To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

I absolutely agree. Let the supply and demand market take care of wages instead of government. When employers are desperate for workers and can't find any, they will increase their wage and benefits offer. I'm all for that.
Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.
Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.
Nah then we'll have the Rock or Cuban as President.
Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't think Democrats play the same game?

Look......if you enjoy your tax cuts and want to see them continue, then yes, support Republicans. If you want to pay more in taxes and have more spending, vote Democrat and let those tax cuts expire.

Giving Americans choice is a good thing.
I haven't slogged through all 55 pages of this one, but one question I would ask is whether those who advocate a 15 dollar minimum wage have considered the effect on SMALL business? All this talk about McDonalds ignores the fact that local coffee shops and independent retailers will also have to pay more, and who do you think will be able to weather this increase more easily -- the giant companies or the small guy trying to eke out a living?

Have any of those wanting to stick it to the man figured out that in sticking it to the man, they are actually helping to remove the alternatives TO the man? A large increase in wages is going to hurt the little guy first, and as more little guys go under, it will be these large corporations who will enjoy an increased share of the spending dollar.

Therein lies the rub. Major corporations can (most of the time) afford to pay their employees better wages. Most of my responses have been aimed at jobs that pay more than federal minimum wage, but less than poverty wages. Warehouse jobs came to mind, but damn, I saw robots load a tractor trailer a couple of weeks ago and thought, there is another job that won't be here in ten years.

Back to the minimum wage:

Some places cannot pay their workers $15 an hour. Subway, for example, does not have that amount of business at one location that they can pay $15 an hour. IF a Subway paid $15 an hour, they would have to raise a meal by 50 cents compared to MickeyDs having to raise their meals by 10 cents.

It's definitely a challenge. If laws are written so that big corporations have to pay more and small business is exempted (say companies with less than a dozen employees), then big business rebels.

If Subway raises their prices to meet the wage demands, they price themselves out of the market.

So glad you've generously figured out a way to write laws telling people how to live their private lives and spend their money. No arrogance at all implied in believing that you alone are wiser than hundreds of millions of people making voluntary transactions every day.

Thank you, he claims to be about dialogue instead, all he wants is you to agree with all his BS and if you don’t? You are a negative person or trolling. Just BS!
Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't think Democrats play the same game?

Look......if you enjoy your tax cuts and want to see them continue, then yes, support Republicans. If you want to pay more in taxes and have more spending, vote Democrat and let those tax cuts expire.

Giving Americans choice is a good thing.

The better choice would have been to force the Republicans to earn their tax credits. Invest in America, hire Americans, pay better wages and get tax incentives.
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't think Democrats play the same game?

Look......if you enjoy your tax cuts and want to see them continue, then yes, support Republicans. If you want to pay more in taxes and have more spending, vote Democrat and let those tax cuts expire.

Giving Americans choice is a good thing.

The better choice would have been to force the Republicans to earn their tax credits. Invest in America, hire Americans, pay better wages and get tax incentives.

In other words let government make decisions on how people should run their companies? Didn't DumBama do that? How did that work out for us?
But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't think Democrats play the same game?

Look......if you enjoy your tax cuts and want to see them continue, then yes, support Republicans. If you want to pay more in taxes and have more spending, vote Democrat and let those tax cuts expire.

Giving Americans choice is a good thing.

The better choice would have been to force the Republicans to earn their tax credits. Invest in America, hire Americans, pay better wages and get tax incentives.

In other words let government make decisions on how people should run their companies? Didn't DumBama do that? How did that work out for us?

How many more times are you going to misrepresent my position? You are like the other two pathological liars on this thread. Every few posts we have to back up and restart again.

I have never advocated that the government dictate a damn thing to an employer. For all I give a damn, they can hire undocumented foreigners, criminals, and crooks and pay them a dollar an hour.

But, at the end of the day, if the government grants a business a license to operate, there is this thing called quid pro quo that you should consider. It is, in its purest and simplest form... something for something. An employer pays his employees enough to keep them out of poverty and he hires Americans deserves a helping hand from Uncle Scam. It is a choice an employer could make.

But, it's all mental masturbation. What is done has been done. There is no need to keep arguing with me. You should be focused on what line of bullshit you're going to feed yourself and those you think are following you in the post Trump years. After all, the Republicans thought up the income tax and that didn't work out too well... considering that between that and the creation of the Federal Reserve (which is neither Federal NOR a Reserve) were Republican ideas. Now they want to make matters worse and the only solution the American people thinks exist is socialism... which don't work either.
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

But companies don't hire people to provide a paycheck for the worker and his (or her) families. Companies hire people to perform work they need.

Like I said earlier, if you need your transmission rebuilt and get three estimates, you don't choose the highest one, you choose the lowest one. It's not your concern if the mechanic or the business are making enough to provide for their families. That's their problem. Your problem is that you need work done for the lowest price you can get.
Things change.
Now employers must pay their employers a decent wage if they want their employees to vote for Trump again. If they want to keep their low taxes they must appease their employees.
If Employers want employees they must give employees what they want not just the minimum they can get away with or those employees will go to work for someone else. Seal the border, force the employers to care about the American worker.

The real deal is, taxpayers get a temporary reprieve and few dollars back on their income tax. After eight years, Trump plans on being out of the job of president (he presupposes that he'll serve two terms.) By that time a liberal will have been in office for a year and then take the blame for the sudden rise in taxes and the erosion of the value of a dollar.

For the next few years, the low information voter will be wallow around like a pig in slop with their temporary low tax deal while the elderly and the handicapped will watch their taxes go up and their checks go down. It would be more humane to consider euthanasia.

But, at the end of the day, the Republicans (who brought you the loser income tax) will have screwed us yet again with a rich guy's plan to make the rich richer...

BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

I don't see anything wrong with that. You don't think Democrats play the same game?

Look......if you enjoy your tax cuts and want to see them continue, then yes, support Republicans. If you want to pay more in taxes and have more spending, vote Democrat and let those tax cuts expire.

Giving Americans choice is a good thing.

The better choice would have been to force the Republicans to earn their tax credits. Invest in America, hire Americans, pay better wages and get tax incentives.
That's not what government was designed to do. Aren't you the one whining all the time about this being a Constitutional Republic? That employers should be allowed to do what they want and hire who they want? Now you are claiming the opposite? And you claim you aren't a Democrat? You are a Libertarian Socilaist.
I haven't slogged through all 55 pages of this one, but one question I would ask is whether those who advocate a 15 dollar minimum wage have considered the effect on SMALL business? All this talk about McDonalds ignores the fact that local coffee shops and independent retailers will also have to pay more, and who do you think will be able to weather this increase more easily -- the giant companies or the small guy trying to eke out a living?

Have any of those wanting to stick it to the man figured out that in sticking it to the man, they are actually helping to remove the alternatives TO the man? A large increase in wages is going to hurt the little guy first, and as more little guys go under, it will be these large corporations who will enjoy an increased share of the spending dollar.

Therein lies the rub. Major corporations can (most of the time) afford to pay their employees better wages. Most of my responses have been aimed at jobs that pay more than federal minimum wage, but less than poverty wages. Warehouse jobs came to mind, but damn, I saw robots load a tractor trailer a couple of weeks ago and thought, there is another job that won't be here in ten years.

Back to the minimum wage:

Some places cannot pay their workers $15 an hour. Subway, for example, does not have that amount of business at one location that they can pay $15 an hour. IF a Subway paid $15 an hour, they would have to raise a meal by 50 cents compared to MickeyDs having to raise their meals by 10 cents.

It's definitely a challenge. If laws are written so that big corporations have to pay more and small business is exempted (say companies with less than a dozen employees), then big business rebels.

If Subway raises their prices to meet the wage demands, they price themselves out of the market.

So glad you've generously figured out a way to write laws telling people how to live their private lives and spend their money. No arrogance at all implied in believing that you alone are wiser than hundreds of millions of people making voluntary transactions every day.

Thank you, he claims to be about dialogue instead, all he wants is you to agree with all his BS and if you don’t? You are a negative person or trolling. Just BS!

I don't care whether you agree with me or not. Don't come at me with insults and not think I'll let you punch me for free. I am the kind of guy that Trump tries to imitate when he claims to be a counter-puncher.

You are a lying son of a bitch, BTW. I have specifically stated that I do not have the answer. In post # 1909 you asked me and you know damn well what I said in that post.

What you do is is to keep making baseless allegations, knowingly doing so with LIES. You think every time you find someone in agreement with you, you can stick your head up their ass and play buddy buddy with them as if an act of democracy will "win" your pathetic attempt to wow everyone with your supposed superiority over everyone else. The fact is, I don't have the answers and neither do you. IF you did, you'd be making millions in Washington instead of picking fights with people you think you are smarter than.

You're not that smart when you waste your ever waking moment trying to impress others by forcing your views down the throats of those that disagree with you. You are a liar. I don't expect a swinging dick on this board to agree with me on this issue because I don't see an immediate answer.

You having another bad day? Every time I responded to your ideas with reasons I thought it would be an issue, I was a socialist. So, spare me your BS! I’m not trying to force my views, that would be you, who can’t take criticism for their ideas. I never claimed to have superior knowledge, that was you, dumb ass, your stupid BS about working with senator to draw up a proposed bill, big deal! You flaunt like you are some expert and we are all lucky that you post. As far as claiming of knowing if someone is smart or not...That is laugh.
Why? Because somebody has to pay for those benefits, and that somebody is the consumer. Then the consumer has to consider foreign cars that are competitively priced, but better built with a much better warranty like Toyota gives you.

But one more time... Japanese Auto Workers get paid the same as US auto workers and their union benefits are even better... Meanwhile, the CEO's don't make the obscene amounts AMericans do.

It's just like that widget scenario I posted earlier. And as my former mechanic told me, Toyota and other Japanese car makers put their money in quality parts and engineering while American companies put their money into union wages and benefits. So when you buy a car, your money can go to early employee retirements. When I buy a car, my money is going into the car I'm buying.

Well, your mechanic is kind of a moron. Japanese workers get just as good of wages as Americans, and their benefits are pretty impressive. The ONLY difference is that - wait for it - Japan has single payer health care and they are paying less for that than we do.

You left out the part that Japan is broke.
Why? Because somebody has to pay for those benefits, and that somebody is the consumer. Then the consumer has to consider foreign cars that are competitively priced, but better built with a much better warranty like Toyota gives you.

But one more time... Japanese Auto Workers get paid the same as US auto workers and their union benefits are even better... Meanwhile, the CEO's don't make the obscene amounts AMericans do.

It's just like that widget scenario I posted earlier. And as my former mechanic told me, Toyota and other Japanese car makers put their money in quality parts and engineering while American companies put their money into union wages and benefits. So when you buy a car, your money can go to early employee retirements. When I buy a car, my money is going into the car I'm buying.

Well, your mechanic is kind of a moron. Japanese workers get just as good of wages as Americans, and their benefits are pretty impressive. The ONLY difference is that - wait for it - Japan has single payer health care and they are paying less for that than we do.

You left out the part that Japan is broke.

Businesses should be financially responsible for their employees families.

Why? What happened to personal responsibility? Did the business hire the family?
If you want hardworking loyal employees you must give them what they need to match their priorities in return. They don't work for you because they love dealing with your asshole customers. They don't work for you because they love the company. They work for you because they need that paycheck to provide for their families.

You must have a miserable work history.

I always believed that you find a job that you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
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