To Try To Appease Blacks 'Good' Catholics Joe/Jill Biden Celebrate Phony Holiday Created By Violent Felon...

And that means what? Black Americans are the ones who taught American whites how to not be mutant pieces of shit. Before that this was a shit hole slave state and then an apartheid state. Facts. I know they hurt your feelings. 😄
What are you talking about? You are kooky af. Whites taught blacks how to read under the penalty to death. But keep your leftwing anti American drivel based on feelings....Jesus you're an idiot. I mean aruguing with you is pointless. You can't even acknowedge basic facts, it's just sad.
What are you talking about? You are kooky af. Whites taught blacks how to read under the penalty to death. But keep your leftwing anti American drivel based on feelings....Jesus you're an idiot. I mean aruguing with you is pointless. You can't even acknowedge basic facts, it's just sad.
Penalty of death by other whites. You can pretend Kwanzaa is less legitimate because it's founder was trash but objectively he wasn't as trash as America's Founding slavers.
Penalty of death by other whites. You can pretend Kwanzaa is less legitimate because it's founder was trash but objectively he wasn't as trash as America's Founding slavers.
No he was far worse, I get that you wouldn't understand. Becasue to you only the US had slavery and only blacks were slaves and no other blacks owned slaves and you think that whites ran into Africa and captured blacks, but again, all of that is wrong. One of these days when you learn facts, you'll be shocked at the lies told to you by your teachers.
No he was far worse, I get that you wouldn't understand. Becasue to you only the US had slavery and only blacks were slaves and no other blacks owned slaves and you think that whites ran into Africa and captured blacks, but again, all of that is wrong. One of these days when you learn facts, you'll be shocked at the lies told to you by your teachers.
Explain how abusing two women for a short time is worse than Washington owning and working slaves to death his entire adult life and pulling teeth from them to fix his own or Jefferson repeatedly raping and impregnating his young teenage slave? Or how African slavers excuses white slavers. You're a deplorable mutant with deplorable mutant beliefs.
And? That random thug as horrible as his actions were didn't rise to the level of deplorable slaver. What's the difference between a holiday created by a thug and one created by slavers? 😄
he abducted african american women and tortured them. much like a slaver…and he did it 200 years later
And? I'm not defending his actions, it's you simp whites trying to defend the actions of white slavers. 😄
i’m not white, nor am i defending slavery. I do however understand there is a vast difference in 200 years…additionally the 4th of July isn’t made up…it actually happened…we literally signed and declared our independence from the UK.
How can anyone be so ignorant about the true story of the founder of the fake holiday Kwanzaa? You'd think Joe Biden being the President of the United States would have access to factual information about the "holiday", its founder, and the violent story behind it.

I mean, this is not a "conspiracy theory." It's documented in Wikipedia, fer Christ's sake.

It's just Joey's way of keeping Negroes on the Dimm plantation.
It's just Joey's way of keeping Negroes on the Dimm plantation.

True, he is appeasing them. I doubt if he even knows anything about Kwanzaa's founder and even if he did, Biden wouldn't tell the truth about it.
i’m not white, nor am i defending slavery. I do however understand there is a vast difference in 200 years…additionally the 4th of July isn’t made up…it actually happened…we literally signed and declared our independence from the UK.
Is the difference you detected time? 😄 Where there isn't much difference is in morality. Both the Founders of the 4th of July celebration and Kwanzaa were deplorable pieces of shit. That they chose to celebrate the creation of their slave state doesn't make it any less made up.
Is the difference you detected time? 😄 Where there isn't much difference is in morality. Both the Founders of the 4th of July celebration and Kwanzaa were deplorable pieces of shit. That they chose to celebrate the creation of their slave state doesn't make it any less made up.

What educational institution indoctrinated you??
Is the difference you detected time? 😄 Where there isn't much difference is in morality. Both the Founders of the 4th of July celebration and Kwanzaa were deplorable pieces of shit. That they chose to celebrate the creation of their slave state doesn't make it any less made up.
yes time makes a vast difference. Morals, education, values change over time. We no longer believe the King of England is divine for example…what my ancestors knew and believed and knew turned out in many ways to be incorrect on my issues
yes time makes a vast difference.
In time. We all get how clocks work. 😄
Morals, education, values change over time.
Nope. Morality isn't a property of time you idiot, it's a property of people and some people never change their morals. Washington died a slave owner.
We no longer believe the King of England is divine for example…what my ancestors knew and believed and knew turned out in many ways to be incorrect on my issues
Are you saying Washington was a fucking moron who didn't realize the people he was enslaving didn't want to be enslaved?
Explain how abusing two women for a short time is worse than Washington owning and working slaves to death his entire adult life and pulling teeth from them to fix his own or Jefferson repeatedly raping and impregnating his young teenage slave? Or how African slavers excuses white slavers. You're a deplorable mutant with deplorable mutant beliefs.
First the story about Jefferson isn't true, and I've never heard the one about Washington. Slavery is bad, the issue is you don't have any facts around it. zero. And it does not excuse your kawanaza man.
First the story about Jefferson isn't true, and I've never heard the one about Washington. Slavery is bad, the issue is you don't have any facts around it. zero. And it does not excuse your kawanaza man.
See. These white simps can't handle historical facts about their own heroes.
When DNA, Jefferson descendants and the Monticello estate acknowledges his repeated rapes of Sally Hemings you don't have much of a leg to stand on.
So they used DNA from 200 years ago to prove this? When during criminal investigations, they question DNA from 30 years ago? Is that what we're saying?

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