To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.

I didn't mention left or right, I never said liberal or conservative, you did. So spare me your BS. I asked you what left or right talking points I was using and then you write a long long post that has nothing to do with you backing up what you accused me of. So again, what talking points left or right am I using? If you can't answer or you are wrong, that's okay, just be honest with me.

What is it, exactly, you want from me? Are you more interested in solving an issue or soothing your ego? Now, I have answered all of your questions. Do you have a problem with my stance on the issues?

I'm not here to play a personality game. I don't care who thinks they are right or wrong; the issue is, do you have any facts to back up your claims? I'm not going back and do your work for you.

What did you say that might lead anyone to piss you off to the point that you cannot focus on the issue? I'm going to make this easy for you. If you get offended because someone doesn't agree with you, ignore my posts. Just because we disagree and I don't participate in personality contests will never make you right. Ask around, when you get too childish, I can ignore you. Can you put on your big boy pants and ignore me if you don't have anything to carry your position with? ... I mean other than that childish you ignored me so I'm right bullshit???

It's very very simple, you stated
"Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?" I am asking what left v. right talking points am I seeing and how am I failing to see the big picture?

I am not upset, I am not pissed, I am not disagreeing, for I don't understand what you mean by your statement. I am asking for you to clarify your statement. Can you clarify it?

You mentioned I "don't have anything to carry your position with?" What position am I carrying? Maybe I have missed big chunks of a conversation however I am not finding them. So all I am asking is to clarify your two statements. Is that okay that you clarify what you are saying? Thank you.

Dude, really? Okay, tell me your post number and I'll go back and read it. Look, I lead by example.

Did your see the guy that called me names and implied I was some kind of left wing, bleeding heart liberal - Hell, I don't recall what all of it was. I didn't my boxers in a bunch. I responded factually and let it go.

But, Dude for real if you let me get under your skin that easily, tell me what was said and I'll look at it. Nobody wants to ruin your Christmas.
Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.
I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.

I didn't mention left or right, I never said liberal or conservative, you did. So spare me your BS. I asked you what left or right talking points I was using and then you write a long long post that has nothing to do with you backing up what you accused me of. So again, what talking points left or right am I using? If you can't answer or you are wrong, that's okay, just be honest with me.

What is it, exactly, you want from me? Are you more interested in solving an issue or soothing your ego? Now, I have answered all of your questions. Do you have a problem with my stance on the issues?

I'm not here to play a personality game. I don't care who thinks they are right or wrong; the issue is, do you have any facts to back up your claims? I'm not going back and do your work for you.

What did you say that might lead anyone to piss you off to the point that you cannot focus on the issue? I'm going to make this easy for you. If you get offended because someone doesn't agree with you, ignore my posts. Just because we disagree and I don't participate in personality contests will never make you right. Ask around, when you get too childish, I can ignore you. Can you put on your big boy pants and ignore me if you don't have anything to carry your position with? ... I mean other than that childish you ignored me so I'm right bullshit???

It's very very simple, you stated
"Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?" I am asking what left v. right talking points am I seeing and how am I failing to see the big picture?

I am not upset, I am not pissed, I am not disagreeing, for I don't understand what you mean by your statement. I am asking for you to clarify your statement. Can you clarify it?

You mentioned I "don't have anything to carry your position with?" What position am I carrying? Maybe I have missed big chunks of a conversation however I am not finding them. So all I am asking is to clarify your two statements. Is that okay that you clarify what you are saying? Thank you.

Dude, really? Okay, tell me your post number and I'll go back and read it. Look, I lead by example.

Did your see the guy that called me names and implied I was some kind of left wing, bleeding heart liberal - Hell, I don't recall what all of it was. I didn't my boxers in a bunch. I responded factually and let it go.

But, Dude for real if you let me get under your skin that easily, tell me what was said and I'll look at it. Nobody wants to ruin your Christmas.

I quoted exactly what you posted in my last post.

I didn't see the post calling you anything, nor is it relevant to me.

People have no ability to ruin a second of my life let alone a day or season, only I am responsible for that. I'm not sure why you think it bothers me, I just don't understand what you are saying and need a clarification. Pretty simple and easy, you seem to think it is a difficult thing to back up your statements.

Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.
I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

Conspiracy time.jpeg

Even if there was any truth to that, major investors still watch their money carefully. They could care less how much a CEO makes as long as their returns are very high.
Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .
So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .

If you don’t know where your money is going, that is your fault. Unite yourself from your groups and put in individual accounts. You are not a victim, neither is anyone else, when it comes to investing we all have choices and we all make choices.
There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .

If you don’t know where your money is going, that is your fault. Unite yourself from your groups and put in individual accounts. You are not a victim, neither is anyone else, when it comes to investing we all have choices and we all make choices.

Do you know the pay of the ceos where your money is at ?
I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .

If you don’t know where your money is going, that is your fault. Unite yourself from your groups and put in individual accounts. You are not a victim, neither is anyone else, when it comes to investing we all have choices and we all make choices.

Do you know the pay of the ceos where your money is at ?

I don't and I don't care either. The only thing I care about (or should care about) is my rate of growth. if a CEO is making five million a year and providing me with a good return, then I think it's great that he or she is making that kind of money.
I think if you look at a company's portfolio many times the salary of the CEO is listed. Also, you can often go online when you research a company and find out what they are paid, if not, don't invest in the company, it's your money and you have the control of where you invest your dollars.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .

If you don’t know where your money is going, that is your fault. Unite yourself from your groups and put in individual accounts. You are not a victim, neither is anyone else, when it comes to investing we all have choices and we all make choices.

Do you know the pay of the ceos where your money is at ?

No, but I don’t really care, it seems to be a huge issue for you and there are lots of ways if you are investing for them to give you full disclosure. When I invest I look at the P&L, past performance, I look at their vision of 5 years out and projections. It’s all public information on a public stock.
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

McDogmeat doesn't have lettuce. But the point was I COULD hold the Ketchup, because I am actually competent and can put it in the kiosk.

Good riddance to the illegals at the counter.
That's it..... Time to start studying and boycotting the companies out there that are working against the security and interest of this country and it's citizens.

I agree, it is our money and we have the only say of where we spend and where we invest. I like mom and pop stores and I try to stay away from the big box stores that send their deposits out of state or even the country. You pay more for mom and pop however, they offer some great human interchange.

I agree . I do this same .

As for my retirement . I don’t know exactly which companies im tied too since investments groups have all kinds of links . That’s the system that keeps ceos / boards rolling in obnoxious salaries .

If you don’t know where your money is going, that is your fault. Unite yourself from your groups and put in individual accounts. You are not a victim, neither is anyone else, when it comes to investing we all have choices and we all make choices.

Do you know the pay of the ceos where your money is at ?

I don't and I don't care either. The only thing I care about (or should care about) is my rate of growth. if a CEO is making five million a year and providing me with a good return, then I think it's great that he or she is making that kind of money.

But when a low level worker gets minimum wage you are all up in arms ?
Explain why someone HAS to work for min wage. Your type say its all about choices. So make the choice not to apply. With barely a work ethic one can do better. Those co panies are awful places to work.
. Every company in America should be a place that any American wouldn't mind working for temporarily or even full time. Every company in America ought to treat their employees decent and fair. Companies stop with the lying already.

Companies don't open up to provide a livable wage and good benefits. Companies open up to provide a product or service for a profit. Opening up a business is not a social obligation. Opening up a business is for business.

The right always has a talking point until you put them on the spot. If you saw a Mexican behind the counter, you'd be advocating putting the owner in jail as if they had a duty to provide jobs for Americans only.

And, no, I'm not a liberal, so don't give me yet another pre-approved message from Richard Spencer.

You're not a liberal, but I'd bet you ARE a Communist.

What you Bolsheviks have done by deciding that YOU can set labor rates, rather than business owners, is priced the illegals out of the market.

What do you plan to do, outlaw automation?
People working for a living deserve a living wage.

If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

McDogmeat doesn't have lettuce. But the point was I COULD hold the Ketchup, because I am actually competent and can put it in the kiosk.

Good riddance to the illegals at the counter.

I went to a McDs wh the kiosk. Total distaster! Took forever to get my food . It annoyed everyone there.

Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.

There’s the rub! All our investments are diversified. Can you say where your investments are? What the ceos of those companies make ?

Board members and ceos are all in cahoots to hook each other up with other people’s money.

Can I say where my investments are? Yes, I can. I choose to handle my investments such that I know where they're being invested. If you choose not to do that, don't come whining to me about how you're "furious" about how companies are run, and "helpless" to do anything but sit back and take the dividends they're earning. Which, by the way, they wouldn't be earning for you if they were run as badly as you think. Clearly, the CEO actually does do something useful for his salary.
Employers won't hire them, because the 35 year old illegal will show up every day and works harder. We have destroyed the ladder of success for American youth.

I agree but whose fault is it that youngsters don't show up on time and don't work hard? Why should an employer be forced to hire and retain poor employees?

There are many exceptions. I think McDonald's has a terrific ad campaign going right now on TV.

Kids have to LEARN work skills at entry level jobs. Sadly, those are now filled by illegals who stay in entry level positions for life.
If they choose to fry flip, sorry but no. The work is not valuable.

If they choose to better themselves through education or work experience and raise their value to potential employers, fine.

If you eat at a fast food place, you place a value on the meal. If nobody were there to take your order on nights, week-ends and holidays, you'd suddenly decide how valuable it is to have people there for you when you need them.

You'll pay higher prices at a convenience store to keep from driving an extra mile down the road and paying substantially less, but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more????????????????

Getting rid of the counter help and putting in computerized Kiosks GREATLY increased the value of McDonalds to me. Last time I was there, my order was actually right.

Wait til you say hold the pickles, hold the lettuce...

McDogmeat doesn't have lettuce. But the point was I COULD hold the Ketchup, because I am actually competent and can put it in the kiosk.

Good riddance to the illegals at the counter.

I went to a McDs wh the kiosk. Total distaster! Took forever to get my food . It annoyed everyone there.


No one believes you.
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