To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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If you believe what you're peddling, you would start an employment agency and recruit the thousands upon thousands of people that have made a mistake in their lives or have special needs.

I know of one company that not only will not hire truck drivers with a record, but won't hire one that's been divorced! Know this:

Some employers don't want Americans - especially WASPs on their payroll. Even in white collar jobs it's not unusual for employers to advertise for a job with qualifications that NOBODY has so that they can hire foreigners on a special waiver just to get the foreigner in that position.

Case in point. Companies have been known to try and recruit someone with two years experience with a software package that hasn't been in the U.S. but for one year. Then recruit a foreigner claiming that they have the requisite experience.

Look......I've been in this business for a very long time. I know WTF I'm talking about. It's very often I run into drivers with good paying companies asking me if I'd be interested working for their company. They can't find enough people no matter what they do. Too many Americans are sitting home with their Obama phone and food stamps. They don't want to work. My employer is looking for a new driver now to replace the one leaving next week. He's going to have a hell of a time like he always does. The few people willing to work can't pass a drug test though.

Nobody is looking for foreigners. Any company will be happy to hire an American over a foreigner. Hell, they'll be happy to hire anybody that will take the job for that matter.

Some companies may actually WANT to hire the American and my example isn't about just trucking. You missed that software package reference.

I have written model legislation that addresses what you're talking about. A state senator is going to present it to the governor when the legislature meets. PM me and I'll give you an idea that would help employers find qualified Americans.

We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?
but make a big deal out of paying a little more for a burger so that some child don't end up on welfare, costing you even more?

Other than money, what is the single most important difference between a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty level?

What's your point?

Are you afraid to answer and admit you know the real problem? Come on show some courage!

No guts, no glory! :D

The REAL problem has never been addressed on these boards nor by the MSM

Why are you afraid to answer my simple question? For your convenience, allow me to repost here:

Other than money, what is the single most important difference between a child being raised in poverty and a child being raised above the poverty level?

I told you before, since I don't know what you're getting at, I don't know the answer.

Generally, though not always, children raised at or below the poverty level have no strong family support system. Today, however, that is true of those with big bucks.
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!

I've destroyed this argument so many times, it's sad that those who keep posting this myth can't get up to speed.

There are millions of people who simply do not have the mental capacity to go out and get one of those "good" jobs. Others have criminal records and the era of the obsessive "background check" has locked them out of society.

This means they either work marginal jobs OR they go on welfare. It's that simple. If shutting down the welfare machine and putting people in prison were any kind of answer, we'd have saints on our streets because we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet!
People need to realize that they have the ultimate game changer sitting right in their wallets or purses, and that ultimate game changer is the power of where they choose to spend their money. Don't like what's going on in society, then find out what your money is supporting when you spend it, and then redirect that money in order to make the important changes that you and millions more now think should take place. It's really that simple. If a company is found to be mistreating it's employees or selling non-quality services or products, then all you have to do is not empower the bad company with your money spent there. CHANGE PEOPLE, JUST CHANGE THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNTRY BY WHAT YOU PURCHASE, LISTEN TO, WATCH AND READ.

I think you have part of the equation and I've argued with those who are anti-immigrant for years. They always want the government to do something about so - called "illegal immigration" when the anti - immigrants are shopping at places like Walmart. And Walmart was proven, in a court of law, to have hired subcontractors that had knowingly hired undocumented workers.

We cannot build a government big enough to save us from ourselves. We can do more with our wallet than the government can do with laws. beagle9 has given everybody here half the entire solution with a simple act of advocating that you be accountable for your part in this.

When employers pay crap wages, treat their employees like slaves, and expect your loyalty as a customer, you have a Right, an Obligation, and a Duty to tell them to go to Hell.
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!

I've destroyed this argument so many times, it's sad that those who keep posting this myth can't get up to speed.

There are millions of people who simply do not have the mental capacity to go out and get one of those "good" jobs. Others have criminal records and the era of the obsessive "background check" has locked them out of society.

This means they either work marginal jobs OR they go on welfare. It's that simple. If shutting down the welfare machine and putting people in prison were any kind of answer, we'd have saints on our streets because we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet!

Sorry're not "destroying" shit and you certainly aren't at all "destroying" the argument. You're simply stating your own pathetic opinion. It's the same old bleeding heart bullshit we always see from you wack-jobs..."it's not their fault...we can't hold them accountable" pussy shit. I know your type.
Let's talk numbers since you seem to be so full of information. Surely you'd have these figures before developing the position you've taken on the subject...right? You wouldn't want to push too hard for the .02%....right? Nobody gives two fucks about the .02%....right?
What percentage of people "do not have the mental capacity" to qualify for a more than minimum wage paying job?
What percentage of people have "criminal records" that prevent them from qualifying for a more than minimum wage paying job?
I'm standing by waiting patiently.
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Did you know that the United States Supreme Court never reversed Dred Scott v Sanford?

That, as you know, was not necessary.

Brown vs The Board of Education reversed that decision.

First, that is a presumption. Secondly, a future court could determine that the 14th Amendment never met constitutional muster as it was illegally ratified.

According to one writer:

"It was never (Dred Scott)overturned. It was argued in appeals for 11 years. The decision actually unified the Northern states even more against slavery than before, and had the opposite effect of what the court thought would happen. The galvanization of the North lead directly to the Civil War. The aftermath of which, rendered the decision a moot point, with the passing of the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments. Mr Scott died in 1857, just 1 year after the ruling of tuberculosis and never saw the effect of the case."

Was the Dred Scott decision overturned as a matter of law or just on an unimportant procedural ground?
No court would do such as it has been used in numerous opinions and has been ruled on numerous times. Dred Scott was nullified by the 13th and 14th amendments.

Who cares what one writer on yahoo answers to a question. SMFH
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Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!

I've destroyed this argument so many times, it's sad that those who keep posting this myth can't get up to speed.

There are millions of people who simply do not have the mental capacity to go out and get one of those "good" jobs. Others have criminal records and the era of the obsessive "background check" has locked them out of society.

This means they either work marginal jobs OR they go on welfare. It's that simple. If shutting down the welfare machine and putting people in prison were any kind of answer, we'd have saints on our streets because we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet!
You haven't "destroyed" anything. SMFH It was shown to you that even felons can get good paying jobs without much issue, your talking point is pure BS.
Look......I've been in this business for a very long time. I know WTF I'm talking about. It's very often I run into drivers with good paying companies asking me if I'd be interested working for their company. They can't find enough people no matter what they do. Too many Americans are sitting home with their Obama phone and food stamps. They don't want to work. My employer is looking for a new driver now to replace the one leaving next week. He's going to have a hell of a time like he always does. The few people willing to work can't pass a drug test though.

Nobody is looking for foreigners. Any company will be happy to hire an American over a foreigner. Hell, they'll be happy to hire anybody that will take the job for that matter.

Some companies may actually WANT to hire the American and my example isn't about just trucking. You missed that software package reference.

I have written model legislation that addresses what you're talking about. A state senator is going to present it to the governor when the legislature meets. PM me and I'll give you an idea that would help employers find qualified Americans.

We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!

I've destroyed this argument so many times, it's sad that those who keep posting this myth can't get up to speed.

There are millions of people who simply do not have the mental capacity to go out and get one of those "good" jobs. Others have criminal records and the era of the obsessive "background check" has locked them out of society.

This means they either work marginal jobs OR they go on welfare. It's that simple. If shutting down the welfare machine and putting people in prison were any kind of answer, we'd have saints on our streets because we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet!

Do you have a link that shows millions do not have the mental capacity to go out and get good jobs? Are all those millions in the work force?
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!

I've destroyed this argument so many times, it's sad that those who keep posting this myth can't get up to speed.

There are millions of people who simply do not have the mental capacity to go out and get one of those "good" jobs. Others have criminal records and the era of the obsessive "background check" has locked them out of society.

This means they either work marginal jobs OR they go on welfare. It's that simple. If shutting down the welfare machine and putting people in prison were any kind of answer, we'd have saints on our streets because we have more people in prison than any nation on this planet!

Sorry're not "destroying" shit and you certainly aren't at all "destroying" the argument. You're simply stating your own pathetic opinion. It's the same old bleeding heart bullshit we always see from you wack-jobs..."it's not their fault...we can't hold them accountable" pussy shit. I know your type.
Let's talk numbers since you seem to be so full of information. Surely you'd have these figures before developing the position you've taken on the subject...right? You wouldn't want to push too hard for the .02%....right? Nobody gives two fucks about the .02%....right?
What percentage of people "do not have the mental capacity" to qualify for a more than minimum wage paying job?
What percentage of people have "criminal records" that prevent them from qualifying for a more than minimum wage paying job?
I'm standing by waiting patiently.

You are certainly welcome to your opinion, but I am currently drafting model prison reforms so I DO have the facts you want.

At any given moment we have 2.3 MILLION people incarcerated:

Mass Incarceration: The Whole Pie 2016

The best guess is that one in every 3 Americans have some kind of criminal record, but it is not known how many of those are serious enough to keep them permanently locked out of society.

For example, most employers will overlook DUI convictions for non-driving jobs, but they will not overlook a misdemeanor case of simple battery.

Since America is the drug capital of the world, we have some figures along those lines:

Over 80 percent the world's opioids are consumed in the United States and that results in 64,000 deaths each year. MANY of these drugs are legal drugs dispensed by licensed doctors:

The Numbers Behind the Opioid Crisis

Virtually all mass shootings are done by one of two classes of people: Those who have been under the care / supervision of a psychiatrist or psychologist within a year of the mass shooting and /or on SSRIs. The other category is political jihadists.

In essence, you have MILLIONS of people who are on drugs and those drugs, in many instances, were prescribed by doctors - and when you look at the number of people living off of Uncle Scam, many of those are forced onto drugs by the government.

By the year 2013 the number of Americans on disability exceeded 8 MILLION people:
8,853,614: Americans on Disability Hits Another Record; Exceeds 3x Population of Chicago

As the above article puts it there is one person on disability for every 24 people working. And we aren't doing squat to explore how much of this government drugging is necessary.

Again at any given time, you have 2.3 MILLION people incarcerated in prisons and jails in America. Over 65 percent of those meet the criteria for being medically described as drug addicts. You sure as Hell don't fix the problem by putting people into prison because 65 percent of those who go in will become recidivists. That's about the same number as those on drugs.
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Some companies may actually WANT to hire the American and my example isn't about just trucking. You missed that software package reference.

I have written model legislation that addresses what you're talking about. A state senator is going to present it to the governor when the legislature meets. PM me and I'll give you an idea that would help employers find qualified Americans.

We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.
We have a two-fold problem in this country when it comes to finding workers: social programs and parents allowing their kids to live with them forever.

If a person doesn't have a real need to work, they won't. Years ago parents wouldn't put up with that nonsense from their children. If the kid wasn't in college and not working, they kicked him out of the house. That was it. Not many places drug tested either back then.

So most everybody went out and got a job.....any job. In a younger day, it was very often I worked six to seven days a week, had two jobs, or worked 10 to 12 hour days. Not a lot of people do that any longer. If they can't make it on 40 hours a week, too bad. They'll apply for some social program to fill in the gaps if any.

And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.

I didn't mention left or right, I never said liberal or conservative, you did. So spare me your BS. I asked you what left or right talking points I was using and then you write a long long post that has nothing to do with you backing up what you accused me of. So again, what talking points left or right am I using? If you can't answer or you are wrong, that's okay, just be honest with me.
If a kid is working full time for a measely wage Luke 20 bucks an hour how do you expect them to live on their own?

If my kid starts making $20 an hour, he'd better not say a damned word about "measly" as he packs his shit and moves out of my house. And he'd better have a place in his budget for buying me presents.
You wanna play around with words that's fine, but at least be honest:

Employees are letting companies "exploit" them, it's just that simple. Don't want to be "exploited" for less than your labor is worth? Find a job that pays what you think you're worth.

Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for

These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.
Low skilled workers don't have a choice of whether to be exploited or not
Most will eventually find a higher paying job

Look at a 17 year old worker. He will work for minimum wages while he goes to college to qualify for one of those better paying jobs. Because minimum wage employment pays so poorly, that young worker will be forced to take out loans to pay for that dream of an education
When he graduates, instead of looking to buy a home or getting married, he will be saddled with education debt that those minimum wage jobs used to pay for

These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .
These folks are low skilled and they are only worth X because that's what the job pays - if you're looking across the entire city for a "low skill" job and they all pay min wage - then you're only worth that min wage because there's a bunch of low skill workers; their labor isn't worth much.

On the flip side, if you're in Alaska NO ONE pays min wage because we don't have enough peeps to do the work we need done. We have too many open jobs, which means our labor is worth more money.

Supply and demand.

These folks might have to move to a location that /needs/ workers, rather than complaining about low pay when there are a lot of workers. It's still a personal choice, they choose to stay near family/friends whatever, and as a consequence are stuck with their labor being worth low pay. Hell my cousin just did this; he'd come up here to work in construction because it paid way better.

Supply and Demand ? So when the CEO makes $10 million , it’s because no one would do the job for $2 million ?


Lol! Yeah sure . These ceos and board members are all part of the same scam . They give each other sweetheart deals because it’s other people’s money .

Seriously, what does a ceo do to deserve such a high pay that someone else couldn’t replicate?

I suppose that would be a question to ask the people whose money it actually is and who are paying the CEO, isn't it?

Really, the point always comes back to the fact that it's not YOUR money, so it's none of your business how it gets spent.

Sure it’s my money . My retirement is in investments , which is tied into these public companies .

So don't invest in the ones you think overpay their CEOs. Problem solved. Last time I checked, no one was holding a gun to your head and FORCING you to invest in certain companies.
You do seem to have missed the boat lol... Legalize and tax it immediately and stop testing for it God damn Nazis LOL

My one reply to you.

If you owned a trucking company or maybe a crane company would you want your drivers or operators being stoned or drunk on the job? How long would you be in business?
Well I saw a survey that said that being stoned was 1/15 as dangerous as being drunk driving and one half as dangerous as no hands telephone operation... Of course you should be fired for actually being Stoned but they don't have a test. but I believe you could tell if someone is that stoned as to be really dangerous.
And, unfortunately, unable to then cope, a lot of those lazy asses end up in prison where we could take the opportunity to readjust their thinking and ethics.

And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.

I didn't mention left or right, I never said liberal or conservative, you did. So spare me your BS. I asked you what left or right talking points I was using and then you write a long long post that has nothing to do with you backing up what you accused me of. So again, what talking points left or right am I using? If you can't answer or you are wrong, that's okay, just be honest with me.

What is it, exactly, you want from me? Are you more interested in solving an issue or soothing your ego? Now, I have answered all of your questions. Do you have a problem with my stance on the issues?

I'm not here to play a personality game. I don't care who thinks they are right or wrong; the issue is, do you have any facts to back up your claims? I'm not going back and do your work for you.

What did you say that might lead anyone to piss you off to the point that you cannot focus on the issue? I'm going to make this easy for you. If you get offended because someone doesn't agree with you, ignore my posts. Just because we disagree and I don't participate in personality contests will never make you right. Ask around, when you get too childish, I can ignore you. Can you put on your big boy pants and ignore me if you don't have anything to carry your position with? ... I mean other than that childish you ignored me so I'm right bullshit???
And you bitched earlier about calling people lazy. Lol!
And the problem is? Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?

I don’t see it as left or right, I’m asking you to be consistent. Educate me, what left v. right talking points am I using?

You jumped all over gramps for calling minimum wage earners as lazy, yet he never said that, I think that is a left v. right talking point, am I right? So you seem to do what you accuse others of doing.

See my previous post.

I'm not "all over" any subject. If I describe the problem, people are yelling bleeding heart liberal and if I show the left where they are wrong, I'm a right winger.

In reality I'm neither. We have problems that are connected to a variety of issues. Some are social. Mommy lets her 20, 30, 40 year old and above to live in the basement rent free and draw some form of government assistance for most imaginary illnesses.

But, once these monsters are created, you can't fix the problem by kicking them off the welfare dole and later into prison for what is inevitable. We have millions of people that are really incapable of being "normal" due to things that they were born with. It is reported that 1 in 68 children today are born with autism:

How Many People Have Autism? | Achievement Center

This is only ONE disorder, among many, and a lot of those who have this disorder will not function to the level that they qualify for a regular job, but they can become self sufficient. Add this to the other disorders and handicaps that others have and we're talking a sizable amount of people.

The dead beat lazy asses that are 30 years old - and BTW, I know someone that fits this category... 30 years old, never finished high school, doesn't know how to drive and has never worked a job save of gigs like fast food and sandwich shops for minimum wage. The problem:

The kid's father was a freaking deadbeat. He rarely worked and lived off of the government and / or relatives. And now Mommy don't want her baby to do without. So she provides for him. Eventually he ends up in jail. Repeated visits to prison / jails aren't changing him.

So, my plan is to cut down on the drugs that doctors dispense. My plan is once a person goes to prison, we rehabilitate them. They get punished, but they get rehabilitated.

The only roads to early release is for accomplishing things... like getting a GED, some form of transferable job skills, drug / alcohol treatment while incarcerated, and getting rid of tattoos (eliminating the gang mentality.) Nobody leaves early without completion of these things.

The state could chip in as well, offering to give employers tax incentives to give those who got rehabilitated a second chance. There is much more to this, but I'll get strikethroughs to go into it on a thread.

I didn't mention left or right, I never said liberal or conservative, you did. So spare me your BS. I asked you what left or right talking points I was using and then you write a long long post that has nothing to do with you backing up what you accused me of. So again, what talking points left or right am I using? If you can't answer or you are wrong, that's okay, just be honest with me.

What is it, exactly, you want from me? Are you more interested in solving an issue or soothing your ego? Now, I have answered all of your questions. Do you have a problem with my stance on the issues?

I'm not here to play a personality game. I don't care who thinks they are right or wrong; the issue is, do you have any facts to back up your claims? I'm not going back and do your work for you.

What did you say that might lead anyone to piss you off to the point that you cannot focus on the issue? I'm going to make this easy for you. If you get offended because someone doesn't agree with you, ignore my posts. Just because we disagree and I don't participate in personality contests will never make you right. Ask around, when you get too childish, I can ignore you. Can you put on your big boy pants and ignore me if you don't have anything to carry your position with? ... I mean other than that childish you ignored me so I'm right bullshit???

It's very very simple, you stated
"Maybe you only see left v. right talking points and fail to see the big picture?" I am asking what left v. right talking points am I seeing and how am I failing to see the big picture?

I am not upset, I am not pissed, I am not disagreeing, for I don't understand what you mean by your statement. I am asking for you to clarify your statement. Can you clarify it?

You mentioned I "don't have anything to carry your position with?" What position am I carrying? Maybe I have missed big chunks of a conversation however I am not finding them. So all I am asking is to clarify your two statements. Is that okay that you clarify what you are saying? Thank you.
Adults were never meant to permentantly work “entry level” jobs. Raising min wage will just destroy a bunch of these jobs for teens and others where these lower wages make sense. You can force businesses to raise wages BUT can’t force them to hire the same amount of workers. There are tons of careers and trades that pay “living wages”. If an adult is working in entry level jobs it is almost always because of very bad decisions. America stands for freedom and opportunity...and that includes people’s right to make bad decisions!
. I'll make it simple.... Because we love our children right, then as candy and other such things go up in cost in the store, I ask you "don't we have an obligation to pay more in order to get the grass cut" ?? If a child comes up and wants to cut the grass in 2017, am I to try and get that child to cut it for 1960's wages at around $5.00 dollars per cut or should I give him $20.00 in 2017 to go and buy a used game and some candy if say he is around 10 years old ?? Should the property owner still pay 1960 rates or adjust the rates accordingly ? I remember at 10 years old cutting grass for $1.50 a yard, and then selling drink bottles for a whopping $5.00 dollars at the end of the weekend. I thought I was rich at 10 years old.. lol. With the changes in the cost of living over time, everything adjust, but when you see people attempting to pay 1960's labor rates in 2017 or looking for that illegals Mexican child to come over and get fooled into cutting a 2 acre yard for 1960 wages in 2017, then what we have is a serious set of corrupt circumstances taking place.

Not really. If you do not approve of the wages, you simply don't accept the job. I've done it dozens of times.
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