Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Like George Carlin once said, the scoundrels will always use the kids to advance their agendas. It's always 'For the Children.' Don't be manipulated by the Communists/Democrats. Don't become a 'Useful Idiot.'
They are to young and stupid for this protest. It is left wing driven.

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The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
. Again, you have a hard time decerning between the protections of the good people and their programs in this country, and between the bad guy's who want to kill the good guy's and destroy their good programs in this country. Our problem is letting you on the left get away with the bullcrap to much.
Perhaps they could start a grassroots movement via social media similar to the women's marches and high school kids could get out en mass one Saturday a month.

I'd like to see it - and I've seen plenty of incredibly articulate Parkland kids interviewed who'd be fully capable of such organization.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less

One thing we learned from Mueller's indictments was that the Russians are actively involved in social media and protests in order to disrupt the social fabric and cause disrespect for the administration. We know that the Russians encouraged BLM protests against Law Enforcement and against the President after he was elected. It's easy to motivate kids into a 17 minute protest when they think they are honoring fellow students who were murdered by a monster. Kids, however, are unlikely to be aware of the laws on the books and how many laws were violated by the shooter not to mention the epic failure of federal law enforcement.
The NRA had nothing to do with the shooting you hysterical moon bat. If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Get off your soap box, you look ridiculous

I'm a pretty good judge of what needed and needs protests in this country. Vietnam, Iraq and military Assault Style weapons attacks on our school kids and anywhere crowds gather for a good time.

You supported invading Iraq. Can't get much dumber than that. Even Trumpo knows Bush lied his way into that quagmire and disaster still going on 15 years later.

Are you now Comrade? You need to "protest" civil rights? Crush free speech and the right to defend oneself and one's family.

What you are is a Stalinist thug climbing atop the bodies of the victims to push your agenda to end the nation.

You supported creating ISIS and arming them, but Trump has defeated your allies.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less

And they pay those taxes because they really don't control our government. It's just another liberal urban legend.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.

It is "indoctrination" because only one side is presented, and may facts are suppressed, such as why school shooting came about at the same time the left went to war to end civil rights?

Outside of the Texas tower, which really was not a school shooting per se' there had never been this type of rampage before Columbine.
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting
People whose family member was killed by an illegal feel exactly the same way. They want the illegals deported the same way the left wants guns taken. The innocent right along with the guilty. Build the wall. Maybe now you understand.
Perhaps they could start a grassroots movement via social media similar to the women's marches and high school kids could get out en mass one Saturday a month.

I'd like to see it - and I've seen plenty of incredibly articulate Parkland kids interviewed who'd be fully capable of such organization.
. So you are for more groups wasting their time in this country instead of truly being productive in their lives by not going along with the left ??

Yeah great idea - Get the young naieve kids out there doing the bidding for the radical left and it's agenda's. That's being productive in life. NOT !!!!
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less

And they pay those taxes because they really don't control our government. It's just another liberal urban legend.
They pay the lowest rates in 30 years because they do control the government
The NRA had nothing to do with the shooting you hysterical moon bat. If anything leftism and this coddling kids with issues is to blame.

Get off your soap box, you look ridiculous

I'm a pretty good judge of what needed and needs protests in this country. Vietnam, Iraq and military Assault Style weapons attacks on our school kids and anywhere crowds gather for a good time.

You supported invading Iraq. Can't get much dumber than that. Even Trumpo knows Bush lied his way into that quagmire and disaster still going on 15 years later.


Prove Bush lied and was not intentionally feed misinformation by your liberal masters.


Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less

And they pay those taxes because they really don't control our government. It's just another liberal urban legend.
They pay the lowest rates in 30 years because they do control the government

And they're still paying almost everything for the rest of us when it comes to income taxes.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.

It is "indoctrination" because only one side is presented, and may facts are suppressed, such as why school shooting came about at the same time the left went to war to end civil rights?

Outside of the Texas tower, which really was not a school shooting per se' there had never been this type of rampage before Columbine.
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

Give every candidate a sum of money and some mandatory free air time, all the same, and absolutely refuse to allow any additional $ to enter a campaign by PAC or individual contributions or anything else. We've been letting our elections be won--and our country run--by the wealthy for far too long.

We have? Before the last tax bill, we had the highest corporate taxes in the industrialized world. The top 20% of our wage earners in this country pay almost 95% of all collected income taxes. Business are pounded with regulation after regulation by the government.

If that's the wealthy running our country, I would hate to see how things would be if they weren't running it.
They pay those taxes because they make so much freak'n money
Now they pay even less

And they pay those taxes because they really don't control our government. It's just another liberal urban legend.
They pay the lowest rates in 30 years because they do control the government

And they're still paying almost everything for the rest of us when it comes to income taxes.

Our society is making do with less since we sold out to Supply Side

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