Todays Second Amendment Victims

From the city with the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S.......and this is just October........

38 shooting deaths and counting.......restrictive gun laws for law abiding citizens is not the answer.....
What would you suggest?

On a personal level, I will not be caught in a situation that I cannot return the threat. That being said, I am not opposed to a license being required to purchase guns or ammo, similar to a drivers license. Responsible storage and handling tests administered along with thorough background checks to identify previous criminal behavior and mental stability of the buyer, with periodic renewal. But that only affects the 300 million guns legally owned and purchased. It does not address the 200 million or so illegally purchased and black market weapons. That is the bigger problem in establishing some sort of control. I would have to defer to someone from the ATF on a plan as to how to do that.

For Tommy the simpleton, the RIGHT to purchase and own a gun has been a part of the culture of this country from the very beginning. Settlers did not last long if they could not defend themselves against anyone or anything that may do them harm or hunt for food from the very moment they arrived. It was reaffirmed when the necessity came to overthrow a ruler that did not respect them as fellow humans and only looked at them as subjects to fill his coffers with riches. Our founding fathers were bright enough to understand that would most likely not be the last time that the people of this fledgling country may have to take the same action against a future rule. THAT IS WHY IT WAS WRITTEN INTO THE FOUNDATION OF LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY.

I am sickened by the senseless deaths that occurred in LV, Orlando, Newtown and other instances, but if a human is determined to harm is fellow being, he will find a way. Timothy McVeigh- Oklahoma City, 9/11 hijackers, Vans with explosives in London, Paris......and the list goes on. Evil resides in the heart and soul of a human, not in the tools he chooses to use. It has been this way forever and will continue to happen, sadly enough.

Licensing leads to the middle class not being able to afford guns. That's why licensing is rightfully identified as an INFRINGEMENT on the 2nd Amendment and is thus antithetical to the very foundation of the Founders intent.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

Especially when you are so stupid as to claim it is the fault of the weapon and not the assholes using them in a criminal manner. But when you're stupid, as you are, that's all you can do...

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Yup. That's why the UK is so much safer than the US.

No. The reason why it used to be so much safer is you weren't inundated by millions of illegal third world migrants. Migrants who bring their cultures of violence with them. But, lo and behold, your leaders have decided to open the floodgates to those sorts of people and look at what is happening.

It ain't the guns silly clown, it is the people who do the crimes. You've lived in blissful ignorance for decades while we have had to deal with the third world in our cities. Now you get to experience that same bullshit.

Bullshit. America is the most violent society on the planet. The country was built on violence.
Tammy's still upset we were armed In 1776

Our King tried to disarm us.

We don't have a King anymore.

Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

If you knew more about this issue, you'd know such an event at Grambling is impossible because firearms are prohibited in their dorms.

On the other hand, you might realize that the issue is not the firearm; the issue is that people don't follow the law and THEY should be punished.
It's the people not the guns is the lamest argument gun nuts ever came up with. We got people in Europe as well. So why is our body count lower than the US?

Except that several countries in Europe have high gun ownership rates and very few gun deaths. Just like the fact that there are several high gun ownership states in the US, with very low gun murder rates.

The only factor that really effects gun violence is racial and ethnic backgrounds. Cities, states, and countries with high percentages of blacks, Latinos, and Muslims always have correlating levels of crime and gun violence. Cities, states, and countries with very few of those, have very low crime rates and gun violence, regardless of gun laws and ownership levels.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

Especially when you are so stupid as to claim it is the fault of the weapon and not the assholes using them in a criminal manner. But when you're stupid, as you are, that's all you can do...

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Yup. That's why the UK is so much safer than the US.

No. The reason why it used to be so much safer is you weren't inundated by millions of illegal third world migrants. Migrants who bring their cultures of violence with them. But, lo and behold, your leaders have decided to open the floodgates to those sorts of people and look at what is happening.

It ain't the guns silly clown, it is the people who do the crimes. You've lived in blissful ignorance for decades while we have had to deal with the third world in our cities. Now you get to experience that same bullshit.

Bullshit. America is the most violent society on the planet. The country was built on violence.

Every country was built on violence, you idiot.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

If you knew more about this issue, you'd know such an event at Grambling is impossible because firearms are prohibited in their dorms.

On the other hand, you might realize that the issue is not the firearm; the issue is that people don't follow the law and THEY should be punished.
It's the people not the guns is the lamest argument gun nuts ever came up with. We got people in Europe as well. So why is our body count lower than the US?

Except that several countries in Europe have high gun ownership rates and very few gun deaths. Just like the fact that there are several high gun ownership states in the US, with very low gun murder rates.

The only factor that really effects gun violence is racial and ethnic backgrounds. Cities, states, and countries with high percentages of blacks, Latinos, and Muslims always have correlating levels of crime and gun violence. Cities, states, and countries with very few of those, have very low crime rates and gun violence, regardless of gun laws and ownership levels.

The stats dont seem to bear that out.
Alaska has the biggest problem and I am sure that they dont have a hugely diverse problem.
Firearm death rates in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Guns are the problem not the people. People are pretty much the same all over the world. Access to guns makes the difference.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

Especially when you are so stupid as to claim it is the fault of the weapon and not the assholes using them in a criminal manner. But when you're stupid, as you are, that's all you can do...

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Yup. That's why the UK is so much safer than the US.

No. The reason why it used to be so much safer is you weren't inundated by millions of illegal third world migrants. Migrants who bring their cultures of violence with them. But, lo and behold, your leaders have decided to open the floodgates to those sorts of people and look at what is happening.

It ain't the guns silly clown, it is the people who do the crimes. You've lived in blissful ignorance for decades while we have had to deal with the third world in our cities. Now you get to experience that same bullshit.

Bullshit. America is the most violent society on the planet. The country was built on violence.

Hmm. Facts and figures say that that is not a factual statement. Looks like your hissy fit doesn't conform to reality.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

Especially when you are so stupid as to claim it is the fault of the weapon and not the assholes using them in a criminal manner. But when you're stupid, as you are, that's all you can do...

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Yup. That's why the UK is so much safer than the US.

No. The reason why it used to be so much safer is you weren't inundated by millions of illegal third world migrants. Migrants who bring their cultures of violence with them. But, lo and behold, your leaders have decided to open the floodgates to those sorts of people and look at what is happening.

It ain't the guns silly clown, it is the people who do the crimes. You've lived in blissful ignorance for decades while we have had to deal with the third world in our cities. Now you get to experience that same bullshit.

Bullshit. America is the most violent society on the planet. The country was built on violence.

America is the most violent society on the planet? Sure, as you forget the 100+ countries with higher murder rates than the US...and the 17 countries, including the UK, with higher total crime rates than the US, sure. Of course, in reality, you're full of shit.
From the city with the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S.......and this is just October........

38 shooting deaths and counting.......restrictive gun laws for law abiding citizens is not the answer.....
What would you suggest?

On a personal level, I will not be caught in a situation that I cannot return the threat. That being said, I am not opposed to a license being required to purchase guns or ammo, similar to a drivers license. Responsible storage and handling tests administered along with thorough background checks to identify previous criminal behavior and mental stability of the buyer, with periodic renewal. But that only affects the 300 million guns legally owned and purchased. It does not address the 200 million or so illegally purchased and black market weapons. That is the bigger problem in establishing some sort of control. I would have to defer to someone from the ATF on a plan as to how to do that.

For Tommy the simpleton, the RIGHT to purchase and own a gun has been a part of the culture of this country from the very beginning. Settlers did not last long if they could not defend themselves against anyone or anything that may do them harm or hunt for food from the very moment they arrived. It was reaffirmed when the necessity came to overthrow a ruler that did not respect them as fellow humans and only looked at them as subjects to fill his coffers with riches. Our founding fathers were bright enough to understand that would most likely not be the last time that the people of this fledgling country may have to take the same action against a future rule. THAT IS WHY IT WAS WRITTEN INTO THE FOUNDATION OF LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY.

I am sickened by the senseless deaths that occurred in LV, Orlando, Newtown and other instances, but if a human is determined to harm is fellow being, he will find a way. Timothy McVeigh- Oklahoma City, 9/11 hijackers, Vans with explosives in London, Paris......and the list goes on. Evil resides in the heart and soul of a human, not in the tools he chooses to use. It has been this way forever and will continue to happen, sadly enough.

Licensing leads to the middle class not being able to afford guns. That's why licensing is rightfully identified as an INFRINGEMENT on the 2nd Amendment and is thus antithetical to the very foundation of the Founders intent.

Please explain to me how licensing would affect the middle class, most of them drive a car by the way. Licensing to expedite more thorough background checks is something I think all law abiding gun owners would welcome.
From the city with the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S.......and this is just October........

38 shooting deaths and counting.......restrictive gun laws for law abiding citizens is not the answer.....
What would you suggest?

On a personal level, I will not be caught in a situation that I cannot return the threat. That being said, I am not opposed to a license being required to purchase guns or ammo, similar to a drivers license. Responsible storage and handling tests administered along with thorough background checks to identify previous criminal behavior and mental stability of the buyer, with periodic renewal. But that only affects the 300 million guns legally owned and purchased. It does not address the 200 million or so illegally purchased and black market weapons. That is the bigger problem in establishing some sort of control. I would have to defer to someone from the ATF on a plan as to how to do that.

For Tommy the simpleton, the RIGHT to purchase and own a gun has been a part of the culture of this country from the very beginning. Settlers did not last long if they could not defend themselves against anyone or anything that may do them harm or hunt for food from the very moment they arrived. It was reaffirmed when the necessity came to overthrow a ruler that did not respect them as fellow humans and only looked at them as subjects to fill his coffers with riches. Our founding fathers were bright enough to understand that would most likely not be the last time that the people of this fledgling country may have to take the same action against a future rule. THAT IS WHY IT WAS WRITTEN INTO THE FOUNDATION OF LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY.

I am sickened by the senseless deaths that occurred in LV, Orlando, Newtown and other instances, but if a human is determined to harm is fellow being, he will find a way. Timothy McVeigh- Oklahoma City, 9/11 hijackers, Vans with explosives in London, Paris......and the list goes on. Evil resides in the heart and soul of a human, not in the tools he chooses to use. It has been this way forever and will continue to happen, sadly enough.

Licensing leads to the middle class not being able to afford guns. That's why licensing is rightfully identified as an INFRINGEMENT on the 2nd Amendment and is thus antithetical to the very foundation of the Founders intent.

Please explain to me how licensing would affect the middle class, most of them drive a car by the way. Licensing to expedite more thorough background checks is something I think all law abiding gun owners would welcome.

Think of a license fee. It starts off at a paltry 50 bucks per year. But then, the politicians figure "hey, we can make them pay more for the privilege, of owning a weapon (do you see where I used the word "privilege"? Once you tax something, it is no longer a RIGHT, it is a privilege. Privileges can be taken away at any time just by making the cost so great that no one but the rich can afford them.

Take a look at New York. Care to guess how much it costs merely to be able to have the privilege to purchase a weapon?

Here's some help for you. To put it bluntly. It's pretty easy for bloomberg to have guns for his personal security detail, but it is almost impossible for an average middle class person to do likewise. I thought you wanted life to be "fair". Seems to me you are favoring the billionaires over the working stiffs. And that is pretty sad.

Permits & Licenses - NYPD

Getting A NYC Handgun Permit | New York City Guns

From the city with the most restrictive gun laws in the U.S.......and this is just October........

38 shooting deaths and counting.......restrictive gun laws for law abiding citizens is not the answer.....
What would you suggest?

On a personal level, I will not be caught in a situation that I cannot return the threat. That being said, I am not opposed to a license being required to purchase guns or ammo, similar to a drivers license. Responsible storage and handling tests administered along with thorough background checks to identify previous criminal behavior and mental stability of the buyer, with periodic renewal. But that only affects the 300 million guns legally owned and purchased. It does not address the 200 million or so illegally purchased and black market weapons. That is the bigger problem in establishing some sort of control. I would have to defer to someone from the ATF on a plan as to how to do that.

For Tommy the simpleton, the RIGHT to purchase and own a gun has been a part of the culture of this country from the very beginning. Settlers did not last long if they could not defend themselves against anyone or anything that may do them harm or hunt for food from the very moment they arrived. It was reaffirmed when the necessity came to overthrow a ruler that did not respect them as fellow humans and only looked at them as subjects to fill his coffers with riches. Our founding fathers were bright enough to understand that would most likely not be the last time that the people of this fledgling country may have to take the same action against a future rule. THAT IS WHY IT WAS WRITTEN INTO THE FOUNDATION OF LAWS OF THIS COUNTRY.

I am sickened by the senseless deaths that occurred in LV, Orlando, Newtown and other instances, but if a human is determined to harm is fellow being, he will find a way. Timothy McVeigh- Oklahoma City, 9/11 hijackers, Vans with explosives in London, Paris......and the list goes on. Evil resides in the heart and soul of a human, not in the tools he chooses to use. It has been this way forever and will continue to happen, sadly enough.

Licensing leads to the middle class not being able to afford guns. That's why licensing is rightfully identified as an INFRINGEMENT on the 2nd Amendment and is thus antithetical to the very foundation of the Founders intent.

Please explain to me how licensing would affect the middle class, most of them drive a car by the way. Licensing to expedite more thorough background checks is something I think all law abiding gun owners would welcome.

What would licensing do to stop criminals or mass shooters? Please explain that first...since criminals do not go through background checks to get they wouldn't bother trying to get a license they can't have in the first place...and a mass shooter would simply get the license...and then shoot people...

And licensing would create a fee...and a fee for exercising a Right is a poll tax.....which is unConstitutional.......and on top of that......owning a gun is a Right...and does not require a license to exercise that Right....

Should we license you before you post on the internet, write a book, speak in public, get a job as a journalist?
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

Especially when you are so stupid as to claim it is the fault of the weapon and not the assholes using them in a criminal manner. But when you're stupid, as you are, that's all you can do...

Gun crime in London increases by 42%

Gun crime in London rises by 42%
Yup. That's why the UK is so much safer than the US.

No. The reason why it used to be so much safer is you weren't inundated by millions of illegal third world migrants. Migrants who bring their cultures of violence with them. But, lo and behold, your leaders have decided to open the floodgates to those sorts of people and look at what is happening.

It ain't the guns silly clown, it is the people who do the crimes. You've lived in blissful ignorance for decades while we have had to deal with the third world in our cities. Now you get to experience that same bullshit.

Bullshit. America is the most violent society on the planet. The country was built on violence.

No....Britain is more violent than the U.S. and getting more violent...You sit there in Britain and complain about our society being built on Violence........? Really?
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

If you knew more about this issue, you'd know such an event at Grambling is impossible because firearms are prohibited in their dorms.

On the other hand, you might realize that the issue is not the firearm; the issue is that people don't follow the law and THEY should be punished.
It's the people not the guns is the lamest argument gun nuts ever came up with. We got people in Europe as well. So why is our body count lower than the US?

Except that several countries in Europe have high gun ownership rates and very few gun deaths. Just like the fact that there are several high gun ownership states in the US, with very low gun murder rates.

The only factor that really effects gun violence is racial and ethnic backgrounds. Cities, states, and countries with high percentages of blacks, Latinos, and Muslims always have correlating levels of crime and gun violence. Cities, states, and countries with very few of those, have very low crime rates and gun violence, regardless of gun laws and ownership levels.

The stats dont seem to bear that out.
Alaska has the biggest problem and I am sure that they dont have a hugely diverse problem.
Firearm death rates in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Guns are the problem not the people. People are pretty much the same all over the world. Access to guns makes the difference.

Yeah...except 20 years of know...reality, truth and facts show you are wrong...

We went from 200 million guns in private hands in the 1990s and 4.7 million people carrying guns for self defense in close to 400-600 million guns in private hands and over 16.3 million people carrying guns for self defense in 2017...guess what happened...
-- gun murder down 49%

--gun crime down 75%

--violent crime down 72%

Gun Homicide Rate Down 49% Since 1993 Peak; Public Unaware

Compared with 1993, the peak of U.S. gun homicides, the firearm homicide rate was 49% lower in 2010, and there were fewer deaths, even though the nation’s population grew. The victimization rate for other violent crimes with a firearm—assaults, robberies and sex crimes—was 75% lower in 2011 than in 1993. Violent non-fatal crime victimization overall (with or without a firearm) also is down markedly (72%) over two decades.
I was able to carry a concealed handgun in New York City because I worked for a powerful City official and my occupation required me to have contact with sometimes hostile individuals in the most dangerous areas of the City. In our example all fees were waived and we were trained at a special section of the NYPD Firearms Unit at Rodman's Neck.

My permit was renewed annually and I was required to "qualify" at the Rodman's Neck range prior to each renewal. When I retired my permit was revoked. When I applied for renewal I had to pay a very high fee and wait for several months -- and my application was denied because of "Insufficient Necessity."

In New York City 99.9% of CCW applications are denied because of "Insufficient Necessity." Aside from those in my category, most of the people who showed up for training at the special "Civilian Section" of the NYPD Firearms Unit appeared to be wealthy and I saw a few popular celebrities. But the ordinary NYC resident doesn't have a chance of getting a permit -- even if they are willing to go through the incredible bureaucratic red tape and the expense year after year. The only exceptions are retired cops.

I recall that during the time when cab drivers in New York City were being robbed every night and thirteen of them were murdered within a nine month period, even they were denied CCW permits because of "Insufficient Necessity," while two TV news personalities I knew of got permits with no trouble, because they received threatening letters and phone calls.
Suspect at large after 2 shot dead on Grambling State University campus

Nothing can be done says only country this sort of thing happens in.

If you knew more about this issue, you'd know such an event at Grambling is impossible because firearms are prohibited in their dorms.

On the other hand, you might realize that the issue is not the firearm; the issue is that people don't follow the law and THEY should be punished.
It's the people not the guns is the lamest argument gun nuts ever came up with. We got people in Europe as well. So why is our body count lower than the US?

Except that several countries in Europe have high gun ownership rates and very few gun deaths. Just like the fact that there are several high gun ownership states in the US, with very low gun murder rates.

The only factor that really effects gun violence is racial and ethnic backgrounds. Cities, states, and countries with high percentages of blacks, Latinos, and Muslims always have correlating levels of crime and gun violence. Cities, states, and countries with very few of those, have very low crime rates and gun violence, regardless of gun laws and ownership levels.

The stats dont seem to bear that out.
Alaska has the biggest problem and I am sure that they dont have a hugely diverse problem.
Firearm death rates in the United States by state - Wikipedia

Guns are the problem not the people. People are pretty much the same all over the world. Access to guns makes the difference.

Perhaps you can explain how Switzerland has one of the highest gun ownership rates in the world, yet one of the lowest murder rates.

Perhaps you can explain why states like Idaho have the lowest murder rates, while having one of the highest gun ownership rates.

If you have the balls (we know you don’t) take a look at the list of countries by homicide rates. You’ll easily see that the highest rates are dominated by African and Latin America countries.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia

The lowest are Eastern European and Pacific Islanders and East Asians.

Behind Africa and Latino countries are Middle East and Western countries that suffer from multiculturalism.

If the US didn’t have over a hundred million blacks and Latinos, it’s murder rates would be lower than Europe’s.
Licensing leads to the middle class not being able to afford guns. That's why licensing is rightfully identified as an INFRINGEMENT on the 2nd Amendment and is thus antithetical to the very foundation of the Founders intent.

It doesn't matter who can afford it ... It is unconstitutional to tax or otherwise inhibit the exercise of a Constitutionally protected right.


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