Today's Comrades Easily Triggered


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
I once knew communists as barbaric little shits worthy of blowing apart with anything they can't do a push-up or withstand gendered-pronouns, clapping. or chatter without falling apart.....See for yourself....oh, and catch the jazz hands for agreement: :lol:

You can hold a random object in front of a Democrat, and they can tell you why that random object makes you racist/sexist/bigot.

This is how they attack people. They label then destroy.

If you don't agree with them, they will find a way to label you for destruction.
I once knew communists as barbaric little shits worthy of blowing apart with anything they can't do a push-up or withstand gendered-pronouns, clapping. or chatter without falling apart.....See for yourself....oh, and catch the jazz hands for agreement: :lol:

Who is it on here who keeps telling me there are no more commies?

Who keeps denying that commies have overrun the democrat party?

I have been preaching this shit for years. These motherfuckers didn't go away. They NEVER go away. You have exterminate.

I once knew communists as barbaric little shits worthy of blowing apart with anything they can't do a push-up or withstand gendered-pronouns, clapping. or chatter without falling apart.....See for yourself....oh, and catch the jazz hands for agreement: :lol:

Who is it on here who keeps telling me there are no more commies?

Who keeps denying that commies have overrun the democrat party?

I have been preaching this shit for years. These motherfuckers didn't go away. They NEVER go away. You have exterminate.


Same here. The Democrats didnt advertise it but they have been communist for years now. Ted Kennedy actually tried to work with the Soviet Union to bring down Ronald Reagan similar to the way today's Democrats work with China against America.
To some extent it is Trump Derangement Syndrome that has driven them into the open now but that isnt all of it. In Trump the elites see an existential threat. They dont care who sees what while they try and take him down and they assume, with their control of the media, that they can just erase it if they succeed. And if they dont succeed in destroying Trump they are history anyhow.
Besides, years of media propaganda, Marxist control of schools and unlimited immigration of third worlders leave a large part of the population who think Communism isnt so bad.
The largest campaign violation fine in history went to the Democrats who were caught taking money for Clinton/Gore from the Communists. Over 300 Clinton campaign workers and staffers ended up fleeing to China during the investigation.

" FBI agent Daniel Wehr told Congress that the first head U.S. attorney in the investigation, Laura Ingersoll, told the agents they should "not pursue any matter related to solicitation of funds for access to the president. The reason given was, 'That's the way the American political process works.' I was scandalized by that," Wehr said. The four FBI agents also said that Ingersoll prevented them from executing search warrants to stop destruction of evidence and micromanaged the case beyond all reason"
These motherfuckers didn't go away. They NEVER go away. You have exterminate.


Absolutely. And in all the cracks. We have beaten them politically over and over and over. They survive in pockets of academia, Hollywood, civil service and government think tanks like bacteria and then come forth and breed again. They have to be exterminated down to the last one.
Absolutely. And in all the cracks. We have beaten them politically over and over and over. They survive in pockets of academia, Hollywood, civil service and government think tanks like bacteria and then come forth and breed again. They have to be exterminated down to the last one.

Too weak to bother with. Remember how the hippies turned into stock brokers and corporate raiders? They didn't have the same shit pounded into their heads in grade school as these fools and recovered nicely. This crowd will eventually see the light, OD, or kill point in pissing off God by murdering them unless they start some shit.
Absolutely. And in all the cracks. We have beaten them politically over and over and over. They survive in pockets of academia, Hollywood, civil service and government think tanks like bacteria and then come forth and breed again. They have to be exterminated down to the last one.

Too weak to bother with. Remember how the hippies turned into stock brokers and corporate raiders? They didn't have the same shit pounded into their heads in grade school as these fools and recovered nicely. This crowd will eventually see the light, OD, or kill point in pissing off God by murdering them unless they start some shit.

These people hate God.

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