To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Look......I've been in this business for a very long time. I know WTF I'm talking about. It's very often I run into drivers with good paying companies asking me if I'd be interested working for their company. They can't find enough people no matter what they do. Too many Americans are sitting home with their Obama phone and food stamps. They don't want to work. My employer is looking for a new driver now to replace the one leaving next week. He's going to have a hell of a time like he always does. The few people willing to work can't pass a drug test though.

Nobody is looking for foreigners. Any company will be happy to hire an American over a foreigner. Hell, they'll be happy to hire anybody that will take the job for that matter.

Some companies may actually WANT to hire the American and my example isn't about just trucking. You missed that software package reference.

I have written model legislation that addresses what you're talking about. A state senator is going to present it to the governor when the legislature meets. PM me and I'll give you an idea that would help employers find qualified Americans.

We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

It didn't happen years ago. Tough love was the name of the game and for the most part, it worked. From young on you were taught that the only way to put food on the table was to work for it--not have taxpayers work for it.

People years ago also had more integrity and shame. Even if they were in need, they declined any help because it was an admission of failure. Today, people in the grocery store proudly whip out that SNAP's card while paying cash for their alcohol, cigarettes, flowers, greeting cards, and huge bags of dog food and cat litter. Then they load their goodies in a late model SUV without blinking an eye.

I don't disagree with you that a problem exists. It's understanding it and applying the proper solution where we part ways.

BTW, my wife has an entire generation of welfarites in her family. If you put me in charge of that lot of misfits, they would have an entirely new attitude and understanding inside of a month.

And that's exactly what I'm talking about.

Maine decided to place restrictions on food stamp benefits for those without dependents. You either had to have a job working at least 20 hours a week, be enrolled in a vocational program, or participate in at least 20 hours a month in volunteer work. The results? Most of those people dropped out of the program.

When Welfare Reform was introduced in the 90's, the left predicted dead bodies in the street, children left at home to starve, a huge increase in violent crimes. It never happened. What happened instead was families sticking together, having less children, people claiming they felt liberated for the first time in their lives.

While that was not the case in every instance, the overall effect on society was positive, and that's what I would like to see happen today.
I won't debate you on that. I'd have to look into it. But it's the first I've ever heard of something like that. How can the state prove somebody is taking the medication they require?

I don't understand your post, but a drug test says a person is taking drugs. If you don't need the drug, but have to take it in order to get a disability check, the employer knows.

But, the employer can STILL deny you the job if you're using a mind altering drug. If you don't NEED the drug, why is the government pushing them onto people?

Fact: 80 percent of the WORLD'S opioids are consumed by Americans

My tenant (full time disability) does take drugs for mental conditions, and he's working all kinds of hours. In fact they always beg him to work more but he can't because he maxes out his income level every month.

To my knowledge, the state has no idea whether you are taking medications or not. Even if they checked up on you, all they might be able to tell is if they were purchased or not.

And if they figured out a person wasn't taking the drugs??? Can you say illegal?

I never heard of a disability requirement that says a person has to be incapacitated on drugs to receive disability. I inquired about disability a few years ago. They seemed to be pretty liberal and even encouraging.

As I stated, my tenant is bipolar, and he never mentioned anything about being forced on drugs to continue his benefits. He also has physical problems on top of that which require medication as well.

I kid you not. Socialist Security told my wife's son by a previous marriage that he had to be on SSRIs with his diagnosed autism.

If we have to get to the point that we have to lie to the government, where do you think our ethical standards, as a people, is headed? And do we keep those overpaid bureaucrats in jobs pretending to be doing something just to help the disadvantaged get a hand up?
You seem to be confusing SSI/SSDI with SS. Your step-son would be on SSI, which simply requires him to report any wages he may be earning. If he received SSI and also applied for and received SSDI, then he is seen as being disabled and unable to work.
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Benefits | Social Security Administration
Disability Planner: Social Security Protection If You Become Disabled

Don't conflate things to fit your perceived narrative.
I won't debate you on that. I'd have to look into it. But it's the first I've ever heard of something like that. How can the state prove somebody is taking the medication they require?

I don't understand your post, but a drug test says a person is taking drugs. If you don't need the drug, but have to take it in order to get a disability check, the employer knows.

But, the employer can STILL deny you the job if you're using a mind altering drug. If you don't NEED the drug, why is the government pushing them onto people?

Fact: 80 percent of the WORLD'S opioids are consumed by Americans

My tenant (full time disability) does take drugs for mental conditions, and he's working all kinds of hours. In fact they always beg him to work more but he can't because he maxes out his income level every month.

To my knowledge, the state has no idea whether you are taking medications or not. Even if they checked up on you, all they might be able to tell is if they were purchased or not.

And if they figured out a person wasn't taking the drugs??? Can you say illegal?

I never heard of a disability requirement that says a person has to be incapacitated on drugs to receive disability. I inquired about disability a few years ago. They seemed to be pretty liberal and even encouraging.

As I stated, my tenant is bipolar, and he never mentioned anything about being forced on drugs to continue his benefits. He also has physical problems on top of that which require medication as well.

I kid you not. Socialist Security told my wife's son by a previous marriage that he had to be on SSRIs with his diagnosed autism.

If we have to get to the point that we have to lie to the government, where do you think our ethical standards, as a people, is headed? And do we keep those overpaid bureaucrats in jobs pretending to be doing something just to help the disadvantaged get a hand up?

You are singing to the choir. If I were President today, I would eliminate all bureaucracies as they are unconstitutional. The two biggest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because both can rule us with no accountability. The Constitution clearly spells out who it is that can create laws, penalties and taxation on the people. Bureaucracies are not even mentioned in the Constitution.

I wouldn't rely on your wife's past experiences with SS. I would start a new case today. Most people I know that ended up on disability had to make several attempts before success, but they eventually got it. It may mean contacting your Congress person or state rep. Maybe even threatening them with contacting your local news agency.
The question should be why should the ceo make 50 million bucks per year and herd the money offshore???

Shouldn't we figure out away to spread that money to the workers that do the real work?

Can you name me one CEO that makes 50 million dollars a year?

Stay away from liberal news sites, they are all liars.

How much does a Chief Executive Officer make? The median annual Chief Executive Officer salary is $767,171, as of November 28, 2017, with a range usually between $592,253-$962,490, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.

Chief Executive Officer Salaries by education, experience, location and more -
The question should be why should the ceo make 50 million bucks per year and herd the money offshore???

Shouldn't we figure out away to spread that money to the workers that do the real work?

Can you name me one CEO that makes 50 million dollars a year?

Stay away from liberal news sites, they are all liars.

How much does a Chief Executive Officer make? The median annual Chief Executive Officer salary is $767,171, as of November 28, 2017, with a range usually between $592,253-$962,490, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.

Chief Executive Officer Salaries by education, experience, location and more -

John Hammergren of McKesson makes $131,200,000. Now BTW, not that I care. Shit, I wish I were him!!
The question should be why should the ceo make 50 million bucks per year and herd the money offshore???

Shouldn't we figure out away to spread that money to the workers that do the real work?

Can you name me one CEO that makes 50 million dollars a year?

Stay away from liberal news sites, they are all liars.

How much does a Chief Executive Officer make? The median annual Chief Executive Officer salary is $767,171, as of November 28, 2017, with a range usually between $592,253-$962,490, however this can vary widely depending on a variety of factors.

Chief Executive Officer Salaries by education, experience, location and more -

John Hammergren of McKesson makes $131,200,000. Now BTW, not that I care. Shit, I wish I were him!!

He's about the only one. Most CEO's that make anywhere near that are the original owners and operators of the company they created. I see nothing wrong with that either. But in general, CEO's that are hired by a company (or stockholders) don't make anywhere near that.

Highest-Paid Bosses - pg.1
Companies want to train, license, and get the driver on the road ASAP. Like any other job, you pay your dues when you first start out. And with electronic log books these days, it will be impossible to be driving too long without the chance of getting busted.

In any event, we currently need over 30,000 drivers industry can't find. They are bringing in foreigners to do the work because they can't find Americans to do it. Some can't speak a word of English and they are terrible drivers to boot.

Once you have a year or two under your belt, the world is yours. You can get excellent paying jobs with great benefits, work for a major carrier if you don't want to go over the road, and never have to worry about being unemployed again.

If you believe what you're peddling, you would start an employment agency and recruit the thousands upon thousands of people that have made a mistake in their lives or have special needs.

I know of one company that not only will not hire truck drivers with a record, but won't hire one that's been divorced! Know this:

Some employers don't want Americans - especially WASPs on their payroll. Even in white collar jobs it's not unusual for employers to advertise for a job with qualifications that NOBODY has so that they can hire foreigners on a special waiver just to get the foreigner in that position.

Case in point. Companies have been known to try and recruit someone with two years experience with a software package that hasn't been in the U.S. but for one year. Then recruit a foreigner claiming that they have the requisite experience.

Look......I've been in this business for a very long time. I know WTF I'm talking about. It's very often I run into drivers with good paying companies asking me if I'd be interested working for their company. They can't find enough people no matter what they do. Too many Americans are sitting home with their Obama phone and food stamps. They don't want to work. My employer is looking for a new driver now to replace the one leaving next week. He's going to have a hell of a time like he always does. The few people willing to work can't pass a drug test though.

Nobody is looking for foreigners. Any company will be happy to hire an American over a foreigner. Hell, they'll be happy to hire anybody that will take the job for that matter.

Some companies may actually WANT to hire the American and my example isn't about just trucking. You missed that software package reference.

I have written model legislation that addresses what you're talking about. A state senator is going to present it to the governor when the legislature meets. PM me and I'll give you an idea that would help employers find qualified Americans.

We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
Have you been reading my posts?

If a person is on disability AND on drugs (albeit legal) an employer is not going to hire them AND if they don't take the drugs, Socialist Security is not going to approve their disability claim.

If you can prove differently, you are in the wrong line of work.

I won't debate you on that. I'd have to look into it. But it's the first I've ever heard of something like that. How can the state prove somebody is taking the medication they require?

I don't understand your post, but a drug test says a person is taking drugs. If you don't need the drug, but have to take it in order to get a disability check, the employer knows.

But, the employer can STILL deny you the job if you're using a mind altering drug. If you don't NEED the drug, why is the government pushing them onto people?

Fact: 80 percent of the WORLD'S opioids are consumed by Americans

My tenant (full time disability) does take drugs for mental conditions, and he's working all kinds of hours. In fact they always beg him to work more but he can't because he maxes out his income level every month.

To my knowledge, the state has no idea whether you are taking medications or not. Even if they checked up on you, all they might be able to tell is if they were purchased or not.

And if they figured out a person wasn't taking the drugs??? Can you say illegal?

I never heard of a disability requirement that says a person has to be incapacitated on drugs to receive disability. I inquired about disability a few years ago. They seemed to be pretty liberal and even encouraging.

As I stated, my tenant is bipolar, and he never mentioned anything about being forced on drugs to continue his benefits. He also has physical problems on top of that which require medication as well.

First I have heard of it. Of course someone earlier claimed felons couldn’t get a CDL, so lots of misinformation floating out there.
You are an advocate of government when government works specifically for you, but government is the enemy anytime it attempts to work somehow for all others within this vast country in which we all live in right ? Hey, I'm for a merit based society for the most part, and I'm for a free one at that, but I'm also for recognizing decency standards, and human rights, along with freedom, liberty, and justice for all.

So Socialism fits you perfectly!

. Good grief.. Get help.

I'm not the one advocating for Socialism.
. I'm not either.
Why do we allow these intrusions of the Fourth Amendment to get a job? Drug tests?

Are you saying that a drug test infringes on someone's Fourth Amendment rights?

i think it does in a way. The drug tests they give you are not for finding out if you are intoxicated on the job. Pot stays in your system for weeks and even up to a month. So what they are testing for is what you do on your own free time. You could be on vacation for two weeks, come back to work, and lose your job because you smoked some pot within those two weeks.

Simple solution. Don't smoke marijuana. Problem solved. I'm an old codger, I've never had a job where a requirement was a drug test nor have I ever smoked anything.
You do seem to have missed the boat lol... Legalize and tax it immediately and stop testing for it God damn Nazis LOL
You do seem to have missed the boat lol... Legalize and tax it immediately and stop testing for it God damn Nazis LOL

My one reply to you.

If you owned a trucking company or maybe a crane company would you want your drivers or operators being stoned or drunk on the job? How long would you be in business?
The question should be why should the ceo make 50 million bucks per year and herd the money offshore???

Shouldn't we figure out away to spread that money to the workers that do the real work?

Then you would agree to have the employees voluntarily cut or work for no pay when business is slow?
but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more?

Other than money, what is the single most important difference between a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty level?

What's your point?

Are you afraid to answer and admit you know the real problem? Come on show some courage!

No guts, no glory! :D

The REAL problem has never been addressed on these boards nor by the MSM

Why are you afraid to answer my simple question? For your convenience, allow me to repost here:

Other than money, what is the single most important difference between a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty level?
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!
. Yeah like someone who told me once that he was getting a sorry flat salary for training, and the lead driver was getting all the pay for the miles he drove ?? Then the lead driver was taking advantage by forcing him to drive far to many miles instead of doing the right thing in the situation ?? The corruption and exploitation is unbelievable in this nation for many, but we all just keep going like there is nothing wrong or nothing to see or hear when we do see or hear it. Then comes the excuses, the never ending excuses. As a mechanic back in the day, I have heard some stories over the years.

Companies want to train, license, and get the driver on the road ASAP. Like any other job, you pay your dues when you first start out. And with electronic log books these days, it will be impossible to be driving too long without the chance of getting busted.

In any event, we currently need over 30,000 drivers industry can't find. They are bringing in foreigners to do the work because they can't find Americans to do it. Some can't speak a word of English and they are terrible drivers to boot.

Once you have a year or two under your belt, the world is yours. You can get excellent paying jobs with great benefits, work for a major carrier if you don't want to go over the road, and never have to worry about being unemployed again.

If you believe what you're peddling, you would start an employment agency and recruit the thousands upon thousands of people that have made a mistake in their lives or have special needs.

I know of one company that not only will not hire truck drivers with a record, but won't hire one that's been divorced! Know this:

Some employers don't want Americans - especially WASPs on their payroll. Even in white collar jobs it's not unusual for employers to advertise for a job with qualifications that NOBODY has so that they can hire foreigners on a special waiver just to get the foreigner in that position.

Case in point. Companies have been known to try and recruit someone with two years experience with a software package that hasn't been in the U.S. but for one year. Then recruit a foreigner claiming that they have the requisite experience.

Look......I've been in this business for a very long time. I know WTF I'm talking about. It's very often I run into drivers with good paying companies asking me if I'd be interested working for their company. They can't find enough people no matter what they do. Too many Americans are sitting home with their Obama phone and food stamps. They don't want to work. My employer is looking for a new driver now to replace the one leaving next week. He's going to have a hell of a time like he always does. The few people willing to work can't pass a drug test though.

Nobody is looking for foreigners. Any company will be happy to hire an American over a foreigner. Hell, they'll be happy to hire anybody that will take the job for that matter.
. Well once those foriegners you talked crap about, have been exploited for say 5 to 10 years out, then wa-la we will have yet another crying whining group who will claim that they got abused by that mean nasty ole whitey who had white privilege to do onto them anything they dam well pleased. Then What ???? I know, how about beginning to respect labor or drivers etc. again in this nation, and quit screwing them over, and clean up the mess that has been made by the greedy who took this nation into the pit of hell in which you are on here now giving testimony too ?? Do you realize that you are living testimony of a system that has come to a climax in corruption, and this is why you have to make your claim that the industry is suffering badly now when it comes to drivers needed ??

Are you for or against the free market?
I'm for an ethical free market, and not for a corrupt one or corruptly run one.
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!
. I'll make it simple.... Because we love our children right, then as candy and other such things go up in cost in the store, I ask you "don't we have an obligation to pay more in order to get the grass cut" ?? If a child comes up and wants to cut the grass in 2017, am I to try and get that child to cut it for 1960's wages at around $5.00 dollars per cut or should I give him $20.00 in 2017 to go and buy a used game and some candy if say he is around 10 years old ?? Should the property owner still pay 1960 rates or adjust the rates accordingly ? I remember at 10 years old cutting grass for $1.50 a yard, and then selling drink bottles for a whopping $5.00 dollars at the end of the weekend. I thought I was rich at 10 years old.. lol. With the changes in the cost of living over time, everything adjust, but when you see people attempting to pay 1960's labor rates in 2017 or looking for that illegals Mexican child to come over and get fooled into cutting a 2 acre yard for 1960 wages in 2017, then what we have is a serious set of corrupt circumstances taking place.
People need to realize that they have the ultimate game changer sitting right in their wallets or purses, and that ultimate game changer is the power of where they choose to spend their money. Don't like what's going on in society, then find out what your money is supporting when you spend it, and then redirect that money in order to make the important changes that you and millions more now think should take place. It's really that simple. If a company is found to be mistreating it's employees or selling non-quality services or products, then all you have to do is not empower the bad company with your money spent there. CHANGE PEOPLE, JUST CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNTRY BY WHAT YOU PURCHASE, LISTEN TO, WATCH AND READ.
Did you know that the United States Supreme Court never reversed Dred Scott v Sanford?

That, as you know, was not necessary.

Brown vs The Board of Education reversed that decision.

First, that is a presumption. Secondly, a future court could determine that the 14th Amendment never met constitutional muster as it was illegally ratified.

According to one writer:

"It was never (Dred Scott)overturned. It was argued in appeals for 11 years. The decision actually unified the Northern states even more against slavery than before, and had the opposite effect of what the court thought would happen. The galvanization of the North lead directly to the Civil War. The aftermath of which, rendered the decision a moot point, with the passing of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. Mr Scott died in 1857, just 1 year after the ruling of tuberculosis and never saw the effect of the case."

Was the Dred Scott decision overturned as a matter of law or just on an unimportant procedural ground?
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