Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Protests rooted in holding everyone else accountable except for yourself is for shit. I hope these students take a critical eye to themselves and ask what they are doing to make schools safer. Are they sticking up for that kid sitting by himself? Are they mocking kids for the way they dress? Are they being acceptable of sexual preferences and diverse political and religious views? Are the students showing respect to teachers and officials? Are they going to exercise personal and ethical responsibility on social media?

It’s easy to skip school and hold signs on a nice day. Let’s see if it is real.
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These kids only know what they are told. They’ve been told gun law changes would prevent this, rather than criminals will always find a gun if they want it. I see this as playing on these kids emotions, and it pisses me off. This is agenda driven, just as usual, with no care for these kids, really.

So I guess seeing it first hand had nothing to with it. gotcha
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Protests rooted in holding everyone else accountable accept yourself is for shit. I hope these students take a critical eye to themselves and ask what they are doing to make schools safer. Are they sticking up for that kid sitting by himself? Are they mocking kids for the way they dress? Are they being acceptable of sexual preferences and diverse political and religious views? Are the students showing respect to teachers and officials? Are they going to exercise personal and ethical responsibility on social media?

It’s easy to skip school and hold signs on a nice day. Let’s see if it is real.
Good points. A lot of parents and teachers are having those conversations this week.

They are ignorant with there signs blaming everyone other then themselves. This has Nothing to do with the NRA and if those kids who go to school never warned anyone of the shooters threats. He was posting stuff on social media and no one said anything. They are ignorant with there thinking so let’s protest the fact that they and the FBI screwed up. My prayers go out to the families. I have 3 kids myself. I am also a retired police officer and my thought is hire more retired cops. They had one retired cop and Securitry Guards who had no guns. If they were armed the Asst Football coach and Securitry Guard would be alive.

Of course it's the NRA's fault. CNN said that the NRA made it so that in Florida you can conceal carry an AR-15...


No doubt Justin Beiberlake will release a song like "Civil Rights are a blight upon America, make a vow to crush them now, FOR THE CHIIIIIILLLLLLDDDDRRREEENNN"

I don't want to make light of the tragedy, but the Communist are just so stupid.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

You would violate a candidate's right to spend his own money on his own campaign?
So much for free speech in politics.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?
Nothing more than emotionally charged rhetoric from CHILDREN.

Only in a libs head is it ok for children to frame any debate on constitutional rights.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Protests rooted in holding everyone else accountable accept yourself is for shit. I hope these students take a critical eye to themselves and ask what they are doing to make schools safer. Are they sticking up for that kid sitting by himself? Are they mocking kids for the way they dress? Are they being acceptable of sexual preferences and diverse political and religious views? Are the students showing respect to teachers and officials? Are they going to exercise personal and ethical responsibility on social media?

It’s easy to skip school and hold signs on a nice day. Let’s see if it is real.
Good points. A lot of parents and teachers are having those conversations this week.

Thank you.
These are not the kids that saw it first hand. It was other schools.
These kids only know what they are told. They’ve been told gun law changes would prevent this, rather than criminals will always find a gun if they want it. I see this as playing on these kids emotions, and it pisses me off. This is agenda driven, just as usual, with no care for these kids, really.

So I guess seeing it first hand had nothing to with it. gotcha
Florida is a great state but we have our areas to be ashamed of.

We have our Black shitholes in the big cities like all the states do. However, we also have our Northern transplant shitholes like Miami. More affluent than the Black shitholes but shitholes nonetheless.

That Parkland area is populated by that filthy NE scum that comes to Florida to for the good weather and to escape the high taxation of the NE commie states. States like New York and New Jersey.

They come here to get away from the disasters caused by Liberalism but they bring the stupid Liberalism with them. They are the areas that join the welfare queens to vote for Democrats. Down there the concentration of northern transplants, Haitians and the Negroes elect Libtard turds like Debbie Wasserman Dumbass.

The children are just as stupid because of the influence of their idiot patents so it doesn't surprise me that they are acting like Moon Bats advocating the curtailment of our Constitutional rights.

They need to do like the Illegals should do and go back to where the came from and leave us alone and stop fucking up our state.
'Useful Idiots.' Lenin vowed to create millions of them all over the world. He would be very pleased today.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot saf

Good start for conservatives hating on assault weapon shooting victims. Blame the kids and their parents.

Try not selling assault weapons to anybody that is the slightest bit crazy such as anyone who wants to own one or many. Let's start there. Millions of out of wedlock kids to desire to join the assault weapon cult and mass murder large gatherings of people.

Comrade, there have been guns in America since the start. When I turned 13. my dad bought me a Ruger 10-22 rifle. I was so proud of it I took it to show and tell at school.
- in Los Angeles county, California.

There was still tolerance of guns, whites, and Christians at the time. There no such thing as school shootings. They didn't happen.

Now we have "zero tolerance" and schools are "gun free zones." One result is these school shootings which are now common.

The key element in this is that in 1968 you Stalinists took over the democrats
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.

It is "indoctrination" because only one side is presented, and may facts are suppressed, such as why school shooting came about at the same time the left went to war to end civil rights?

Outside of the Texas tower, which really was not a school shooting per se' there had never been this type of rampage before Columbine.
Russia is behind this rhetoric on both sides. They're stirring up people to refuse to listen to "the other side." There shouldn't even BE another side on this. Who the fuck are we "for," the shooters? We're all against the violence, so let's work on whatever we think might work. Work hard.

There should be anyone who supports civil rights?

Well, we know who the Russian troll on USMB is..... :eusa_whistle:
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Bunch of dumbfucks.

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