Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

The NRA is attacked by leaders of the Dems and spread amongst others unknowing, for one reason only, their contributions.

What are you saying? These teenage students are unknowing of the fact that their peers are being mass murdered by assault style weapons legally owned by people who have no legitimate reason to possess them.

You are unknowing,


If that's the case then what gives you or anyone the right to legitimately own anything?


If the students believe they have the right to strip anyone of their guns who has committed no illegal act with their weapons well you have future fascists errrrrrrrrrrrrr Democrats in the making.

Fuck them.
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Ooooh, how SCARY comrade..

Of course 150 rounds would weigh in the 30 pound range, making the rifle damned near impossible to hold.

But hey, you need your lies to win the war against civil rights that you are waging.

Ya, James looks like a real muscle hamster - thankfully his jammed or three times as many would likely have died

And Btw - don't call those who hate Donald and his Putin love "comrade" - Your label now.

Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone

I have 2 boys in college who are very aware of what is going on..

Are they willing to get kicked out for a higher cause?

They were in the 60s

We were angry in the 60's and we are angry after this last shooting.. l see a civil war brewing.

Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.

Good morning Correll ... Why should these kids be personally affected by the guns that kill in seconds you kool aid drinkers insist on having, while fighting any laws including the ones that keep them out of the mentally ill.

You are the ones being led around by your nose by the NRA..

Because you libs refuse to allow mental health professionals to lock up dangerously crazy people.

I support locking up dangerously crazy people so that they do not hurt people, such as these stupid students.

The only way that they are locked up is to commit a crime..
Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone

I have 2 boys in college who are very aware of what is going on..

Are they willing to get kicked out for a higher cause?

They were in the 60s

We were angry in the 60's and we are angry after this last shooting.. l see a civil war brewing.


For that civil war you better be a better shot than those you seek to disarm. Not one soul I know will give up their guns to fascists.
Before Columbine, we were more involved in assassinations to get your name famous

I think the emergence of shootem up video games turned their attention to mass shooting

So your answer would be to end both the 1st and 2nd amendments - FOR THE CHILDREN, right?

How convenient this all is for you Stalinists.

So, the Puerto Rican kid Cruz, what are the odds he was prescribed some sort of psychotropic drug?


Or perhaps 100%?
We don't need a second amendment

It does not keep us safe
. Go tell that to the families of the dead Jews who were slaughtered by the Germans, and their proxies during world war two. Go to Netflix or youtube, and watch the video history of it all. It's an eye opener, and America won't be heading down those paths.
No armed civilians were successful against the Nazis
Those civilians who took up arms against the Nazis were tortured and had their families and villages destroyed

Armed Jews is just a fantasy of gun nuts
Ooooh, how SCARY comrade..

Of course 150 rounds would weigh in the 30 pound range, making the rifle damned near impossible to hold.

But hey, you need your lies to win the war against civil rights that you are waging.

Ya, James looks like a real muscle hamster - thankfully his jammed or three times as many would likely have died

And Btw - don't call those who hate Donald and his Putin love "comrade" - Your label now.


Thankfully he didn't use the Sarin gas he had in his apartment, or EVERYONE including the first responders would have died.

Say Comrade, did you know Holmes was on anti-depressants?
Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone

I have 2 boys in college who are very aware of what is going on..

Are they willing to get kicked out for a higher cause?

They were in the 60s

We were angry in the 60's and we are angry after this last shooting.. l see a civil war brewing.


Think hard now...who would win that war? The one's with guns or without?
No armed civilians were successful against the Nazis
Those civilians who took up arms against the Nazis were tortured and had their families and villages destroyed

Armed Jews is just a fantasy of gun nuts

Complete lie Comrade.

{ On June 26, 1943, in the face of weekly deportations to Treblinka death camp and a supposed imminent liquidation, the 5,000 or so Jews inside the ghetto staged an urban firefight primarily along Nadrzeczna Street, where they took cover in makeshift bunkers and street-level basements. They were very poorly armed, with only one gun for every four people, and a few hundred Molotov cocktails, but those who weren’t armed at the outset hoped that they could strip weapons from dead Germans.}

10 Incredible Cases Of Jewish Resistance During The Holocaust - Listverse

You Communists are such fucking liars.
.....I also sent a long missive to my senators this a.m. Not for one side or the other, but forming a coalition to address change in a unified way, instead of piecemeal the way it is now. There is no strong voice opposing the NRA's "Just Say No" stance. We need a "Yes to Safety" voice.


Then run schools like embassy security...

Limited access points
Fortified construction



It will keep out the Mexicans

They hate walls
Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone

I have 2 boys in college who are very aware of what is going on..

Are they willing to get kicked out for a higher cause?

They were in the 60s

We were angry in the 60's and we are angry after this last shooting.. l see a civil war brewing.


For that civil war you better be a better shot than those you seek to disarm. Not one soul I know will give up their guns to fascists.

No against the crooked higher government on both sides..

Thankfully he didn't use the Sarin gas he had in his apartment, or EVERYONE including the first responders would have died.

Say Comrade, did you know Holmes was on anti-depressants?

Sarin gas? LoL he had tear gas and gasoline.

Did you read that on Infowars - Comrade? :D

Inside James Holmes’s Booby-Trapped Apartment


No stupid fuck, he had poison gas and thermite.

From a Communist site;

Discovered inside the apartment was a trip-wire attached from the door to a Thermos filled with glycerine, which was perched on a 45-degree angle over a frying pan filled with potassium permanganate. The combination of the two chemicals would trigger heat and fire, said the agent. Gumbinner said Holmes also laced the floor with ammonia chloride “to scare us”—and to produce copious smoke and a flame that if it ignited the carpet, which was saturated with oil and gas, could set off a huge explosion.

Agents also discovered inside Apt. 10 a pyrotechnic box with six-inch fireworks shells attached to a number of black balls filled with gunpowder, gas, and oil on top of the fridge. Holmes told detectives that the detonator to set off the box was attached to a remote control outside next to a garbage dumpster, a boom box, and a remote-controlled car.

The goal, he told authorities, was to draw his neighbors and police to the devices by setting up loud music. He was hoping that someone would hear the techno beats and go explore—playing with the car, fiddling with the remote, and detonating the explosives inside the building.}
Inside James Holmes’s Booby-Trapped Apartment

You're not just a liar, you're stupid to boot.

It's why you're a Stalinist thug which such hatred for basic liberty.
No armed civilians were successful against the Nazis
Those civilians who took up arms against the Nazis were tortured and had their families and villages destroyed

Armed Jews is just a fantasy of gun nuts

Complete lie Comrade.

{ On June 26, 1943, in the face of weekly deportations to Treblinka death camp and a supposed imminent liquidation, the 5,000 or so Jews inside the ghetto staged an urban firefight primarily along Nadrzeczna Street, where they took cover in makeshift bunkers and street-level basements. They were very poorly armed, with only one gun for every four people, and a few hundred Molotov cocktails, but those who weren’t armed at the outset hoped that they could strip weapons from dead Germans.}

10 Incredible Cases Of Jewish Resistance During The Holocaust - Listverse

You Communists are such fucking liars.

More fantasy
Civilians all over Europe had guns. They knew better than to use them
Germans were especially cruel to snipers and their families
No armed civilians were successful against the Nazis
Those civilians who took up arms against the Nazis were tortured and had their families and villages destroyed

Armed Jews is just a fantasy of gun nuts

Complete lie Comrade.

{ On June 26, 1943, in the face of weekly deportations to Treblinka death camp and a supposed imminent liquidation, the 5,000 or so Jews inside the ghetto staged an urban firefight primarily along Nadrzeczna Street, where they took cover in makeshift bunkers and street-level basements. They were very poorly armed, with only one gun for every four people, and a few hundred Molotov cocktails, but those who weren’t armed at the outset hoped that they could strip weapons from dead Germans.}

10 Incredible Cases Of Jewish Resistance During The Holocaust - Listverse

You Communists are such fucking liars.

More fantasy
Civilians all over Europe had guns. They knew better than to use them
Germans were especially cruel to snipers and their families

Historical fact you Commie fuck - cited and linked.

You'll lie right in the face of facts.

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