To those saying flipping burgers or dunking fries deserves 15.00 per hour...

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Living wage hmm? Can we talk about what this magical "living wage" is supposed to pay for? This kinda stuff maybe?





If the fire had anything to do with the alternator your mechanic put in, he was liable for the repairs or replacement of your vehicle. However I find that very unlikely since all the alternator does is create electricity, and there is virtually only one way to hook it up.

Well, he hooked it up wrong because he didn't know what he was doing. since he was a guy who worked out of his yard, it would have been more trouble to sue him than to get the repair done.

Cheaper is not always better...
How many more times are you going to misrepresent my position? You are like the other two pathological liars on this thread. Every few posts we have to back up and restart again.

Did you ever think that maybe it's not us that's the problem??????

I have never advocated that the government dictate a damn thing to an employer. For all I give a damn, they can hire undocumented foreigners, criminals, and crooks and pay them a dollar an hour.

Then you are all for government staying totally out of the picture? It sure doesn't look that way to me.

An employer pays his employees enough to keep them out of poverty and he hires Americans deserves a helping hand from Uncle Scam. It is a choice an employer could make.

Yeah, some choice. Kinda like ObamaCare choice where if you don't buy insurance, it's going to cost you dearly. That would be like saying the mug who robbed you on the street gave you a choice: give him your valuables or take a bullet. Sorry, that's not real choice.
If the fire had anything to do with the alternator your mechanic put in, he was liable for the repairs or replacement of your vehicle. However I find that very unlikely since all the alternator does is create electricity, and there is virtually only one way to hook it up.

Well, he hooked it up wrong because he didn't know what he was doing. since he was a guy who worked out of his yard, it would have been more trouble to sue him than to get the repair done.

Cheaper is not always better...

Neither is paying the most.
I haven't slogged through all 55 pages of this one, but one question I would ask is whether those who advocate a 15 dollar minimum wage have considered the effect on SMALL business? All this talk about McDonalds ignores the fact that local coffee shops and independent retailers will also have to pay more, and who do you think will be able to weather this increase more easily -- the giant companies or the small guy trying to eke out a living?

Have any of those wanting to stick it to the man figured out that in sticking it to the man, they are actually helping to remove the alternatives TO the man? A large increase in wages is going to hurt the little guy first, and as more little guys go under, it will be these large corporations who will enjoy an increased share of the spending dollar.

Therein lies the rub. Major corporations can (most of the time) afford to pay their employees better wages. Most of my responses have been aimed at jobs that pay more than federal minimum wage, but less than poverty wages. Warehouse jobs came to mind, but damn, I saw robots load a tractor trailer a couple of weeks ago and thought, there is another job that won't be here in ten years.

Back to the minimum wage:

Some places cannot pay their workers $15 an hour. Subway, for example, does not have that amount of business at one location that they can pay $15 an hour. IF a Subway paid $15 an hour, they would have to raise a meal by 50 cents compared to MickeyDs having to raise their meals by 10 cents.

It's definitely a challenge. If laws are written so that big corporations have to pay more and small business is exempted (say companies with less than a dozen employees), then big business rebels.

If Subway raises their prices to meet the wage demands, they price themselves out of the market.

So glad you've generously figured out a way to write laws telling people how to live their private lives and spend their money. No arrogance at all implied in believing that you alone are wiser than hundreds of millions of people making voluntary transactions every day.

Thank you, he claims to be about dialogue instead, all he wants is you to agree with all his BS and if you don’t? You are a negative person or trolling. Just BS!

I don't care whether you agree with me or not. Don't come at me with insults and not think I'll let you punch me for free. I am the kind of guy that Trump tries to imitate when he claims to be a counter-puncher.

You are a lying son of a bitch, BTW. I have specifically stated that I do not have the answer. In post # 1909 you asked me and you know damn well what I said in that post.

What you do is is to keep making baseless allegations, knowingly doing so with LIES. You think every time you find someone in agreement with you, you can stick your head up their ass and play buddy buddy with them as if an act of democracy will "win" your pathetic attempt to wow everyone with your supposed superiority over everyone else. The fact is, I don't have the answers and neither do you. IF you did, you'd be making millions in Washington instead of picking fights with people you think you are smarter than.

You're not that smart when you waste your ever waking moment trying to impress others by forcing your views down the throats of those that disagree with you. You are a liar. I don't expect a swinging dick on this board to agree with me on this issue because I don't see an immediate answer.

You having another bad day? Every time I responded to your ideas with reasons I thought it would be an issue, I was a socialist. So, spare me your BS! I’m not trying to force my views, that would be you, who can’t take criticism for their ideas. I never claimed to have superior knowledge, that was you, dumb ass, your stupid BS about working with senator to draw up a proposed bill, big deal! You flaunt like you are some expert and we are all lucky that you post. As far as claiming of knowing if someone is smart or not...That is laugh.

You are a pathological liar. You are a proven coward, starting shit that would be a crime if you did so in public. In the course of this thread you have never posted anything directed toward me that was not either an attack or an insult. You lack the balls and the brains to back up any of your lies and / or insults.
While wages will go up, so will pricing structures.

That's what we've been telling you the whole time you've whined for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage and for all workers to be paid a living wage. Whatever that is.

You got what you wanted, why are you still whining?

First off, dumb ass, I'm not whining. If you don't understand the English language, my proposal was to make big business earn their tax cuts via hiring American workers and paying them a realistic wage - NOT A MINIMUM WAGE OR A LIVABLE WAGE, BUT A REALISTIC WAGE AND, YES, WE CAN DETERMINE ONE - IT IS A WAGE ABOVE THE AREA'S POVERTY LEVEL.
BTW, I've never voted for a Democrat, so don't waste our time calling me a liberal.

Then that leaves you being either a Progressive or Socialist.


Just because you lack a realistic solution does not mean that someone is a socialist or prog just because they can see the inevitable socialism (on the installment plan) in YOUR Hegelian solutions.
While wages will go up, so will pricing structures.

That's what we've been telling you the whole time you've whined for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage and for all workers to be paid a living wage. Whatever that is.

You got what you wanted, why are you still whining?


You are a coward that hides behind anyone that disagrees with me because you have been proven wrong time and time again.

There is nothing wrong with having employers earn their tax breaks.
How many more times are you going to misrepresent my position? You are like the other two pathological liars on this thread. Every few posts we have to back up and restart again.

Did you ever think that maybe it's not us that's the problem??????

You continue to attack me long after the solutions I proffered are irrelevant and you lie about what I said. How does that NOT make YOU the problem?

I have never advocated that the government dictate a damn thing to an employer. For all I give a damn, they can hire undocumented foreigners, criminals, and crooks and pay them a dollar an hour.

Then you are all for government staying totally out of the picture? It sure doesn't look that way to me.

Government, under my proposals, doesn't dictate squat to an employer. They get options. If what was working was profitable for them, they are free to have even more freedom - like paying less and hiring whomever they damn well please. If they want tax breaks, however, they would have EARNED them.

An employer pays his employees enough to keep them out of poverty and he hires Americans deserves a helping hand from Uncle Scam. It is a choice an employer could make.

Yeah, some choice. Kinda like ObamaCare choice where if you don't buy insurance, it's going to cost you dearly. That would be like saying the mug who robbed you on the street gave you a choice: give him your valuables or take a bullet. Sorry, that's not real choice.

BEFORE Obamacare, an uninsured could pay cash. We could have made insurance available and reasonable (cost wise) without mandating it.

My responses are in red above. I don't understand why you want to keep arguing over this. Congress passed the tax bill; what I had to say is irrelevant at this point and if you had any intelligence, you'd move the Hell on and let it go. If you have a personal issue with me, I have a PM. Anything you want to argue about from here on out would be a waste of bandwidth.
Therein lies the rub. Major corporations can (most of the time) afford to pay their employees better wages. Most of my responses have been aimed at jobs that pay more than federal minimum wage, but less than poverty wages. Warehouse jobs came to mind, but damn, I saw robots load a tractor trailer a couple of weeks ago and thought, there is another job that won't be here in ten years.

Back to the minimum wage:

Some places cannot pay their workers $15 an hour. Subway, for example, does not have that amount of business at one location that they can pay $15 an hour. IF a Subway paid $15 an hour, they would have to raise a meal by 50 cents compared to MickeyDs having to raise their meals by 10 cents.

It's definitely a challenge. If laws are written so that big corporations have to pay more and small business is exempted (say companies with less than a dozen employees), then big business rebels.

If Subway raises their prices to meet the wage demands, they price themselves out of the market.

So glad you've generously figured out a way to write laws telling people how to live their private lives and spend their money. No arrogance at all implied in believing that you alone are wiser than hundreds of millions of people making voluntary transactions every day.

Thank you, he claims to be about dialogue instead, all he wants is you to agree with all his BS and if you don’t? You are a negative person or trolling. Just BS!

I don't care whether you agree with me or not. Don't come at me with insults and not think I'll let you punch me for free. I am the kind of guy that Trump tries to imitate when he claims to be a counter-puncher.

You are a lying son of a bitch, BTW. I have specifically stated that I do not have the answer. In post # 1909 you asked me and you know damn well what I said in that post.

What you do is is to keep making baseless allegations, knowingly doing so with LIES. You think every time you find someone in agreement with you, you can stick your head up their ass and play buddy buddy with them as if an act of democracy will "win" your pathetic attempt to wow everyone with your supposed superiority over everyone else. The fact is, I don't have the answers and neither do you. IF you did, you'd be making millions in Washington instead of picking fights with people you think you are smarter than.

You're not that smart when you waste your ever waking moment trying to impress others by forcing your views down the throats of those that disagree with you. You are a liar. I don't expect a swinging dick on this board to agree with me on this issue because I don't see an immediate answer.

You having another bad day? Every time I responded to your ideas with reasons I thought it would be an issue, I was a socialist. So, spare me your BS! I’m not trying to force my views, that would be you, who can’t take criticism for their ideas. I never claimed to have superior knowledge, that was you, dumb ass, your stupid BS about working with senator to draw up a proposed bill, big deal! You flaunt like you are some expert and we are all lucky that you post. As far as claiming of knowing if someone is smart or not...That is laugh.

You are a pathological liar. You are a proven coward, starting shit that would be a crime if you did so in public. In the course of this thread you have never posted anything directed toward me that was not either an attack or an insult. You lack the balls and the brains to back up any of your lies and / or insults.

Another BS post. You seem to be a drama queen, you get my vote, you are welcome.
While wages will go up, so will pricing structures.

That's what we've been telling you the whole time you've whined for a $15.00 per hour minimum wage and for all workers to be paid a living wage. Whatever that is.

You got what you wanted, why are you still whining?


You are a coward that hides behind anyone that disagrees with me because you have been proven wrong time and time again.

There is nothing wrong with having employers earn their tax breaks.

There is nothing wrong with NOT giving them a tax break. Why talk with you? You wet your panties when I disagree with you. It’s is pointless to discuss anything with you. Your stand is you are right, and when I disagree I’m just being negative. So, I comment on others that seem to find the same childish response from you that you have given me.
even till this day, I dread the thought that someone either dropped my burger, or shoved it inside a human body part right before it was delivered out the window
So glad you've generously figured out a way to write laws telling people how to live their private lives and spend their money. No arrogance at all implied in believing that you alone are wiser than hundreds of millions of people making voluntary transactions every day.

Thank you, he claims to be about dialogue instead, all he wants is you to agree with all his BS and if you don’t? You are a negative person or trolling. Just BS!

I don't care whether you agree with me or not. Don't come at me with insults and not think I'll let you punch me for free. I am the kind of guy that Trump tries to imitate when he claims to be a counter-puncher.

You are a lying son of a bitch, BTW. I have specifically stated that I do not have the answer. In post # 1909 you asked me and you know damn well what I said in that post.

What you do is is to keep making baseless allegations, knowingly doing so with LIES. You think every time you find someone in agreement with you, you can stick your head up their ass and play buddy buddy with them as if an act of democracy will "win" your pathetic attempt to wow everyone with your supposed superiority over everyone else. The fact is, I don't have the answers and neither do you. IF you did, you'd be making millions in Washington instead of picking fights with people you think you are smarter than.

You're not that smart when you waste your ever waking moment trying to impress others by forcing your views down the throats of those that disagree with you. You are a liar. I don't expect a swinging dick on this board to agree with me on this issue because I don't see an immediate answer.

You having another bad day? Every time I responded to your ideas with reasons I thought it would be an issue, I was a socialist. So, spare me your BS! I’m not trying to force my views, that would be you, who can’t take criticism for their ideas. I never claimed to have superior knowledge, that was you, dumb ass, your stupid BS about working with senator to draw up a proposed bill, big deal! You flaunt like you are some expert and we are all lucky that you post. As far as claiming of knowing if someone is smart or not...That is laugh.

You are a pathological liar. You are a proven coward, starting shit that would be a crime if you did so in public. In the course of this thread you have never posted anything directed toward me that was not either an attack or an insult. You lack the balls and the brains to back up any of your lies and / or insults.

Another BS post. You seem to be a drama queen, you get my vote, you are welcome.

You are one of the few on this board that can do nothing except make insulting and attack posts without getting them deleted. Nothing's changed:

You are a pathological liar. You are a proven coward, starting shit that would be a crime if you did so in public. In the course of this thread you have never posted anything directed toward me that was not either an attack or an insult. You lack the balls and the brains to back up any of your lies and / or insults.

If there is a queen on this thread, papageorgio is THE queen.
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