Today’s Ocasio-Cortez Update: Jewish Edition

Why do whites here get to continually go off topic but nothing happens to them?

What were we discussing again? I forgot.

You didn't forget. You do this all the time. It's your MO.

My "MO" tells me the discussion is about the latest folly of lil' Ms.
Ocasio-Cortez, which you somehow neglected to register an opinion on.

Rather you made it an issue of "white privilege." So is she kosher or not?
Who cares if she is Kosher or not? That doesnt change that she has Jewish ancestry.

I disagree that she has even a speck of Jewish ancestry. Shithead leftists like her tend to side with Palestinians, Hams, and Hezbollah, who would rather see Israel wiped off the face of the earth.
You disagree? So what? No one asked you to validate anything. Disagree away. Wont change anything.:rolleyes:
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I'll gladly trade you some of my sickle-cell anemia and monkey-fuck AIDS for some of your pale skin disease..
Luckily I am blessed with melanin and protection from malaria. You on the other hand attract lice and die from skin cancer at an alarming rate.

Well alighty then. But at least we aren't shooting each other down on the streets like ya'll seem to be enjoying. I've spent enough time around some pretty hardcore black drug folks to know that there's nothing a black dude hates more, than another black dude. Or a Messkin. Or the po-po. Or some white dude who has a penchant for black pussy, specifically in that order.

The truth is, you people are the worst enemy you people have, not me.
You white boys kill each other and everything else with impunity. Its like youre savages. Wake me when Blacks kill other Blacks on the scale that whites kill other whites.

Serious delusion there, Bubba. I'd feel safer attending a meeting of the local KKK, if there was a local KKK, than I would be standing in the middle of MLK Blvd. in Anytown, America, at 2:30 PM, in broad daylight.

You must live in a very sheltered neighborhood.
I didnt ask you how you felt. I pointed out that you white boys are savages and you have documented your penchant for killing each other. :rolleyes:

Well if that were true, at least it proves that we aren't genociding ya'll black people, like you'd love for everyone to believe.

Checkmate, dude.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

"Before everyone jumps one me - yes, culture isn’t DNA. But to be Puerto Rican is to be the descendant of: African Moors + slaves, Taino Indians, Spanish colonizers, Jewish refugees, and likely others. We are all of these things and something else all at once - we are Boricua."

all true butterfly-----but the jews who migrated to
Puerto Rica were of the SEPHARDIC variety-----
there are no more isolationist persons than are
they. Ezra did it to them. It has become a kind of
fashion for south American Hispanic people to claim
jewish background. Keep in mind---da jooos who went
to south America were trying to escape the INQUISITION--
thus they were very insular
You should have read the OP link:

"[My family has] been doing a lot of family trees in the last couple of years," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And one of the things a lot of people don’t know about Puerto Rico, and something we discovered ourselves, is that a long time ago, many generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews."

"The story goes that during the Spanish Inquisition, Jews were forced, on the exterior, to convert to Catholicism, but on the interior, they continued to be who they were, continued to practice their faith," Ocasio-Cortez said. "A strong group of people, who wanted to continue living life the way they wanted to live it, decided to get on a boat and leave Spain. Some of these people ended up in Puerto Rico."
Why do whites here get to continually go off topic but nothing happens to them?

What were we discussing again? I forgot.

You didn't forget. You do this all the time. It's your MO.

My "MO" tells me the discussion is about the latest folly of lil' Ms.
Ocasio-Cortez, which you somehow neglected to register an opinion on.

Rather you made it an issue of "white privilege." So is she kosher or not?

Sorry charlie but you bought race into this. Multiple times. All off it had nothing to do with your obsession with a person that hast not served in congress yet.
Luckily I am blessed with melanin and protection from malaria. You on the other hand attract lice and die from skin cancer at an alarming rate.

Well alighty then. But at least we aren't shooting each other down on the streets like ya'll seem to be enjoying. I've spent enough time around some pretty hardcore black drug folks to know that there's nothing a black dude hates more, than another black dude. Or a Messkin. Or the po-po. Or some white dude who has a penchant for black pussy, specifically in that order.

The truth is, you people are the worst enemy you people have, not me.
You white boys kill each other and everything else with impunity. Its like youre savages. Wake me when Blacks kill other Blacks on the scale that whites kill other whites.

Serious delusion there, Bubba. I'd feel safer attending a meeting of the local KKK, if there was a local KKK, than I would be standing in the middle of MLK Blvd. in Anytown, America, at 2:30 PM, in broad daylight.

You must live in a very sheltered neighborhood.
I didnt ask you how you felt. I pointed out that you white boys are savages and you have documented your penchant for killing each other. :rolleyes:

Well if that were true, at least it proves that we aren't genociding ya'll black people, like you'd love for everyone to believe.

Checkmate, dude.
No it just proves you are savages that kill each other and everything around you.

Checkmate? Son you are playing checkers while I am laughing at you. :rolleyes:
Why do whites here get to continually go off topic but nothing happens to them?

What were we discussing again? I forgot.

You didn't forget. You do this all the time. It's your MO.

My "MO" tells me the discussion is about the latest folly of lil' Ms.
Ocasio-Cortez, which you somehow neglected to register an opinion on.

Rather you made it an issue of "white privilege." So is she kosher or not?

Sorry charlie but you bought race into this. Multiple times. All off it had nothing to do with your obsession with a person that hast not served in congress yet.

Hopefully by the hand of God, she never does get to "serve" either.
Well alighty then. But at least we aren't shooting each other down on the streets like ya'll seem to be enjoying. I've spent enough time around some pretty hardcore black drug folks to know that there's nothing a black dude hates more, than another black dude. Or a Messkin. Or the po-po. Or some white dude who has a penchant for black pussy, specifically in that order.

The truth is, you people are the worst enemy you people have, not me.
You white boys kill each other and everything else with impunity. Its like youre savages. Wake me when Blacks kill other Blacks on the scale that whites kill other whites.

Serious delusion there, Bubba. I'd feel safer attending a meeting of the local KKK, if there was a local KKK, than I would be standing in the middle of MLK Blvd. in Anytown, America, at 2:30 PM, in broad daylight.

You must live in a very sheltered neighborhood.
I didnt ask you how you felt. I pointed out that you white boys are savages and you have documented your penchant for killing each other. :rolleyes:

Well if that were true, at least it proves that we aren't genociding ya'll black people, like you'd love for everyone to believe.

Checkmate, dude.
No it just proves you are savages that kill each other and everything around you.

Checkmate? Son you are playing checkers while I am laughing at you. :rolleyes:

Oh, so now we're not only "killing off" each other, but you people too?

Poor baby. Let me see if I can find your little pacifier for you. :laughing0301:
Why do whites here get to continually go off topic but nothing happens to them?

What were we discussing again? I forgot.

You didn't forget. You do this all the time. It's your MO.

My "MO" tells me the discussion is about the latest folly of lil' Ms.
Ocasio-Cortez, which you somehow neglected to register an opinion on.

Rather you made it an issue of "white privilege." So is she kosher or not?

Sorry charlie but you bought race into this. Multiple times. All off it had nothing to do with your obsession with a person that hast not served in congress yet.

Hopefully by the hand of God, she never does get to "serve" either.
Too late. God has ordained that she will serve as a congresswoman.
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You said only black people can be Jews? Did you not? Hmmmm....
Nope. I said the original Hebrews were Black. Unless you have them in your ancestry like she does then you are not really a Jew.

According to the world as Asclepias sees it, everyone was black until they decided to become white.


I don't think so Sport. I married a Democrat. Six months later she was voting Republican.

Same here, homie. My wife voted for Obama in 2008. Now she's a card-carrying Republican who watched Tucker and Hannity every night.

My wife moved down to Florida in 1969 from Indiana. Her family was Democrat. Her father held elected office as a Democrat. In college she was a member of the Young Democrats.

However, I have to be honest. This was back when the Democrats weren't batshit Left Wing crazy like they are now. Her and her family were Conservative Democrats back when the party was more inclusive than it is now.

It didn't take much to show her the error of her ways back in 1971 when we got married. Her father and other family members because Reagan supporters after that Jimmy Carter disaster.

My Conservative sons both married Obama voting Democrats. One has completely changed over and the other one is well on her way.
Democrats are now Democrat socialists.
According to the world as Asclepias sees it, everyone was black until they decided to become white.

According to science everyone was Black until a mutation occurred and whites came around about 8k years ago.

Actually, no. You're a genetic aberration. A Darwinian mutation that occurred in order that your species would survive. It's not like your species is better or worse than any other species of humans on this planet, it's just that you adapted to survive in the shithole environment you typically inhabited.

We white folks on the other hand, have typically lived in more hospitable climates.
Whites are the genetic aberration which is why nature kills them with skin cancer. Your environment was never hospitable. It was devoid of resources which is why you are few in number even after all these centuries

"And the new data confirm that about 8500 years ago, early hunter-gatherers in Spain, Luxembourg, and Hungary also had darker skin: They lacked versions of two genes—SLC24A5 and SLC45A2—that lead to depigmentation and, therefore, pale skin in Europeans today."

I'll gladly trade you some of my sickle-cell anemia and monkey-fuck AIDS for some of your pale skin disease..
Luckily I am blessed with melanin and protection from malaria. You on the other hand attract lice and die from skin cancer at an alarming rate.

You’re blessed with bullshit. You’re full of it.
Nope. I said the original Hebrews were Black. Unless you have them in your ancestry like she does then you are not really a Jew.

According to the world as Asclepias sees it, everyone was black until they decided to become white.


I don't think so Sport. I married a Democrat. Six months later she was voting Republican.

Same here, homie. My wife voted for Obama in 2008. Now she's a card-carrying Republican who watched Tucker and Hannity every night.

My wife moved down to Florida in 1969 from Indiana. Her family was Democrat. Her father held elected office as a Democrat. In college she was a member of the Young Democrats.

However, I have to be honest. This was back when the Democrats weren't batshit Left Wing crazy like they are now. Her and her family were Conservative Democrats back when the party was more inclusive than it is now.

It didn't take much to show her the error of her ways back in 1971 when we got married. Her father and other family members because Reagan supporters after that Jimmy Carter disaster.

My Conservative sons both married Obama voting Democrats. One has completely changed over and the other one is well on her way.
Democrats are now Democrat socialists.

Is that the new definition of insane?
She talks about her "partner" all the time under full protection from Google. I've looked several times to see if she's a lesbian and there is zero information. I don't really care if she munches carpet but it'd be nice to know if she's mentally ill.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

"Before everyone jumps one me - yes, culture isn’t DNA. But to be Puerto Rican is to be the descendant of: African Moors + slaves, Taino Indians, Spanish colonizers, Jewish refugees, and likely others. We are all of these things and something else all at once - we are Boricua."

all true butterfly-----but the jews who migrated to
Puerto Rica were of the SEPHARDIC variety-----
there are no more isolationist persons than are
they. Ezra did it to them. It has become a kind of
fashion for south American Hispanic people to claim
jewish background. Keep in mind---da jooos who went
to south America were trying to escape the INQUISITION--
thus they were very insular
You should have read the OP link:

"[My family has] been doing a lot of family trees in the last couple of years," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And one of the things a lot of people don’t know about Puerto Rico, and something we discovered ourselves, is that a long time ago, many generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews."

"The story goes that during the Spanish Inquisition, Jews were forced, on the exterior, to convert to Catholicism, but on the interior, they continued to be who they were, continued to practice their faith," Ocasio-Cortez said. "A strong group of people, who wanted to continue living life the way they wanted to live it, decided to get on a boat and leave Spain. Some of these people ended up in Puerto Rico."

it wasn't so long ago that jews fled spain---and went to south America-------if her family consisted of Sephardic jews---then she would STILL have Sephardic jewish relatives. Let me know when they show up. She can contact the various Sephardic synagogues in her home town---New York City
She talks about her "partner" all the time under full protection from Google. I've looked several times to see if she's a lesbian and there is zero information. I don't really care if she munches carpet but it'd be nice to know if she's mentally ill.

according to what I read-----she is shacked up with a boy
I disagree that she has even a speck of Jewish ancestry.

Hey, cool! Can't wait to see your evidence.

Shithead leftists like her tend to side with Palestinians, Hams, and Hezbollah, who would rather see Israel wiped off the face of the earth.

So you're contention is that a person's race and ancestry dictates their political views? Careful, you're coming dangerously close to admitting the existence of your own white privilege.
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it wasn't so long ago that jews fled spain---and went to south America

So half a millenium isn't that long ago?

Expulsion of Jews from Spain - Wikipedia

if her family consisted of Sephardic jews---then she would STILL have Sephardic jewish relatives.

That assertion has no basis in fact or logic. If you go back far enough you'll find that your ancestral family consisted of amoebas with no brain. Does that mean you and/or your family members are amoebas with no brain?

Hmm, maybe you're not a good example.
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter

"Before everyone jumps one me - yes, culture isn’t DNA. But to be Puerto Rican is to be the descendant of: African Moors + slaves, Taino Indians, Spanish colonizers, Jewish refugees, and likely others. We are all of these things and something else all at once - we are Boricua."

all true butterfly-----but the jews who migrated to
Puerto Rica were of the SEPHARDIC variety-----
there are no more isolationist persons than are
they. Ezra did it to them. It has become a kind of
fashion for south American Hispanic people to claim
jewish background. Keep in mind---da jooos who went
to south America were trying to escape the INQUISITION--
thus they were very insular
You should have read the OP link:

"[My family has] been doing a lot of family trees in the last couple of years," Ocasio-Cortez said. "And one of the things a lot of people don’t know about Puerto Rico, and something we discovered ourselves, is that a long time ago, many generations ago, my family consisted of Sephardic Jews."

"The story goes that during the Spanish Inquisition, Jews were forced, on the exterior, to convert to Catholicism, but on the interior, they continued to be who they were, continued to practice their faith," Ocasio-Cortez said. "A strong group of people, who wanted to continue living life the way they wanted to live it, decided to get on a boat and leave Spain. Some of these people ended up in Puerto Rico."

it wasn't so long ago that jews fled spain---and went to south America-------if her family consisted of Sephardic jews---then she would STILL have Sephardic jewish relatives. Let me know when they show up. She can contact the various Sephardic synagogues in her home town---New York City
Uh, sweetheart?

The Spanish INQUISITION, which YOU mentioned in all caps?

That was 600 to 250 years ago.

Do you know your relatives from three centuries ago?
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it wasn't so long ago that jews fled spain---and went to south America-------if her family consisted of Sephardic jews---then she would STILL have Sephardic jewish relatives. Let me know when they show up. She can contact the various Sephardic synagogues in her home town---New York City

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is a quasi-Brock Hussaine Obama type thing. Nobody seems to have much info on her. As far as Jews being asked to leave Spain in 1492, according to my copy of A History of the Jews by Grayzel copyright 1947, on page 414 is the map of the migrations. The exiled Jews went East pretty much, North Africa, Palestine, Turkey, even Italy. The book is Jew-Centric and of course it also says some of Columbus's crew might have been crpyto jews, not realizing today they are consider slave traders, murderers, etc. :p Either way, Columbus only anchored off Puerto Rico for a day to return some aboriginal slaves who indicated they were stolen from there.

In my vintage Encyclopedia Britannica, it says Puerto Rico was occupied by aboriginal Indians originally from the Amazon basin, then came Spaniard gold seekers working for Spain who had sex with some and had to slaughter some when they refused to recognize the authority of the King of Spain and of the Catholic church. Then came African slaves to replace the rebellious inhabitants. Other aboriginal Indians like the savage Caribs did stop by occasionally to kill folks and eat them on a BBQ, and of course to steal the Black slaves. French, British and Dutch Pirates also wanted a piece of the action in gold..long story short, it was a hellhole even back then and even Catholic Spaniards there sought exile from the madness in Puerto Rico and got the hell out. Did any Jewish person ever visit Puerto Rico as a result of the Spanish exile? It does not seem likely unless it was a slavetrader dropping off Africans for gold some 50 years after.

Looking forward to Cortez's DNA test! Should be fun for yet another laugh at her expense. :p
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