Tolerance and Segregation.


Gold Member
Feb 16, 2013
In a dependant and enslaved country.
This thread is not about Government enforced segregation, because that's the closet thing to genocide without killing the oppressed population

I am sure that many of you notice that different cultural groups tend to segregate themselves.

At a white wedding, most people are white.

At a black wedding, most people are black.

At an Indian wedding, most people are Indian.

It seems that even in the most diverse areas, people naturally segregate themselves.

There are mountains of evidence that show that violence and tensions arise between cultures that are living within each other. In other words, multiculturalism naturally breeds violence, because one group always attempts to dominate the other, and often succeeds.

There are also mountains of evidence to show that communities sharing the same race and religion and language, are are for the most part culturally homogenous, have a lot less violence and tensions.


As noted in the disclaimer above, there are a lot of fascists that embrace this view, but attempt to enforce it through the machine of government, usually to the point of genocide.

But, does that mean the foundation of their view is flawed?

Why do people naturally segregate themselves?

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?
Ethnicity's have always been isolated from each other. But the world is much smaller now. I could be in India tomorrow if I really wanted to be. We've had that ability for less than a hundred years. And worldwide? Less than 50.

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?

Because they've never been challenged by outside ideas! And the status quo is always easy to maintain! But the technology that we all benefit from today comes from cultures all over the world! And that's proof that there's something to gain from those who are different from us!

I don't know why anybody would want to stay isolated within their own culture. An open mind is the greatest asset a human being can have.
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Blacks can segregate themselves because no other cultures wants to live amongst them.

Whites can't segregate themselves because all other cultures want to live amongst them.
Why do people naturally segregate themselves?
Because it's natural

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?
Some do, the black culture does not live with peace and prosperity

I would argue that's more due to outside forces, like the Government plantation, bought and owned by the KKK Democrats.

However, that's not the issue at hand here.
Na, because things are far worse for blacks outside of America.
Do you really think that whites were able to change the basic nature of blacks?

Give blacks some responsibility for their own actions they are human beings.
This thread is not about Government enforced segregation, because that's the closet thing to genocide without killing the oppressed population

I am sure that many of you notice that different cultural groups tend to segregate themselves.

At a white wedding, most people are white.

At a black wedding, most people are black.

At an Indian wedding, most people are Indian.

It seems that even in the most diverse areas, people naturally segregate themselves.

There are mountains of evidence that show that violence and tensions arise between cultures that are living within each other. In other words, multiculturalism naturally breeds violence, because one group always attempts to dominate the other, and often succeeds.

There are also mountains of evidence to show that communities sharing the same race and religion and language, are are for the most part culturally homogenous, have a lot less violence and tensions.


As noted in the disclaimer above, there are a lot of fascists that embrace this view, but attempt to enforce it through the machine of government, usually to the point of genocide.

But, does that mean the foundation of their view is flawed?

Why do people naturally segregate themselves?

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?

At a Wedding, most guests are related.

One great thing about invention inside the US, we attract great minds from around the World, we have throughout Our history.
It seems that even in the most diverse areas, people naturally segregate themselves.

Not in my experience whatsoever, I grew up in a diverse area, children did not see color, but saw companionship. People tended to group according to interest not "color". For example, as a teen I was drawn toward athletes and musicians not by color but by talent and interest. I used to go to Harlem with my musician friends to play and eat soul food. In the military and my professional life it was the same. In my area if you did not get along with all groups you were a very lonely person indeed.

There are mountains of evidence that show that violence and tensions arise between cultures that are living within each other. In other words, multiculturalism naturally breeds violence, because one group always attempts to dominate the other, and often succeeds.

There are also mountains of evidence to show that communities sharing the same race and religion and language, are are for the most part culturally homogenous, have a lot less violence and tensions.


As noted in the disclaimer above, there are a lot of fascists that embrace this view, but attempt to enforce it through the machine of government, usually to the point of genocide.

But, does that mean the foundation of their view is flawed?

Why do people naturally segregate themselves?

Why do homogenous cultures experience more peace and prosperity?

I would like to see the evidence you are relying upon.
Connery is right on. But one aspect Americans do not like to face is class. I'll leave it there for now. Video below is excellent if you have the time and is on topic.

Edward O. Wilson 'The Social Conquest of Earth' -

"Democracies have great rational and imaginative powers. They also are prone to some serious flaws in reasoning, to parochialism, haste, sloppiness, selfishness, narrowness of the spirit. Education based mainly on profitability in the global market magnifies these deficiencies, producing a greedy obtuseness and a technically trained docility that threaten the very life of democracy itself, and that certainly impede the creation of a decent world culture." Martha Nussbaum
People segregate themselves because it is comfortable. They want to live around people who generally look like them, like the same kind of food, speak the same language, understand the same jokes.
I am 100% in favor of segregation.

I'd like to segregate the KKK, white supremacists, white aryan scum, preferably to another planet that does not have oxygen and keep the people of color here on this planet.

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