Today's students may have found a cause equal to Vietnam War Protests; Lets hope so!

When you morons can post without NRA NRA NRA!!! Let us know

Why is this ok with you? Congress is not looking out for the American people but for the people who line their pockets.


Aren't the people lining their pockets Americans?

What? Are you high on Gunpowder?

The congress pretends to care will they vote for their buddies who pay them.

Last election the Republicans collected 648 million dollars for all the candidates. The NRA contributed a little over 4 million of that. You really think they have that much power with the Republicans?
When you morons can post without NRA NRA NRA!!! Let us know

Why is this ok with you? Congress is not looking out for the American people but for the people who line their pockets.


Aren't the people lining their pockets Americans?

What? Are you high on Gunpowder?

The congress pretends to care will they vote for their buddies who pay them.

Last election the Republicans collected 648 million dollars for all the candidates. The NRA contributed a little over 4 million of that. You really think they have that much power with the Republicans?

The NRA is their boogey man
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?
"We want to be like North Korea, Stalin's USSR, Mao's China and Hitler's Germany where only the government has guns"
The Crazy Democrats have some really wonderful gun ban heroes >>>
Stalin, Castro, Hitler, Pol Pot, Mao, Kim Jong Il….
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Stop having kids out of wedlock....lololol
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

We don’t let 14 year old kids vote why? Yeah, send them back to the meat grinder.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Stop having kids out of wedlock....lololol

Stop encouraging folks to shoot up schools. And democrat party members need to stop using dead children to make political points.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?


New DNC war rally
Students in the 60s were socially conscious

They cared about a senseless war, they cared about Civil Rights, they cared about the environment

Today's students care about their Facebook page and their smartphone
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

Good job on the Indoctrination Industry making stupid liberal sheep.

Lock up dangerously crazy people, and don't have kids out of wed lock.

Your schools will get a lot safer.
Stop having kids out of wedlock....lololol

Sounds like a good way to end the Democrat party for good. I'm all for it.
When your culture has been destroyed you need a “cause”.
Ray From Cleveland, post: 19313179,
They get it from American citizens. But we know leftists are against anybody who doesn't march in lockstep with government.

The NRA the Federal Government are very much in lockstep with each other.

Thats the point these victimized Teens are protesting, stop the NRA and the Government Hey Hey NRA and Congress, how many kids did you kill today?

Free speech you know. When do you quit marching in lockstep with a government bought and paid for by the NRA?

Well if we are going to stop the NRA's support for the Republican party, I say we stop support on both sides.

No more trial lawyer contributions to the Democrats. They are giving lowlifes the ability to sue us out of the country.

No more union donations either. Government unions are putting many states in the red.

No more donations from environmentalists groups like the Sierra Club. We are spending trillions on top of trillions for green initiatives.

No more ACLU, as they stifle free speaking. No LULAC or La Raza. Ban them all.
The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
You texting on the subway this morning?
The local paper this morning listed every Maine Congress critter and all the candidates running for spots in 2018, reporting how much in contributions each had accepted from the NRA. Got statements about the welcomeness of such contributions from some of them, too.
This kind of reporting that just provides the facts so the voters can decide is good reporting.

Get over the NRA is to blame for's goddamn stupid.

Try looking at why these kids are doing this and were not 30 years ago...think!
I have been thinking. I am not blaming the NRA, but as the most powerful lobby in the country, it is useful to know who's getting $10,000 or more from them. Of course, those folks are usually quite open in their views on guns, too, so it didn't really cause any great surprise. It's a long way 'til November, though.

Then quit squawking about the NRA, moon bat
You have no interest in knowing what pols are receiving contributions from Soros?

I pay little attention to polls. You moon bats live by them
but I think you knew that
Protest Sign 'The NRA is a terrorist organization and they have s point.

HuffPost - Breaking News, U.S. and World News | HuffPost

Florida High School Students Stage Walkout To Protest Gun Violence
Now is the exact time to talk about gun control, say students from a high school near Parkland.
By Ryan Grenoble and Sebastian Murdock



HOLLYWOOD, Fla. ― They’re furious about political stonewalling, and most of them aren’t yet old enough to vote.""

Do Conservatives start trashing are next generation if a teenage political mass protest movement against the assault weapon cult?

Or do they pray these kids go back to living in fear and complacency?

These students of today are voter's of tomorrow and other than the parents that have said every waking moment of a kids life "It's your right to have a gun" and brainwashed them the GOP and NRA have seen it's day.
The good citizen Gun owners use the NRA in the correct way, not in the wrong way.

Disagree. The NRA is not the only choice. Change it or leave it it if you are a legitimate hunter or sportsman and not driven to cult life obsessing over wesponur designed to mass kill humans in a short instance of time.

A Sportsman’s Viewpoint: We Need a Moderate Alternative to the NRA
Many hunters would support sensible reforms against large-magazine firearms but have no organization that speaks for them

By Andrew J. Rotherham @arotherhamDec. 19, 2012

It's time to wake up this argument against the NRA as well.
You texting on the subway this morning?
Get over the NRA is to blame for's goddamn stupid.

Try looking at why these kids are doing this and were not 30 years ago...think!
I have been thinking. I am not blaming the NRA, but as the most powerful lobby in the country, it is useful to know who's getting $10,000 or more from them. Of course, those folks are usually quite open in their views on guns, too, so it didn't really cause any great surprise. It's a long way 'til November, though.

Then quit squawking about the NRA, moon bat
You have no interest in knowing what pols are receiving contributions from Soros?

I pay little attention to polls. You moon bats live by them
but I think you knew that

Idc how's that? Now go whine about guns, NRA or your latest "cause"

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