to stand for a song!"

Fuck a "national discussion". It's not "a song". It's our National Anthem.

Take a look at what's been going on here lately. Peaceful protests turn into riots. BLM its vermin ilk are being catered to in ways which never would've been thought possible. All references to one of the most important eras in our history are being removed, and why? Because some white guys owned some black guys 240 years ago? Please, that dog won't hunt. It's a stupid fucking argument but, damn, come out in favor of leaving monuments alone and you're in for a fight...

And when Trump is gone, we will tear it down..

Well, then you'd better pick a candidate who can actually win, otherwise the Republican who takes office in 2025 will continue its construction...

Okay, here's the thing. the VA should only be there for guys who suffered service related conditions, not the "go to" for Vets who can't get health care from other means.

Oh, is that "the thing"?

That's a pretty ignorant "thing".

I served for 20 years and 11 days. Upon my retirement, I could've moved to a place where my government pension allowed me to not have to work. What you're suggesting is that, had I chosen that route, I should not have been able to get health care through the VA.

That's fucking stupid. I can't believe you'd be so stupid as to even make such an ignorant suggestion...

He's not going to cure cancer tomorrow. 130,000 people are DEAD NOW because he failed so badly on Covid.

He didn't. Yours is nothing more than some CNN talking point.

And you know my point about cancer is true. You guys are so fucking Hell-bent on not giving him credit for anything that your criticisms of the man ring hollow. We know you don't like him. You fools whine about it daily.

It makes us laugh...

But I do find it funny you guys compare him to Jesus... it shows you've become a cult.

I've not compared Trump to Jesus. Yet another glimpse at your ignorance.

Lastly, you've done a pretty bang-up job at proving my point. There's nothing about Biden that make you feel he would be a good President and set our country on what you think would be a good path. You just whine about Trump...
Yes, and Obama was given the credit for it by everyone on the left. Now you want to give it to Biden?

Nope, sorry. You don't get to relocate the credit...

Biden was part of that effort, so, yeah, he should get some credit.

I served for 20 years and 11 days. Upon my retirement, I could've moved to a place where my government pension allowed me to not have to work. What you're suggesting is that, had I chosen that route, I should not have been able to get health care through the VA.

That's fucking stupid. I can't believe you'd be so stupid as to even make such an ignorant suggestion...

You were paid for those 20 years and you got health care for them. (and they wouldn't have kept you if you were healthy that whole time.) Why should you get health benefits for life?

Now, I'm all for single payer, universal coverage, but we don't have that. We have a program to take care of veterans who have SERVICE RELATED injuries, but it's morphed into something where people who were just fine when they left are overloading the system.

(I was in for a total of 11 years. I think those resources should be there for guys who actually were damaged as a result of their service.)

Oh and then there's this.

And you know my point about cancer is true. You guys are so fucking Hell-bent on not giving him credit for anything that your criticisms of the man ring hollow. We know you don't like him. You fools whine about it daily.

Um, guy, he's wrecked the economy, killed 130,000 people through negligence, and caused race riots by 3 years of race-baiting. That more than erases anything "Good" he's supposedly accomplished.

I've not compared Trump to Jesus. Yet another glimpse at your ignorance.

You posted a meme about him walking on water, who else walked on water?

Lastly, you've done a pretty bang-up job at proving my point. There's nothing about Biden that make you feel he would be a good President and set our country on what you think would be a good path.

There's a whole bunch about Biden that would make him a good president, but not being Trump is good enough.

The problem is, at this point, you can no longer argue that Trump has done a good job. He can't run on his record like Obama did in 2012, or Clinton did in 1996, or Reagan did in 1984.

"Not My Fault" is not a winning campaign strategy.
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
Self serving??? You have the biggest self serving pos in your WH now What about him ?
ONE of the many reasons for voting for Biden ,, he wouldn't stand still while Russia offers bounties on our soldiers like the lying pussy , Putin ass kisser ,Trump

Why do you guys keep ignoring Shifty Shit?
I mean I've personally posted it here a half dozen times and others have as well.
No answer right.
Haven't read what you're speaking of Does it exonerate the shameful pos that repubs gave America ? The lying sack of shit in league with Putin? Sure ,,punish Putin by trying to get Putin back in the G7?

You need to get over the mewler investigation.
It's like grabbing onto lead pipes while drowning to save yourself.

Not sure how you havent heard about Shitty Shift's knowledge other than you avoid anything but CNN and the other leftwing shills.

HE knew in February about these ransoms and never said a word.

Schiff: The One Person Not Outraged By Russian Bounties Is Trump

Why would shit be outraged when he hid the info?
He knew but not Trump???

The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
For not giving a shit, the rest of the world sure did respect us a lot more when Obama was in office.

Obama did a great job without even trying (by your description).
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
For not giving a shit, the rest of the world sure did respect us a lot more when Obama was in office.

Obama did a great job without even trying (by your description).

Commies respecting other commies!!
Who'd have thunk it?
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
For not giving a shit, the rest of the world sure did respect us a lot more when Obama was in office.

Obama did a great job without even trying (by your description).

Commies respecting other commies!!
Who'd have thunk it?
Except they aren’t communists.
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
For not giving a shit, the rest of the world sure did respect us a lot more when Obama was in office.

Obama did a great job without even trying (by your description).

Commies respecting other commies!!
Who'd have thunk it?
Except they aren’t communists.

Okay then....Fascist.
The Titanic was making excellent time before it hit the iceberg. Point is, it hit the iceberg.

And no one could save it.

The economy can be brought around again, providing the right person is in office.

That person ain't Biden...

Covid hit because Trump ignored months of warnings about how dangerous it was. It's why we have 4% of the world's population and 28% of the covid deaths.

The first case here in the States was January 21. Trump suspended entry into the country from China ten days later. What should he have done differently? Remember, as soon as he put that travel ban in place people started screaming that he was a racist. He was accused of making a political decision as opposed to a public health decision, which strongly suggested that the order was unnecessary.

Oh, and it was epidemiologists who made those accusations.

What should he have done differently?

They rioted because Trump ignored years of peaceful protests and requests to reform police brutality. In fact, he encouraged it.

How did he do either of those things?

Every time things don't go their way, or something happens they don't like, these pigs lash out violently. They don't want peaceful protests...

Very little of the wall is being built, and people have already figured out ways around it. Only make the rednecks happy.

Well, it took a while to get started because anti-American left-wing pieces of shit try to stop it at every turn...

I'm a vet, too. I've never had to use the VA system because I got health care through my job. Letting Big Health Care loot the VA trust fund isn't going to solve anything.

Neither will dying on a gurney waiting for a doctor to come see you.

The nearest VA medical center is about an hour's drive for me. I much prefer the 10 minute drive I have now...

Nope, he's going to go down as the most failed president in our history. Somewhere, James Buchanan is cheering, "I'm not the worst anymore!!!!"

Left wing mongrels will never give the man credit for everything. If he cured cancer tomorrow you'd whine that he didn't cure multiple sclerosis. You know it and I know it...

View attachment 359964
Trump will bring the economy around?? lol How? By giving the 1% another trillion?

I'd rather 1% of Americans be given $1 trillion dollars than some terrorist state be given $150 billion...
Who did those billions belong to?? Us??

I love this argument. I love it because it's so often made by stupid people.

Back in the late 1970's, Ingalls Shipbuilding was building four guided missile destroyers which had been ordered, and paid for, by the Iranian government. Those contracts were cancelled by us in 1979 when the revolution in Iran happened and 52 Americans were taken hostage.

The ships were subsequently completed and commissioned for the U.S. Navy, and thank you Iran for footin' the bill. I served on the final ship of the class, USS Chandler (DDG-996).

No decent American gives a fuck that the money didn't belong to us. Those assets were frozen and they should've remained frozen. Unfortunately, the Boy King was far more concerned about his image around the world than he ever was in doing what was best for the United States...
So having a great image around the world is not in our best interests? Have no fear,,,,,your moron Trump fixed that

Obama didn't give a shit about how the US looked around the world. That self-serving piece of shit was only concerned ab ouot what world leaders thought of him personally...
For not giving a shit, the rest of the world sure did respect us a lot more when Obama was in office.

Obama did a great job without even trying (by your description).

Commies respecting other commies!!
Who'd have thunk it?
Except they aren’t communists.

Okay then....Fascist.
Not that either.

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