To Trump haters: Which Trump policies SPECIFICALLY made you hate President Trump?

His policy of abject nepotism wasn't big with me.

Calling everything that he didn't agree with, a hoax, fake, or rigged, got old pretty fast.

Suing everyone that looked at him sideways, wasn't a great policy.

The policy of me, me, me, me, was very tiring.

I'm very happy to see him out of the US government.
inability (unwillingness) to repeal ACA even with control of Congress,
Juan McQuisling sandbagged both Trump and McTrutle on the repeal vote.....In fact, he straight-up lied to Cocaine Mitch's face.

Refusing to veto stupid spending bills, getting rolled TWICE with false flags in Syria, failure to pardon Sowden and Assange, Kavanaugh.....Trump can be ripped for those and more, but nobody can control a lying, petty, vindictive back stabber.

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