Today Following "Imus"


Mar 4, 2013
Marietta, GA
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from. 'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.
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Not all Republicans.

Quite a few here need to study up on Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.
Not all Republicans.

Quite a few here need to study up on Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.

Indeed. PPACA isn't socialism. Would that it were. It doesn't take from the haves and give to the have-nots. It takes from all of us and gives to the insurance industry on the vague promise that their windfall will somehow result in "universal coverage" and lower (er, well, not quite so rapidly inflating) premiums.

What a buncha fucking idiots.
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Socializing the bank debts without nationalizing the banks is just screwy. Either the banks do it on their own and the people keep their money, or the people take it over if the banks are unable to do it. Which is it? This little bit of socialism is the worst form.
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from. 'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.

Is that Ozark talk? How does whatever Bush did make Obama more or less of a socialist? Do you dispute that he favors greater intervention and control over the economy by the federal government? Why the word mincing?:confused:
If you look at Obama's background you'd certainly see the connection with far-leftism.

The ACA doesn't prove he's a socialist, but it certainly helps portray him as one.
What is the ACA? It is buying your insurance through a government-run exchange only from vendors the government says you can buy from, and paying for it with a government subsidy.

Naaaaaaaah...that's not socialism! :rolleyes:
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Let's see, we have a tax exempt propaganda network dedicated to cherry picking statements on Fox 24/7 and spinning them to the liberal blog sites so stupid lefties have something to vent their hatred on. It might be considered socialism or even fascism.
Buying your insurance through a government-run exchange only from vendors the government says you can buy them from, and paying for it with a government subsidy.

Naaaaaaaah...that's not socialism! :rolleyes:

It's really not.

Socialists advocate redistributing the means of production to the working class. Liberals are bureaucratizing the means of production through the government.

Heck, it's bureaucratization like universal health care which leads to people living irresponsible lifestyles from excessive indulgence. That leads to commodity fetishism and social alienation.

Socialists don't support commodity fetishism or social alienation.

There's more in common between socialists and conservatives than what first meets the eye. Conservatives don't want elites planning the economy either through a nanny state.
Do people consider France 'far left', for example?

(Warning: a 'yes' answer may be deleterious to your credibility)
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from. 'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.

Is that Ozark talk? How does whatever Bush did make Obama more or less of a socialist? Do you dispute that he favors greater intervention and control over the economy by the federal government? Why the word mincing?:confused:

What I said was that 500 companies making profits off of sick people was no more Socialism than handing $870 billion to the banks qualified as get it don't you? We are supposed to be a Capitalistic society.
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from. 'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.

Is that Ozark talk? How does whatever Bush did make Obama more or less of a socialist? Do you dispute that he favors greater intervention and control over the economy by the federal government? Why the word mincing?:confused:

That's your opinion. Regulation is not socialism. Nationalizing an industry and paying the workers is socialism.
Not all Republicans.

Quite a few here need to study up on Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.

They just "sound scary" so the right wing propaganda machine programs their ignorant sheep to parrot them.

The GOP sheep don't have a clue to what these words mean, but they don't care.
Not all Republicans.

Quite a few here need to study up on Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.

They just "sound scary" so the right wing propaganda machine programs their ignorant sheep to parrot them.

The GOP sheep don't have a clue to what these words mean, but they don't care.

Most do, but some of the less moral don't care, particularly in the reactionary and libertarian wings.
Buying your insurance through a government-run exchange only from vendors the government says you can buy them from, and paying for it with a government subsidy.

Naaaaaaaah...that's not socialism! :rolleyes:

It's really not.

Socialists advocate redistributing the means of production to the working class. Liberals are bureaucratizing the means of production through the government.

Heck, it's bureaucratization like universal health care which leads to people living irresponsible lifestyles from excessive indulgence. That leads to commodity fetishism and social alienation.

Socialists don't support commodity fetishism or social alienation.

There's more in common between socialists and conservatives than what first meets the eye. Conservatives don't want elites planning the economy either through a nanny state.

You mean stuff like "when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from.

That's because you're an ignoramus. When the government determines what products and services you will offer, what prices you will charge and how much profit you will make, it's socialism.

'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Whoever said it was capitalism? BTW, more Democraps voted for that piece of trash than Republicans.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.

Apparently you're the one who needs to take economics because you think capitalism is where the government makes all the business decisions.
Socialists advocate redistributing the means of production to the working class. Liberals are bureaucratizing the means of production through the government.

Heck, it's bureaucratization like universal health care which leads to people living irresponsible lifestyles from excessive indulgence. That leads to commodity fetishism and social alienation.

Socialists don't support commodity fetishism or social alienation.

Bureaucratization is the natural result of socialism. All you're saying is that socialists don't like the negative results of their economic policies.

There's more in common between socialists and conservatives than what first meets the eye. Conservatives don't want elites planning the economy either through a nanny state.

That's exactly what socialists want. So how do they have anything in common with conservatives?
Welfarism is not socialism, per se, bripat.

You stated that "When the government determines what products and services you will offer, what prices you will charge and how much profit you will make, it's socialism."

You, of course, can support your charge? Because if you don't, you are full of crap as usual.

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