Today Following "Imus"

Not all Republicans.

Quite a few here need to study up on Socialism, Marxism, and Fascism.

I'm sure you can suggest some quality Communist propaganda from the official organs of the Cuban government they can read.

I'd love to ask her to explain how the biggest forced handout of business to a private industry in the history of the country is socialism, but I'm afraid that she would try to answer and get all confused.


Picking winners and losers and doling out favors to business is socialism. It sure as hell isn't capitalism.
That's your opinion. Regulation is not socialism. Nationalizing an industry and paying the workers is socialism.

Yes, regulation is socialism.

It is government. You don't get to make up your own definitions and expect us to do anything but laugh at you.

Socialism is nothing more than government control of the economy. I don't make up my own definitions. I use the ones socialist makeup.
Welfarism is not socialism, per se, bripat.

You stated that "When the government determines what products and services you will offer, what prices you will charge and how much profit you will make, it's socialism."

You, of course, can support your charge? Because if you don't, you are full of crap as usual.

Socialism by Ludwig von Mises

The Austrian school of economics is evaluated well in Why I Am Not an Austrian Economist

I do not deny that Austrian economists have made valuable contributions to economics. Rather, as the sequel will argue, I maintain that:

(a) The effort to rebuild economics along foundations substantially different from those of modern neoclassical economics fails.

(b) Austrian economists have often misunderstood modern neoclassical economics, causing them to overstate their differences with it.

(c) Several of the most important Austrian claims are false, or at least overstated.

(d) Modern neoclassical economics has made a number of important discoveries which Austrian economists for the most part have not appreciated.

Given this, I conclude that while self-labeled Austrian economists have some valid contributions to make to economics, these are simply not distinctive enough to sustain a school of thought. The task of developing an alternate Austrian paradigm has largely failed, producing an abundance of meta-economics (philosophy, methodology, and history of thought), but few substantive results. Whatever Austrian economists have that is worth saying should be simply be addressed to the broader economics profession, which (in spite of itself) remains eager for original, true, and substantive ideas.

I'd love to ask her to explain how the biggest forced handout of business to a private industry in the history of the country is socialism, but I'm afraid that she would try to answer and get all confused.


Picking winners and losers and doling out favors to business is socialism. It sure as hell isn't capitalism.

Cheney then was a socialist who was favoring Halliburton in rebuilding Iraq? Really? :lol:
Buying your insurance through a government-run exchange only from vendors the government says you can buy them from, and paying for it with a government subsidy.

Naaaaaaaah...that's not socialism! :rolleyes:

It's really not.

Socialists advocate redistributing the means of production to the working class. Liberals are bureaucratizing the means of production through the government.

Heck, it's bureaucratization like universal health care which leads to people living irresponsible lifestyles from excessive indulgence. That leads to commodity fetishism and social alienation.

Socialists don't support commodity fetishism or social alienation.

There's more in common between socialists and conservatives than what first meets the eye. Conservatives don't want elites planning the economy either through a nanny state.

You mean stuff like "when you spread the wealth around, it’s good for everybody."

Exactly....that was America's best days and then along came Reagan and the Bushes. Notice how Clinton's two terms had the 1% in correction before Bush's second tax cut..........then it was off to the races again. Are people blind?

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What is the ACA? It is buying your insurance through a government-run exchange only from vendors the government says you can buy from, and paying for it with a government subsidy.

Naaaaaaaah...that's not socialism! :rolleyes:

Well, to be fair to the rhetoric of social sciences, it is a FORM of socialism.

That FORM of socialism is known as FASCISM.

The unholy alliance of corporations and the state.
......a female anchor on Fox News declared that Obama is Socialist. When asked how she came to that conclusion she named his health care plan.

Over 500 companies continuing to make money off of sick people somehow doesn't qualify as Socialism where I come from. 'Course when Bush, Bernanke and Paulson handed the largest banks in the world $870 billion with no specification about how it was to be used that didn't qualify as Capitalism either.

Republicans all need an education. "Government and Economics 101" A long time ago we used to call it Civics.

You can not educate people who refuse facts.

They need to be dumped as a base to the republican party.

Its the only thing that will save the republican party
The only "socialist" health care system the US has is the VA...more's the pity.

That's what I've said from the in the world can someone even think socialism when more than 500 U S companies are turning a profit off of sick people?

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