Toddler dies because anti-vac parents gave an herbal remedy for meningitis. They are now on trial.

The question is whether or not Parents have ANY obligation to provide reasonable medical care to their children. In this case, the parents decided to ignore the advice of a medical professional, and avoided traditional medicine that would likely have saved their child's life.

Jehovah's witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions- should they be allowed to deny their child a blood transfusion that will save the child's life? IF parents have the authority to deny medical care to their child- then at what point does anything become neglect?

According to prosecutors, David and Collet stubbornly refused to take their sick son to see a doctor, instead giving him home remedies such as smoothies containing hot pepper, ginger root, horseradish, onion and apple cider vinegar. Even after warnings from a family friend who is a nurse, the anti-vaccine couple took him to a naturopath for echinacea — an herb believed to stimulate the immune system — instead of to a doctor for an exam.

It was only when Ezekiel began to have trouble breathing that they rushed him to a hospital, prosecutors said.

By then, it was too late.

Ezekiel died from bacterial meningitis and empyema, two conditions routinely cured with antibiotics, a medical examiner told the court last week, according to the Lethbridge Herald.
Should be none of the fucking federal government's business, the federal government should see him as an abortion…
Getting stabbed has risks.

You would know that if you were not ________
I don't see doctors,the media,politicians etc telling everyone to go get stabbed. I do see them telling everyone to get vaccines.
Are you serious?
As a heart attack.
Now I understand why you suck at grammar and spelling. You're not joking. You really are that stupid.
Don't go throwing a fit now child. Its OK someone disagreed with you its not the end of the world.
Grammar mistakes that make you look like a dork: its vs. it’s | Better at English
The question is whether or not Parents have ANY obligation to provide reasonable medical care to their children. In this case, the parents decided to ignore the advice of a medical professional, and avoided traditional medicine that would likely have saved their child's life.

Jehovah's witnesses do not believe in blood transfusions- should they be allowed to deny their child a blood transfusion that will save the child's life? IF parents have the authority to deny medical care to their child- then at what point does anything become neglect?

According to prosecutors, David and Collet stubbornly refused to take their sick son to see a doctor, instead giving him home remedies such as smoothies containing hot pepper, ginger root, horseradish, onion and apple cider vinegar. Even after warnings from a family friend who is a nurse, the anti-vaccine couple took him to a naturopath for echinacea — an herb believed to stimulate the immune system — instead of to a doctor for an exam.

It was only when Ezekiel began to have trouble breathing that they rushed him to a hospital, prosecutors said.

By then, it was too late.

Ezekiel died from bacterial meningitis and empyema, two conditions routinely cured with antibiotics, a medical examiner told the court last week, according to the Lethbridge Herald.
Should be none of the fucking federal government's business, the federal government should see him as an abortion…

Since the fucking federal government was not involved- your wish has come true.
However, despite your fondest wishes, yes the government will try to protect children against abusive parents.
Have we now Sharia rules for grammar?

But, alas, the state had no business forcing anyone to get vaccinations for themselves or their git. Why should there be any interest in "saving" children when the state doesn't even blink when would-be parents murder one? So death by intention vs. death by "neglect" is somehow not offensive? Whatever happened to equality under the law?

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