Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

Awesome ... we need to expose these people being paid off not only by the NRA, but paid off period to scratch the backs of them instead of the people.

Of coarse the morons voted down a transparency window into where their campaign money comes from..

Me thinks this is going to change..maybe by big protests..

I would march for that..


You are a Stalinist thug, you seek to crush civil rights and establish an authoritarian Marxist dictatorship.

For anyone who wants to know who is being paid by the NRA (virtually no one) or any other advocacy group (Such as you Stalinist scum) here is where you can go.

Discover the Networks

Here is an example of what you vile filth are up to;

{Harvard University President Lawrence Summers publicly noted the rising trend of campus anti-Semitism in 2002, when he lamented that “profoundly anti-Israel views are increasingly finding support in progressive intellectual communities.” But many university presidents have remained virtually silent on the matter. When anti Semitic incidents occur on their campuses, they tend to issue only weak and generic responses, if they say anything at all. Moreover, these responses are often delayed -- coming only as a reaction to pressure from students, alumni, faculty, and the surrounding community.

In 2006 the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights published a study documenting what it termed an alarming proliferation of anti-Semitism in academia. According to the Commission's former staff director Kenneth L. Marcus, anti-Semitic incidents on U.S. campuses were occurring “in a volume not seen 15 or 20 years ago.”}
So I ask what kind of creepy weirdo will the left create next in this country ?

You just pegged your new creepy weirdos to hate. Kids in school who are quite angry about being shot while attending class by legally owned assault style weapons.

So hate the victims all you want. I'm with them. I hope they take it to you. Your hate needs to go away.
. No one's buying your twisted bullcrap thinking, so you staying away from these kid's is our best bet in solving the issues in this country in a responsible way.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.

Lock up dangerously crazy people.

That's the answer.
So you are for more groups wasting their time in this country instead of truly being productive in their lives by not going along with the left ??

Yeah great idea - Get the young naieve kids out there doing the bidding for the radical left and it's agenda's. That's being productive in life. NOT !!!!

14 kids and 3 adults who died trying to protect them won't be able to "get on with their lives" my friend.

And hundreds more likely to come unless they speak out now.

Parkland school shooting: The 17 victims and their stories

Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Why is it only "indoctrination" if it's the opposition? The NRA's pretty damned good at "indoctrination," too. These kids got shot at. They have a right to demand some action, whatever it may be. There are a lot of ideas. Both sides should be listening to each other and trying to make their ideas work so there isn't a next time.
. Agree about the both sides listening to each other, but not so much on the NRA indoctrinating people. The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way. The bad guy's try to exploit any weaknesses found in anything, and the uneducated in the aftermath of an event start immediately falling into line like little sheep doing "exactly" the very thing in which the bad guy's wanted them to do. When will people become educated, and quit being used by the bad guy's who are in our midst more and more these days ?? Wake up America.
Our experiences have been different. I've talked to morons on both sides of the argument, and there are as many 2A nutters with no knowledge of the facts as there are anti-gunners with nothing but finger pointing and shrieking.
Got into a vicious argument with my son about it--he's one of them who has decided to be in the very conservative camp and doesn't even bother to find out what the facts are when there is another mass shooting.
I tried but he's not a thinker and that's all there is to it. There are a lot of "not thinkers" out there. On both sides.
. Sorry to hear about you arguing with your son like that.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.

Good morning Correll ... Why should these kids be personally affected by the guns that kill in seconds you kool aid drinkers insist on having, while fighting any laws including the ones that keep them out of the mentally ill.

You are the ones being led around by your nose by the NRA..

Because you libs refuse to allow mental health professionals to lock up dangerously crazy people.

I support locking up dangerously crazy people so that they do not hurt people, such as these stupid students.
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

So your answer would be to end both the 1st and 2nd amendments - FOR THE CHILDREN, right?

How convenient this all is for you Stalinists.

So, the Puerto Rican kid Cruz, what are the odds he was prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug?


Or perhaps 100%?
Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone

I have 2 boys in college who are very aware of what is going on..

Are they willing to get kicked out for a higher cause?

They were in the 60s
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

So your answer would be to end both the 1st and 2nd amendments - FOR THE CHILDREN, right?

How convenient this all is for you Stalinists.

So, the Puerto Rican kid Cruz, what are the odds he was prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug?


Or perhaps 100%?
We don't need a second amendment

It does not keep us safe
So you are for more groups wasting their time in this country instead of truly being productive in their lives by not going along with the left ??

Yeah great idea - Get the young naieve kids out there doing the bidding for the radical left and it's agenda's. That's being productive in life. NOT !!!!

14 kids and 3 adults who died trying to protect them won't be able to "get on with their lives" my friend.

And hundreds more likely to come unless they speak out now.

Parkland school shooting: The 17 victims and their stories

. Yeah, and kids protesting for the wrong solutions is a waste of time in respect for the fallen.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Stop having kids out of wedlock....lololol

The negative effects of illegitimacy are well documented.
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

So your answer would be to end both the 1st and 2nd amendments - FOR THE CHILDREN, right?

How convenient this all is for you Stalinists.

So, the Puerto Rican kid Cruz, what are the odds he was prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug?


Or perhaps 100%?
We don't need a second amendment

It does not keep us safe
. Go tell that to the families of the dead Jews who were slaughtered by the Germans, and their proxies during world war two. Go to Netflix or youtube, and watch the video history of it all. It's an eye opener, and America won't be heading down those paths.
.....I also sent a long missive to my senators this a.m. Not for one side or the other, but forming a coalition to address change in a unified way, instead of piecemeal the way it is now. There is no strong voice opposing the NRA's "Just Say No" stance. We need a "Yes to Safety" voice.


Then run schools like embassy security...

Limited access points
Fortified construction


Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

So your answer would be to end both the 1st and 2nd amendments - FOR THE CHILDREN, right?

How convenient this all is for you Stalinists.

So, the Puerto Rican kid Cruz, what are the odds he was prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug?


Or perhaps 100%?
We don't need a second amendment

It does not keep us safe

You were attacking the 1st in that thread - which is common for you Stalinists.

You don't seek to end the right to defend ourselves, you seek to crush ALL rights.

Further, we KNOW this Cruz kid was on some sort of anti-depressant or anti-anxiety drug.

It is the common thread in EVERY last one of these shootings.
Yeah, and kids protesting for the wrong solutions is a waste of time in respect for the fallen.

I know that you will miss having one of these next time you go dear hunting or need to protect your family :rolleyes-41:

.....I also sent a long missive to my senators this a.m. Not for one side or the other, but forming a coalition to address change in a unified way, instead of piecemeal the way it is now. There is no strong voice opposing the NRA's "Just Say No" stance. We need a "Yes to Safety" voice.


Then run schools like embassy security...

Limited access points
Fortified construction



Limited access points are just common sense,

As is...

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.
Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.
Your schools will get a lot safer.

Yeah - Obviously this kid is a product of liberalism :rolleyes:

Group chat messages show school shooter obsessed with race, violence and guns - CNN

Your dishonest pretense that you did not understand that I was referring to the students in the OP link is noted as proof of your dishonesty and thus lack of credibility.
Yeah, and kids protesting for the wrong solutions is a waste of time in respect for the fallen.

I know that you will miss having one of these next time you go dear hunting or need to protect your family :rolleyes-41:

Ooooh, how SCARY comrade..

Of course 150 rounds would weigh in the 30 pound range, making the rifle damned near impossible to hold.

But hey, you need your lies to win the war against civil rights that you are waging.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Stop having kids out of wedlock....lololol
. I'll do better than that one, and say "stop the Demon-crats from running programs that encourage the out of control birth rates in this country. Stop paying for it, and a wonderful thing will happen next. People will actually begin to think responsibly again.

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