Today and Racism. An excuse or problem?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2017
I'm a 30 year man and far from being racist. Majority of my friends are black and I also dated black women. I'm just getting tired of it. I was just browsing the net and came across an article titled "Can Blacks be racist?". Also with all the NFL protesting and other non-sense that people think is right and that they need to get involved with just because. OK about the article "Can Blacks Be Racist?". One of the Dumbest statements I ever saw. Didn't waste my time reading it, obviously the author doesn't know the definition of racism. To me now a days it seems to me people pull the "race card" to get out of shit. All I hear is " its because I'm black". No. its because of what you did. I know black people who don't like white people because they think all white people are racist, and the same black people say they are against racism. How can you be against racism when you are racist? I see more racist black people then I do white people. I feel they just use it for an excuse to stay out of trouble. What if we had a white history month? they would say that's racist. but ok for there to be a black history month. What if we had an all white college? they would say that's racist. but ok for there to be an all black college. To me black people are more racist then white people. I have discussed this with my black friends and once they say my point they seen things different. here are some facts and points I discussed with my black friends.
1. there has been more time with out slavery then time that slavery was ok.
2. there are more white people that are killed by police then black people.
3. Africans enslaved their own people and sold them to the white man.
4. black people aren't the only race that had to deal with slavery.
5. not all white people are the same nationality.
6. white man fought and died to end slavery. bet most don't realize this point

I could go on and on. I just had to get this off my mind
I'm a 30 year man and far from being racist. Majority of my friends are black and I also dated black women. I'm just getting tired of it. I was just browsing the net and came across an article titled "Can Blacks be racist?". Also with all the NFL protesting and other non-sense that people think is right and that they need to get involved with just because. OK about the article "Can Blacks Be Racist?". One of the Dumbest statements I ever saw. Didn't waste my time reading it, obviously the author doesn't know the definition of racism. To me now a days it seems to me people pull the "race card" to get out of shit. All I hear is " its because I'm black". No. its because of what you did. I know black people who don't like white people because they think all white people are racist, and the same black people say they are against racism. How can you be against racism when you are racist? I see more racist black people then I do white people. I feel they just use it for an excuse to stay out of trouble. What if we had a white history month? they would say that's racist. but ok for there to be a black history month. What if we had an all white college? they would say that's racist. but ok for there to be an all black college. To me black people are more racist then white people. I have discussed this with my black friends and once they say my point they seen things different. here are some facts and points I discussed with my black friends.
1. there has been more time with out slavery then time that slavery was ok.
2. there are more white people that are killed by police then black people.
3. Africans enslaved their own people and sold them to the white man.
4. black people aren't the only race that had to deal with slavery.
5. not all white people are the same nationality.
6. white man fought and died to end slavery. bet most don't realize this point

I could go on and on. I just had to get this off my mind

Racism isn't the problem.....

I'm not saying it is a problem. Ignorance is the problem. And some do use racism as an excuse for their actions and to manipulate. My friends and I were all hanging out. it was me and 2 of my black friends. And the topic of racism came up. I live in an area where the population is mixed with white and black people. They say there are afraid to walk up and down the street cause cops might shoot them. I know some black people think all white people are racist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting tired of all the crap going on in the world. there are more important things to worry about then wasting all your energy on hating. My friends say white people got it a lot easier then blacks and I strongly did agree. They are able to help from the government a lot quicker then white people. quick story Me and my friend who is black. We grew up together and are best friends. I am one day older then him and we got a job working at the same place making the same pay. We decided to get a house and be room mates. We went down to welfare to apply for food stamps. Mind you we work same amount of hours make same pay and split all bills down the middle. only difference is I had a car payment and had to pay car insurance. He receives 250 dollars a month in food stamps and I didn't qualify. I'm not saying its a problem. I'm just tired of hearing complaining and I think if your going to preach and make a big deal about something or let something bother you and change the way you treat people and the way you perceive things just because of something that happen years ago by people who didn't no any better and people now a days had nothing to do with, you should have a valid point and argument backed by facts. People do things and say things before they think. I'm not saying what goes on is right. There are messed up white people and there is messed up black people. But I don't agree with someone hurting or hating another person because of what happened so long ago and they haven't even witnessed. No one today really knows what went on back then, we only know what is in our history books. I'm Irish and at one point in time Irish people were slaves, I don't use the fact that my ancestors might of been a slave to influence the way I treat any body or for any actions of mine. I feel sorry for future generations not only because of racism but for a whole of other reasons and if people just keep treating everyone worse and worse because of something that never happened to them, future generations are doomed. This is only my opinion I'm far from racist not intended to offend anyone.
Black lives do matter but every life matters. That's cool that there are black people standing up for what they believe. But its focused on Police officers shooting black people. If you do research you will find statistics on murder by race. 2017,16,15,14 just the years I looked at that, there were more white people killed by police officers then black people. Also statistics show most black people are killed by other black people. So if they are involved with the black lives matter movement it shouldn't be directed towards only racism and police officers and white people. Every police officer that shot and killed a black person was white some of the police officers were black, Hispanic and Asian also.
I'm not saying it is a problem. Ignorance is the problem. And some do use racism as an excuse for their actions and to manipulate. My friends and I were all hanging out. it was me and 2 of my black friends. And the topic of racism came up. I live in an area where the population is mixed with white and black people. They say there are afraid to walk up and down the street cause cops might shoot them. I know some black people think all white people are racist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting tired of all the crap going on in the world. there are more important things to worry about then wasting all your energy on hating. My friends say white people got it a lot easier then blacks and I strongly did agree. They are able to help from the government a lot quicker then white people. quick story Me and my friend who is black. We grew up together and are best friends. I am one day older then him and we got a job working at the same place making the same pay. We decided to get a house and be room mates. We went down to welfare to apply for food stamps. Mind you we work same amount of hours make same pay and split all bills down the middle. only difference is I had a car payment and had to pay car insurance. He receives 250 dollars a month in food stamps and I didn't qualify. I'm not saying its a problem. I'm just tired of hearing complaining and I think if your going to preach and make a big deal about something or let something bother you and change the way you treat people and the way you perceive things just because of something that happen years ago by people who didn't no any better and people now a days had nothing to do with, you should have a valid point and argument backed by facts. People do things and say things before they think. I'm not saying what goes on is right. There are messed up white people and there is messed up black people. But I don't agree with someone hurting or hating another person because of what happened so long ago and they haven't even witnessed. No one today really knows what went on back then, we only know what is in our history books. I'm Irish and at one point in time Irish people were slaves, I don't use the fact that my ancestors might of been a slave to influence the way I treat any body or for any actions of mine. I feel sorry for future generations not only because of racism but for a whole of other reasons and if people just keep treating everyone worse and worse because of something that never happened to them, future generations are doomed. This is only my opinion I'm far from racist not intended to offend anyone.

Very suspect story-telling.
I'm not saying it is a problem. Ignorance is the problem. And some do use racism as an excuse for their actions and to manipulate. My friends and I were all hanging out. it was me and 2 of my black friends. And the topic of racism came up. I live in an area where the population is mixed with white and black people. They say there are afraid to walk up and down the street cause cops might shoot them. I know some black people think all white people are racist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting tired of all the crap going on in the world. there are more important things to worry about then wasting all your energy on hating. My friends say white people got it a lot easier then blacks and I strongly did agree. They are able to help from the government a lot quicker then white people. quick story Me and my friend who is black. We grew up together and are best friends. I am one day older then him and we got a job working at the same place making the same pay. We decided to get a house and be room mates. We went down to welfare to apply for food stamps. Mind you we work same amount of hours make same pay and split all bills down the middle. only difference is I had a car payment and had to pay car insurance. He receives 250 dollars a month in food stamps and I didn't qualify. I'm not saying its a problem. I'm just tired of hearing complaining and I think if your going to preach and make a big deal about something or let something bother you and change the way you treat people and the way you perceive things just because of something that happen years ago by people who didn't no any better and people now a days had nothing to do with, you should have a valid point and argument backed by facts. People do things and say things before they think. I'm not saying what goes on is right. There are messed up white people and there is messed up black people. But I don't agree with someone hurting or hating another person because of what happened so long ago and they haven't even witnessed. No one today really knows what went on back then, we only know what is in our history books. I'm Irish and at one point in time Irish people were slaves, I don't use the fact that my ancestors might of been a slave to influence the way I treat any body or for any actions of mine. I feel sorry for future generations not only because of racism but for a whole of other reasons and if people just keep treating everyone worse and worse because of something that never happened to them, future generations are doomed. This is only my opinion I'm far from racist not intended to offend anyone.

Very suspect story-telling.
Please explain
I'm not saying it is a problem. Ignorance is the problem. And some do use racism as an excuse for their actions and to manipulate. My friends and I were all hanging out. it was me and 2 of my black friends. And the topic of racism came up. I live in an area where the population is mixed with white and black people. They say there are afraid to walk up and down the street cause cops might shoot them. I know some black people think all white people are racist. I'm sure I'm not the only one who is getting tired of all the crap going on in the world. there are more important things to worry about then wasting all your energy on hating. My friends say white people got it a lot easier then blacks and I strongly did agree. They are able to help from the government a lot quicker then white people. quick story Me and my friend who is black. We grew up together and are best friends. I am one day older then him and we got a job working at the same place making the same pay. We decided to get a house and be room mates. We went down to welfare to apply for food stamps. Mind you we work same amount of hours make same pay and split all bills down the middle. only difference is I had a car payment and had to pay car insurance. He receives 250 dollars a month in food stamps and I didn't qualify. I'm not saying its a problem. I'm just tired of hearing complaining and I think if your going to preach and make a big deal about something or let something bother you and change the way you treat people and the way you perceive things just because of something that happen years ago by people who didn't no any better and people now a days had nothing to do with, you should have a valid point and argument backed by facts. People do things and say things before they think. I'm not saying what goes on is right. There are messed up white people and there is messed up black people. But I don't agree with someone hurting or hating another person because of what happened so long ago and they haven't even witnessed. No one today really knows what went on back then, we only know what is in our history books. I'm Irish and at one point in time Irish people were slaves, I don't use the fact that my ancestors might of been a slave to influence the way I treat any body or for any actions of mine. I feel sorry for future generations not only because of racism but for a whole of other reasons and if people just keep treating everyone worse and worse because of something that never happened to them, future generations are doomed. This is only my opinion I'm far from racist not intended to offend anyone.

Very suspect story-telling.
Please explain

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