Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Changing gun laws and making them stricter isn’t going to change anything. That’s the left with there smoke and mirrors

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The NRA had nothing to do with the shooting you hysterical moon bat.

Didn't say the NRA is responsible for the actions of one assault weapon cult child.

They helped to inspire this child to buy a weapon that's only purpose is to inflict massive harm against humans as fast as possible and the NRA promoted ways this cult child could easily buy his weapon of choice as soon as he turned 18.

The NRA promotes the insane notion that possession of a military combat style weapons by civilians like this cult child is normal and for the greater good of all society.

That's bullshit and I hope this younger generation calls the NRA on it big massive protest and political action time.

Many will be registering to vote soon.
. You're attitude or thinking is that the NRA is promoting these kinds of deadly events to happen at the hands of these deranged individuals who have been outcasted in life somehow. ??

Ok, so who has been fighting tooth and nail for these sanctuary cities, and against the no travel ban on potential terrorist entering this nation from a far, and calling mass murder by foriegn born terrorist here "workplace violence" as if it was not or isn't linked to a network that is intent on killing American's ?? Attack the NRA all you want, but we all know what the truth is here. The left have become unhinged in this country, and they are behind every bit of the fall of the American society at large. So I ask what kind of creepy weirdo will the left create next in this country ?
SassyIrishLass, post: 19313042
When you morons can post without NRA NRA NRA!!! Let us know

Why is criticism of the NRA off the table for you. Cowards way out. Run Sassy Run. Your best at that. I made some points, you can't refute so you run. Just like the good old days.

You can shut down the NRA tomorrow, and it won't change the next school or mass shooting.

Who is the NRA and where do they get their power? They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government. The only free speech allowed according to a leftist is leftist free speech.
The NRA is attacked by leaders of the Dems and spread amongst others unknowing, for one reason only, their contributions.

What are you saying? These teenage students are unknowing of the fact that their peers are being mass murdered by assault style weapons legally owned by people who have no legitimate reason to possess them.

You are unknowing,

History shows that the Totalitarian Knuttjobs have murder millions with gun bans.
It's not just hype.
Millions of real people were mass murdered.
Our left wing crackpot fanatic Democrats can't be trusted with power.


So I ask what kind of creepy weirdo will the left create next in this country ?

You just pegged your new creepy weirdos to hate. Kids in school who are quite angry about being shot while attending class by legally owned assault style weapons.

So hate the victims all you want. I'm with them. I hope they take it to you. Your hate needs to go away.
The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
You texting on the subway this morning?
Presented by the same loons who gave us that daffy Women's March....LOL

People are pretty angry at the congress getting paid off by the NRA, why aren't you fighting that Sassy?
The local paper this morning listed every Maine Congress critter and all the candidates running for spots in 2018, reporting how much in contributions each had accepted from the NRA. Got statements about the welcomeness of such contributions from some of them, too.
This kind of reporting that just provides the facts so the voters can decide is good reporting.

Get over the NRA is to blame for's goddamn stupid.

Try looking at why these kids are doing this and were not 30 years ago...think!
I have been thinking. I am not blaming the NRA, but as the most powerful lobby in the country, it is useful to know who's getting $10,000 or more from them. Of course, those folks are usually quite open in their views on guns, too, so it didn't really cause any great surprise. It's a long way 'til November, though.

Then quit squawking about the NRA, moon bat
You have no interest in knowing what pols are receiving contributions from Soros?
The NRA is attacked by leaders of the Dems and spread amongst others unknowing, for one reason only, their contributions.

What are you saying? These teenage students are unknowing of the fact that their peers are being mass murdered by assault style weapons legally owned by people who have no legitimate reason to possess them.

You are unknowing,

When a gang of qhetto rats is approaching your property you will realize the need.
The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
You texting on the subway this morning?
People are pretty angry at the congress getting paid off by the NRA, why aren't you fighting that Sassy?
The local paper this morning listed every Maine Congress critter and all the candidates running for spots in 2018, reporting how much in contributions each had accepted from the NRA. Got statements about the welcomeness of such contributions from some of them, too.
This kind of reporting that just provides the facts so the voters can decide is good reporting.

Get over the NRA is to blame for's goddamn stupid.

Try looking at why these kids are doing this and were not 30 years ago...think!
I have been thinking. I am not blaming the NRA, but as the most powerful lobby in the country, it is useful to know who's getting $10,000 or more from them. Of course, those folks are usually quite open in their views on guns, too, so it didn't really cause any great surprise. It's a long way 'til November, though.

Then quit squawking about the NRA, moon bat
You have no interest in knowing what pols are receiving contributions from Soros?

I pay little attention to polls. You moon bats live by them
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Death toll of Vietnam war: 2 million.

Death toll of school shootings: less than 1000.


The agenda here is take away guns, and take control of unarmed people. Nothing more, the same old.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.
. Agree about the both sides listening to each other, but not so much on the NRA indoctrinating people. The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way. The bad guy's try to exploit any weaknesses found in anything, and the uneducated in the aftermath of an event start immediately falling into line like little sheep doing "exactly" the very thing in which the bad guy's wanted them to do. When will people become educated, and quit being used by the bad guy's who are in our midst more and more these days ?? Wake up America.
Our experiences have been different. I've talked to morons on both sides of the argument, and there are as many 2A nutters with no knowledge of the facts as there are anti-gunners with nothing but finger pointing and shrieking.
Got into a vicious argument with my son about it--he's one of them who has decided to be in the very conservative camp and doesn't even bother to find out what the facts are when there is another mass shooting.
I tried but he's not a thinker and that's all there is to it. There are a lot of "not thinkers" out there. On both sides.
When you morons can post without NRA NRA NRA!!! Let us know

Why is this ok with you? Congress is not looking out for the American people but for the people who line their pockets.


Aren't the people lining their pockets Americans?

What? Are you high on Gunpowder?

The congress pretends to care will they vote for their buddies who pay them.

So you don't think congressmen vote their conscience?
Do you know your congressman?
I know mine well. I knew him before he was a congressman.
He is endorsed by the NRA not because of money but because of his beliefs.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?
Yes, there is a growing anti-NRA (as well as anti-trump) sentiment that is growing in high schools and college campuses across the US. I support it.
If they are blaming the NRA they are being lied to by adults.The NRA is not a boogeyman. Those that have an agenda are feeding kids that trust them bull and in turn using them. The NRA is about promoting gun safety to keep the 2nd.
The NRA is attacked by leaders of the Dems and spread amongst others unknowing, for one reason only, their contributions.

What are you saying? These teenage students are unknowing of the fact that their peers are being mass murdered by assault style weapons legally owned by people who have no legitimate reason to possess them.

You are unknowing,
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And they don’t care who they have to use and hurt to drive it.

I couldn’t have said it better. So true. Criminals will always be able to get guns. It’s another knee-jerk reaction. It’s left wing driven and a bunch of bullish-t.

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So then we should use this lame excuse to not do anything about it?


Who's not doing anything about it? The perp has been arrested and justice will be served.
Shutting the barn door after the horse is loose. Might be better to look at the door.

You must have liked the movie Minority Report and wish it was real.
Sorry. Cultural reference over my head.

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